Tuesday, April 9, 2013


"Higher, come higher!" Whispered the voice.

"But how do I get up there? I don't see the way," she said.

The frightened girl looked at the forest that stood before her,  dark and filled with unknown noises.  Grunts, aches, pains, tears, and laughter flooded her ears, but she saw no one.

Frustrated, she turned over to go back to sleep.  In the twilight of her mind, the plea came once again,  "Higher, come higher!"

A mountain appeared, and on its tip a hand beckoned as it waved to her, and the little girl began her journey as she followed the wind,

  • That carried the voice
  • That led to the one
  • That enticed her with the plea, 

"Higher, come higher!"

The young girl now turned adult was lost. The first steps had been easy.  She had skipped happily down the path thinking it would only take an hour.   Yet the more she walked, the longer the path.  Suddenly there was a bend. Here she stood,

  • Finished with high school,
  • College Diploma in her hand
  • And a lucrative job at her bidding.

Trying to look around the bend,  her view was hampered by the beautiful log cabin, which stood directly in her way.

Enchanted, she thought she would stop and explore.  She left the path to peek inside the window.  It was beautifully decorated with all kinds of things,

  • Wonderful expensive trinkets and gadgets,  
  • A table covered with delicious foods, 
  • Liquid refreshments to satisfy every taste, 
  • People elegantly dressed in the finest clothes, 

But the room was filled with sad laughter,
From smiling faces,
Belonging to people with mournful eyes,
That showed streaks of boredom.  

The door opened, and the crowd beckoned for her to enter.   About to walk in and  examine this phenomenon, while she took a rest, the wind caressed her face with a strong blow, and she heard the voice softly command her, "Higher,  come higher!"

Torn between the beauty of the cabin, which stood before her, and the trinkets she saw within, she agonized over her decision.  This is a good place she thought. With all those beautiful gadgets, I could be happy for a life time.

Is this  the success I seek?
Is this the contentment my heart yearns? 

 Higher, come higher!" Whispered the voice.

As she turned away from the opened door, she wondered if she would ever know the fate of those people in the cabin. Who were they she thought as the path suddenly reappeared, and she followed the voice that lovingly whispered, "Higher, come higher!"

 No answer came,
 Only the command to follow the yearnings of her own heart,
 As she travelled Higher.

Higher, come higher!

Pat Garcia 


  1. Yes, Pat, climbiing higher is not always easier, but the trek is worth the struggle.

    1. My Dear Liz,

      I sure hope you receive my reply. I have been working on Blogger since I started this challenge and must say that is more difficult and less user friendly than WordPress. If I had it to do over again, I would probably have gone with WordPress. But now that I am with Blogger, I have decided to buckle down and learn what I need to do to make this site successful.

      So your comment hit the right spot. Climbing higher is not always easy but the trek is worth the struggle. Those words kept me going yesterday.

      Love you, Liz.


  2. Your posting is excellent as always... it does make me think. You are definitely a driven soul who I so admire.

    Climbing higher is fabulous if you know or have an inkling of what you are going after... the passion in your life. Thanks for your thought-filled words.

    1. My Dear Gwynn,

      Thank you. I don't know whether I am driven or not, but I do know that I have a purpose. There are things that I have been put here to accomplished, and I don't want my life ending with not one of my tasks undone.

      Love you, Lady.


  3. O again Patricia another heart swelling post thank you so so much! Those forks in the road, enticing as the view is: yet something inside says 'no' - go further and higher - and then one knows that the inner voice is the right one to listen to, no matter how soft it is.

    1. My Dear Susan,

      Thank you and I would like to thank you once again for suggesting this challenge to me. It has brought me much joy and I look forward to reading what others have written.
      Your post was beautiful today. I love my hair!!!
      Go Lady, go.


  4. Inspiring Pat.

    1. My Dear Brother,

      Thank you. It is always a joy to see you here because I know that you relate to what I am writing.


  5. I can't help but think something bad is going to happen when she gets higher. (Just me strange imagination. Don't mind me.)

    Sonia Lal

    1. Hi,

      Thanks for visiting my blog. This one is new because I started it especially for the A to Z Blog Challenge. Things to happen when one goes higher. But the confusion comes when one thinks that staying the same will keep bad things from happening. Life regardless of whether you decide to live it or not has it challenges and the imagination that one has is in my opinion dependent upon ones beliefs.

      Pat Garcia

  6. Patricia, I loved this. I especially like the form you've been following lately in your work.It makes already good stories so much more eye-catching and impressive. You get better and better every day. How high are you going?:)

    Love, Micki

    1. My Dear Micki,

      Thank you. I have to admit that I am enjoying this A to Z Blog Challenge tremendously. It is helping me to discover myself. Thank you also for your evaluation on my writing skills. It encourages me greatly that you see my improvements.

      As to how high am I going? That is a philosophical question that I would love to discuss with you over a nice cup of tea with some British scones. You see, I believe we are all challenged to go higher until we reach our summit at our designated Mount Moriah.

      Love you dearly, Micki.


  7. This is a beautiful allegory. I managed to leave the cabin before it was too late.

    But staying there for a while left its mark.

  8. Hi Misha,

    The main thing is that you left the cabin before it was too late. That happens to all of us. I truly believe every person who aspires to live out God's purpose for their life will get stuck at the cabin. It is fascinating. One takes a peek, or the feet step inside the door, but deep within us we hear the voice as it whisper in a soft command, Higher, come higher.

    Thank you for visiting and I look forward to following your blog after the challenge.


  9. What wonders await us on the higher road? How soft the voice that calls to our heart! Then the choice of what looks good here versus what is still to come if we only go higher! Excellent work!

  10. This makes me think of and wish for the next installment of your great series Walk On.


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