Thursday, April 10, 2014


"Initiative," whispered the wind, "initiative."

"But, what if I do the wrong thing?" The Child yelled back at the wind and cried out, "Prophet, where are you?"

The ocean, vast and wide, The Prophet was nowhere in sight; the heaven, blue and sprinkled with white cumulus clouds, echoed the Child's voice. Alone, yet not alone, unable to see or hear the beloved friend, emotions of helplessness flooded the Child's soul.

"Initiative," repeated the wind.  "Take initiative."

"Prophet," yelled the Child, "Where are you? Please, come back and tell me what to do."

The wind grew stronger; the ocean stirred, and the whale lay asleep with the perplexed Child on its back, frightened.

Suddenly, the largest wave the Child had ever seen began to grow in the shape of a funnel.

"Where are you, Prophet?  Where are you?"

"Initiative," whispered the wind, "take the initiative."

The wave rose and began to spin, gathering speed as it turned.

"Okay, Mr. Whale, either I win or lose, succeed or fail, but I am going to show that wave it can't scare me away," said the Child.

"Initiative," sang the wind, "Take the initiative."

The Child crawled behind the whale's dorsal fin and hugged it, and with legs stretched out, the Child let them down forcefully and struck the whale on both sides.

The whale awoke out of its sleep and bucked up in the air heading directly toward the woven spindle of water coming at him.

And the Child knuckled down, holding on tightly to the whale's dorsal fin.

Pat Garcia


  1. Very wise post Patricia! Taking the initiative to face what we are afraid of definitely is challenging. Since I love to body surf, I loved launching myself head first into the waves. But then after dealing with a lot of huge waves I found myself floating along, going with the flow as I was tired of diving in. So how do we re-charge ourselves to face that initiative again?

    I loved your post! Definitely, thought-provoking! Just what I needed. ;-)

    1. My Dear Gwynn,
      Thank you. You have asked a good question. Sometimes, I have to make myself get up out of my own lethargy and move forward.


  2. We must remember King David running towards his challenge. He took the initiative and ran quicker than his fears could keep up. I try to live this way, but it is not always easy. Perhaps I will think of the child as well. I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me! Thank you, Pat, another winner in the Encouragement category! Love you, Sister!

    1. Thank you my dear Sister. I believe we all come to that time where we have to start running toward the fear as David did. If we don't we will never know what could have happened.


  3. Ooooh, I can't wait to see what happens, Patricia. But, I suspect the Child's heart is in the right place; therefore, the outcome will be good -- even though the Child may not see it that way initially. Taking the initiative is like sitting at the top of the ferris wheel, all alone, I have been taught, and having to use all you have learned as you take the initiative: a scary place.

    1. My Dear Friend,
      To be honest with you, I am writing my articles spontaneously. I didn't have the time nor did I make myself take the time to write any ahead of time. So I too am excited to see what happens with the Child and how the story will end.

      Thank you for coming by.


    2. That's the best way, Patricia, to my way of thinking. That's how I write: I can't wait to see how it will end. :-)

  4. Using initiative when the wind and waves threaten is such a powerful instinctual drive, one we can develop along this journey of life. Thank you Patricia for these wise words and a post rich in imagery.
    Garden of Eden Blog

    1. Dear Susan,
      Thank you for your introspective look at the story. I so agree with you. Initiative is a powerful instinctual drive. Unfortunately, many do not use it out of fear.


  5. I love the underlying message in these post Patti, I may have commented last year as to how much they remind me Khalil Gibran's work. Truly beautiful.


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