The Child looked at The Prophet, her big brown eyes clouded
with tears. Mr. Whale was ready to take off to his winter retreat, and the lily
pad had banked on a large patch of seaweed near the cove that rose upon the
embankment of the small island they had chosen for a rest until The Child had
once again found her rhythm in the newly acquired skills she had learned.
"Yes, Child?"
"Same time next year?"
"Your Mr. Whale will return same time next year."
"And the lily pad?"
"The lily pad will be ready to go by then too."
"And you, Prophet? Will you stay here with me?"
"If you want me to, I will, Child."
"I want you to."
"Thank you, Child."
"Thank you, Prophet."
The Child looked on the water at Mr. Whale. He was slowly
treading out into the deep water.
"Thank you, Mr. Whale," The Child yelled out
loudly. "Don't forget to come back at the right time next year. I love
you." Then she turned to the lily pad and said, "Thank you, lily pad.
I love you too."
To participate in The A to Z Blog Challenge is an enormous
effort for a writer. Your support, your listening ears, your comments, your
likes on Facebook, your tweets on twitter were gifts for which I am profoundly
grateful, and as The Child said to The Prophet and The Prophet to The Child, I
say to you, thank you.
Shalom Aleichem.
Peace to you.
Pat Garcia