Tuesday, June 11, 2013


Choice, an uncanny word that hides behind the face of responsibility, rattles us into making decisions.  No one makes a decision without having a choice.

Our choices make us responsible for our lives;
For those words we speak, 
For those actions we undertake
For those beliefs we live. 

Life, your life,  stems out of  choices made. Regardless, of the status of our birth, 

Whether rich or poor, 
Disabled or non-disabled, 
Intelligent or mentally handicapped,  

We are all challenged to rise above that that we were born into and to discover the jewels buried within us. It is our decision, our choice, our responsibility.  

"Why," said the Child to the Prophet.  "Why can't you tell me what to do?"

"That's not  why I'm here, Child."

"Then why are you here, always annoying me?"

"I don't mean to annoy you. I'm here to accompany you along the way."

"But doesn't that mean you're supposed to tell me what to do?"

"Oh no, my dear Child. I can never do that. I am not allowed to take away your choice.  That would be unfair to you." 

"But what if I want you to do it?"

"It wouldn't work. Regardless, of what you want me to do, the one thing that I cannot do is choose for you."

"But what happens if I make  wrong choices?"

"Then you will have to go through the consequences, until you get to the path where you have to choose again."

"You're making everything so difficult. Why can't you just tell me; that would save me lots of time?"

"Child," said the Prophet, "Would you  gain any experience on your journey; Would you  suffer any pain;  Would you know how it is to be sick, or how it is to hurt when you have been injured; would you recognize remorse, or how to feel regret; and more than that, would you ever feel gratitude for how far you have come, if I were to make your choices for you?" 

"I hadn't thought about it like that," the Child whispered more to herself than to the Prophet. 

"Your choices are the catalyst that will uncover the tiny  nuggets within you; those gems that you cannot see and no money can buy."

"You mean there are priceless gems within me that I cannot see and that is why I have to make choices?"

"Of course there are, Child. Are you ready for us to go farther?"

"Yes, I am, Prophet. I can't wait until I have to make the next choice. I want to see one of those gems.  Let's go."

The Prophet smiled at the naiveness of the Child that did not realize that she had just made a choice and scratched away a tiny dot of crust on the gem of perseverance.

Pat Garcia


  1. I like this Sis, after all choices are really the only things we have some control over.

    1. Hi Bro,
      Thank you so much. Your sister is finally getting back into the swing of things. Many people fail to realize that regardless of the situation, a choice is there for us to choose. It may not be what we expect, yet we have still have a choice.


    2. You keep well Sis, you have so much to offer with your work and philosophy.

  2. Replies
    1. Hello Cassie,

      Thank you so much. Your appraisal of my writing really made my day. I have been recovering from an illness and wondered how my words and the word flow would come out. Your praise was oil for my soul.

      Once again, thank you.


  3. Great post Patricia thank you. So often we make choices - many say that's all you have to do is make a choice - but it's seldom as straightforward as that. There are always consequences not only for the person making the choice but upon the chosen as well. If we made conscious choices, free from hidden agendas even to ourselves, we would be far happier and response - ible.


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