Friday, April 11, 2014


"Jump!" The Child commanded the whale with a trembling voice.

The whale bucked, and for the second time that day, it rose above a wave coming at them.

"Good job, Mr. Whale, good job," mumbled the Child and held on to its dorsal fin.

Where oh where is The Prophet?  The Child thought.

The Prophet's vanishing seemed like ages ago, and the Child, desperately fighting the waves that continuously attacked, wanted some kind of reassurance about the path chosen.

"Whoosh, whoosh, whooooooooooosh," shouted the wind.

The Child looked in the direction of the loud roar. A third wave had picked up momentum and was heading in their direction.

"Oh my, Mr. Whale. How I wish The Prophet were here. This one is the worse I've seen."

Frightened, the Child's eyes filled with tears.

"Don't you see I can't do this?" The Child bellowed out into the wind.

The dark, ugly, mean-spirited wave began its approach; the Child, angry at the Prophet's silence, shouted above the whoosh of the wind, "Jump, Mr. Whale, jump!"

The whale bucked upward and jumped over the wave and dived down, head first, into the ocean, with the Child holding on to the dorsal fin. When it came up out of the ocean, both were wet; the Child was gasping for air. 

The Child turned to look behind. The mean-spirited wave had dwindled into nothing and become a part of the ocean.

"I did it Mr. Whale," The Child muttered softly. Tired and exhausted, the Child fell asleep, mouth wide opened, as she hung on to the whale's dorsal fin.


Pat Garcia


  1. It is amazing the trials and tribulations that we survive in life. Learning that we CAN face these challenges and come through them just fine, does take time.

    I do so enjoy your thought-provoking posts Patricia. You are a wonderful and wise woman!

    1. My Dear Gwynn.
      It is amazing how small a mountain becomes once we start attacking it. Thank you for sharing.


  2. "The Child fell asleep, mouth wide opened...." Indeed, Patricia. A challenging, fearful and difficult task to hold on and go through it, rise above it and go on. Words of wisdom to recall, to give us hope and strength when we need them. Thank you.

    1. My Dear Samantha,
      I often find that at the highest peak of the storm I am totally exhausted just like the Child and the best medicine for me is to get quiet and sleep. Thank you for sharing.

  3. This is lovely Patricia thank you and an excellent reminder that we need to jump at times, take the risk irrespective of where we'll land.

    1. My Dear Susan,
      That is scary but it is something that we must learn over and over again, at each new turn on our journey. Thank you for sharing.


  4. Bravo! I cannot add much more than what has been mentioned above. Leap of faith.

    1. My Dear Liz,
      Thank you for sharing. How right you are. It is a leap of faith to continue to live, learn, and grow because we never know when our journey will end.



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