Monday, April 7, 2014


"Fe fi fo fum," the Child puffed, prancing back and forth, fists swinging in the air.

"Watch out for the right!" The Prophet said.

"I'm watching, Prophet," the Child answered back, "But you're moving too fast."

The Prophet leaned to the left and the Child's fist hit the air.

"Keep your fists up, Child."

"They're up Prophet. I don't think I like this fisticuff game, cause I'm losing."

The Child swung and the force of it sprung backward almost hitting its face.

"Phew, this is hard work," the Child said.

"I know, Child, I know."

"Then why do people bully each other into fights?"

"Why are you learning fisticuffs?" The Prophet asked.

"Because the whale blew water on my lily pad when you disappeared."

 "And what did you do?"


"You did nothing?"

"I only laughed cause it couldn't find anything to eat."

"You laughed, because the whale was hungry?"

"Well, Prophet, it was funny at the time."

"Did you think you were better off than the whale, Child?"

"Could be."

"Would the whale give you a ride, if the lily pad sank?"

"Of course, it would," answered the Child boldly. "I always ride on the whale's back."

"Yet, when the whale was hungry you laughed, and now, you're training your fists to do what?"

The Child looked out over the ocean and thought about the question. In the distant, the whale was combing the ocean for food. At odds with nature, the Child felt alone.


"Yes, Child?"

"Can you show me how to make peace with the whale?"

Pat Garcia


  1. Learning to fight is both good and bad. Sometimes we need to learn to stand up for ourselves... however not necessarily by throwing our fists around. We also need to protect what is "ours." However, we don't want to use our fists to scare our friends or to threaten people. Sadly, a lot of people these days need to learn that you can win without hitting someone. Thanks for the reminder!

    1. Good morning my Dear,
      I hear what you are saying. We are more prone to slashing out with our fists first and that is truly sad.
      Thank you for coming by and sharing your thoughts.

  2. Flailing of fists .. we do that metaphorically, at least I do. We don't have to do that with others, just ride along with the whale on the wave.
    Thank you Patricia, this was lovely.

    Garden of Eden Blog

    1. Good morning Dear Susan,

      I so agree. It is necessary that we learn how to ride along with the whale on the wave. Slowly, things might change. Thank you for coming by. I really appreciate it.


  3. Laughing at the whale when the whale was hungry. This story floats upon depths of layers. At odds with nature, at odds with our own nature. Would that we all could make peace.

    Thanks, Pat. Delicately and beautifully told.

    1. My Dear Friend,

      At odds with nature, at odds with our own nature. Isn't it amazing how our own mixed up emotions cause us to react in ways that lash out and hurt others. I so agree with you.

      Thank you for coming by and sharing your thoughts.

  4. Beautiful, Patti. Not just the story but the terse language and the compelling truth conveyed. Thank you!

    1. My Dearest Sister,
      Thank you for coming by. This was a surprise because I know how much you have on your plate. Thank you for the compliment about how I used the language. It was a confirmation for me, because I was uncertain at the time.
      Love you, Sis.

  5. Nicely done !!! love the title of blog

    1. Good morning,

      Thank you and thank you for the complement about the blog title.


  6. If only we could step of of the ring were we are boxing ourselves...


    1. Good morning,

      If only we could, what a change would take place not only in our world but among each other, because we are the world.


  7. This is such a divinely wise piece Patricia! How often are we suppose to help those with whom we are feuding? And how hard that is to recognize at times!!!! More importantly, how often do we take for granted others, and what they provide, by focusing on what's important to us at any given moment. Thanks for sharing this. Really needed to read this tonight!

  8. Ahh, recognizing your role, understanding your actions have repercussions. I think many arguments/disagreements would melt away if we truly considered what we have done to make them occur.


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