Monday, April 14, 2014

Lie Down

"Lie down, Child, stretch yourself out; you need to sleep."

"I don't want to lie down and sleep, Prophet. I'm not tired."

"Did you enjoy dinner?"  

"Sure did, and now I've got to make sure Mr. Whale eats something."

"So you've found a new friend in the whale?"

"Yes, you should have seen him, Prophet. He was glorious in battle. Every time I said jump, he would buck so high over the waves and make a big dive downward and land on the ocean," The Child said excitedly.

"And as soon as you lie down, he'll eat," said The Prophet.

"But I don't want to lie down, Prophet. I'm not tired."

"Don't you love to sleep on your lily pad?"

"I do, when I'm tired," The Child said, and she stifled a yawn.

"What are you afraid of Child?"

"How long will you stay with me, Prophet?

"I'm never far from you."

"But sometimes I feel like you are so far away."

"Why's that?"

"Because I feel empty and alone."

"Oh my dear Child, the path you've chosen is not easy. That's why I am never far from you."

"Which means?"

"You're never alone. So, lie down before the fire and sleep."

Assured by what The Prophet said, the Child snuggled close to the fire, and the sea lilies crawled up onto the lily pad and twined together as a pillow for the Child to lay her head.

"Shall I tell you the story of courage?"

"Oh yes, Prophet. I love to hear your stories."

"Once upon a time, there was a Child with a dream…" The Prophet began.

The Child's breathing slowed, her eyelids closed, and she surrendered to sleep.

Pat Garcia


  1. Lying down and sleeping sounds like a wonderful idea to me after taking care of my granddaughter today. It is wonderful to have the comfort of someone nearby when we sleep. I'm glad the child is doing so well. She's hanging in there! Thanks for your loving post.

    1. Hi,
      Thank you my dear. Nice to know that you had that wonderful time with your youngest granddaughter. You are truly blessed.


  2. Beautiful, Patricia. Makes me feel all warm and secure just knowing....

    1. Hi My Dear Samantha,
      Thank you for your compliment. One of my purposes of writing these is to calm the people who are right now battling against storms in their lives.


  3. So peaceful and calming. I think I shall join her. Another beauty Patricia!

    1. Thank you My Dear Liz for your words of confirmation about my article. I meant it to bring peace and calm and to be honest, there are times when I do join her.


  4. Lie down .. something we all need to do from time to time and rest. and 'surrender to sleep'. How sweet is the child concerned about the whale. Her kindness shows. Thank you Patricia ..
    Garden of Eden Blog

    1. Hi My Dear,
      So true. If only we could grasp that we can function much better when we listen to our inner voice and take the time to rest.

      Thank you for your support and for coming by.


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