Thursday, April 3, 2014


"Can't," said the Child. "Can't, Can't Can't," she chanted as she stomped around the huge lily pad on the ocean.

"Why can't you?" asked The Prophet. 

Sitting in the middle of the lily pad, The Prophet observed the Child's drooping shoulders and bowed head. 

"I can't. I know I can't," The Child replied, and the tears flowed.

"Why is that child?"

"Because I'm tired, and if you really cared about me, you would twirl your magic wand, and free me from my fears."

"Why are you tired, Child?"

"I'm tired of going nowhere. We've been on this lily pad for I don't know how long, and we're still in the same place. Why don't you wave that magic wand of yours and tell it to make something happen?"

A smile came upon The Prophet face.  It amazed him that her discouragement kept her from seeing the progress that she'd made.

"Is that why you can't, Child?"

"I'm just tired and discouraged?"

"Why are you discouraged, Child?"

"You know you're a contagious little disease that contaminates my mind making me think I can find my purpose."

"Child, what are you afraid of?" The Prophet asked.

"I didn't say I was afraid."

"But you are. The nearer you get to your purpose you say, can't, and your shoulders droop.  So tell me, what are you afraid of?"

"I guess I'm afraid of failing," replied The Child.

"Would you like to turn back?"

"No!" The Child said loudly. "I can't turn back."

"Why not?" asked The Prophet?

"Because I don't want to," replied The Child.

"Which means?"

"I won't say can't anymore. Even in failure, there's success." The Child mumbled.

"That's very nice to hear," replied The Prophet.


"Yes, Child?"

"Can we dance on the ocean?"


Pat Garcia


  1. These parables just keep getting better and better, Patricia. This is powerful. Can't is a powerful word that blocks us from achieving; and yes, it rears its head just as I'm about to achieve my goal. In short, as you say, the trick is to turn that perceived failure or fear of failure into visions of success. There's always a way.

    I love the lily pad image. :-)


    1. Good morning,
      Thank you so much for reading what lies on my heart. And you're so right, the word 'can't' always rears its head when we are close to the goal. Don't give in to it. You can do it.

  2. Boy can I EVER relate to that child! I think I even STOMP my foot like her. What a great post! It is thought provoking, as how many times do we say "We CAN'T" do something for fear of failure? Life is like moving on through a maze... I never know what is around the next corner. Sometimes hiding in a dark place seems to be preferable to trudging forward... but, we have to move forward to learn and grow.

    Thank you for this wonderful and brilliant post.

    1. My Dear,
      You cannot imagine how much I relate to this also. Being aware of this is what keeps me moving forward. Thank you for commenting.


  3. Ah... That elusive progress...

    Great post!


    1. Good morning,

      Thank you. It is amusing how elusive progress can seem when you are in the middle of the battle.


  4. So great thank you Patricia! 'Can't' - such a powerful word, so too is 'can' ..
    Are we afraid of failing as well as afraid of success? Why do we limit ourselves? you paint a picture of our fears and doubts Patricia with quiet encouragement from 'behind' - is the Prophet. Maybe the Prophet is our inner voice ..
    Garden of Eden Blog

    1. My Dear,

      I think we are afraid of success. Being successful brings responsibilities that we don't know if we can handle. Thank you for your comment.


  5. This is a beautiful parody of what we all go through as we try to overcome our fears of failure. So thought provoking. Thank you.

    1. Good morning,

      Thank you for visiting my blog and it is so nice to meet someone who encounters the same parodies.


  6. Love it and love that last question! What a divine picture dancing on the ocean makes! These are making my month. Great job Patricia.

    1. My Dear,

      Thank you. Overcoming the can't and dancing on the ocean typifies the life of people who moves into their purpose. They become people who overcome.


  7. Just stopping by via The Challenge. Can't wait to spend more time here.

    1. Good morning Rhoda,

      'Thank you for dropping by. I really appreciate it.


  8. It's easier to say I can't than to fail. Sometimes, I think I do this subconsciously.

    1. Hi,
      You're so right. It is much easier to say can't and I know I sometimes do this subconsciously and have to work my way through the fog to find out why I feel that way. So, thank you for sharing this very true feeling. I believe we all go through this.

  9. Yes, Prophet, let's dance! Fear, the big enemy. Running towards it like David to Goliath and knowing that our God is with us and for us, makes things much easier, and certainly gives me goal to strive for. To conquer fear is not easy, even to walk through it is hard. But, as Joyce Meyer says, I may not be where I want to be, but thank God I'm not where I used to be! Conquering demons one by one! Thank you Pat, another wonderful post! With love, Deirdre

    1. My Dear,

      I agree. To conquer fear is not easy an to walk through something as you're facing fear is hard. I also heard a wonderful sermon from Joyce Meyer that was entitled "Do It Afraid." I have heard it many times and each time when I notice fear approaching, I know it is okay to go through whatever it is with my knees shaking. I do it even though I am afraid.
      So thank you so much for your thoughts.



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