Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Hold On

"Hold on, Child," The Prophet called out. "Hold on."

"I'm holding on, Prophet, but I'm getting wet."

"Don't worry about getting wet. That happens. Just hold on to the whale."

"Gee whiz, am I glad the whale's here. I don't know where I'd be if I weren't riding on its back."

The Child had barely finished the sentence when a huge wave, dark and wide, rose from out of the ocean and started coming their way.

"Eeeeeeek!" shouted the Child, sizing up the wave; the Child's voice trembled with fear.  "I'm going to slide off of my whale, Prophet."

"Lie on your stomach, Child, and stretch your legs forward. Then, grab hold of the dorsal fin."

"Then, the whale can't see, Prophet, cause my feet will cover its eyes."

The Prophet smiled.

"It will see, Child. Then you can't see."

"But don't I need to see what lies ahead of me."

"No, Child.  You only need to stay on the back of the whale."

The child wrapped her arms around the dorsal fin as the whale rose up from the ocean and sailed a few feet in the air.

"Eeeeeeek!" The Child screamed.


"Yes, Child?"

"Are you still there?"

"Of course, I'm still here, Child. Why do you ask?"

"Cause I can't see you or hear you?"

"Is it necessary to see me, Child?"

Pat Garcia


  1. Thanks Patricia for reminding me how important it is to "Hold on" for life's wild ride! It makes the "get up and go" even scarier, but we still have to do it. Great reminder about life. Have you considered becoming a Life Coach? ;-) Thanks for your helpful stories and the "push!"

    1. Blessed are they who have not seen and still believe. I love the messages you give us through the child and prophet. Thank you for faith tidbits!

    2. Hi Gwynn,
      Thank you, My Dear. It is scary when one walks by faith. The only thing that you are sure of is that you're not sure.
      Life Coach? That is not a job for me. Others can do it so much better.

      Love you,

    3. Hello Deirdre,

      Thank you my dear friend. You are so right, believing when you have not seen is a powerful witness to your dreams entering into reality.


  2. "Is it necessary to see me, Child?" Beautiful metaphor, Patricia. Beautifully told.

    1. My Dear Friend,
      Thank you. Sometimes I hear that question filtering through the noise I hear around me, and I have to ask myself, is it necessary to see everything?


  3. Wise words indeed Patricia thank you. Many if not most times we can't see what lies up ahead .. we need to hold on and have faith and trust that all will unfold as it does ..
    Thank you.
    Garden of Eden Blog

    1. My Dear Susan,
      You hit it. It take faith and trust to march forward with expectations that what you see within yourself will happen.

      Thank you for your comment.



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