Tuesday, April 15, 2014


"Missed," said the Child.

"Try again," The Prophet replied.

The Child sat on the lily pad.  The gathering of algae was proving more difficult than expected; the lily pad was moving speedily. Her friend, Mr. Whale, was relaxing on the ocean, watching her as it moved with the water current.

"That was a pretty algae," the Child said.

"It was colorful. How many types of algae do you think there are below?"

"Don't really know, Prophet. Maybe, I'll try and count them one day?"

"Let me know if you succeed." The Prophet replied with chuckles of laughter.

"Missed again," the Child mumbled as some red algae slipped from her fingers and disappeared in the ocean.

"Try again, Child."

"I think I'd rather move on and do something else, Prophet. This is tiring."

"Try again."

"You're sounding like a broken record, Prophet."

"I thought you wanted to learn about algae."

"I do," the Child said.

The sun shone and the Child saw red, brown, yellow and green algae below her as the lily pad floated swiftly on the ocean.

"Prophet, why do people call algae, seaweed?"

" People call lots of things by another name, Child."

"There you go Prophet talking in riddles again."

The Prophet smiled and quietly observed as the Child leaned over the side of the lily pad and with too much caution tried to grab some green algae.

"Missed again. That's it. I missed catching the algae cause the lily pad is moving too fast.

"Child, the tempo of the lily pad tempo is not the reason you're missing the catch."

"Then, what is?"

"Maybe you have to throw away caution and join them."

Pat Garcia


  1. Yes, this does remind me of the saying, "If at first we don't succeed, try, try again!" By the way, tell the child to cup her fingers rather than opening her hand and fingers... then she will be more successful with that algae! ;-)

    Thanks for the great advice... to keep going and keep trying. Definitely inspirational!

    1. Hi My Dear,
      Thank you for coming by and thank you for your comment. You're so right about the algae, but as a child, how many times do we do things backwards. It was as I got older that I recognized how smart my parents were.

  2. If we miss the first time we try again .. and who knows, we'll see so much more. Thank you Patricia for this lovely post and the reminder to not be too cautious ...
    Garden of Eden Blog

    1. Hi My Dear Friend,
      I believe the biggest obstacle that a person has to overcome is the one within him or herself. We try and then if it doesn't work, we might try it 10 times but somewhere along the way, we give up, and we learn to late that we shouldn't have.
      Thank you so much for dropping by and for your lovely comment.

  3. There's caution and then there's stretching, Patricia. I think we need to establish a balance between the two. Thanks for this reminder to not be too cautious. Lovely post, indeed.

    I love these posts; they're like watching a movie. :-)

    1. Hi My Dear Samantha,
      Yes, there is a time for caution and for stretching and I agree the problem is finding the balance. But that can only be found through the trial and error of jumping out in the deep. And thank you for your compliment about the posts. That is oil for my soul.

  4. I'm hearing of our tendency to blame everything except ourselves when we fail.

    1. Hi Bro,
      You're so right. We do have a tendency to give the blame somewhere else. It takes a person who knows him or herself, to stand up and accept the consequences of his or her mistakes.
      Thank you so much for dropping by, Bro.


  5. Nice post thanks for sharing it,

    1. Hi Glenda,
      Thank you for your compliment and thank you for dropping by.

  6. Thanks for visiting my blog yesterday. I'm sorry I didn't get back to you sooner, but I had work weighing on me.
    I just joined is your newest follower, and I hope you'll soon join my blog also.
    From a fellow A to Z'er, Deb@ http://debioneille.blogspot.com

    1. Hi Debi,
      Thank you for visiting my blog and for joining it. I have joined yours also and I should be getting your post starting with tomorrow automatically.


  7. My mother always told me to keep trying until I have no try left in me, therefore, I have not yet quit. :-)
    Deb@ http://debioneille.blogspot.com

    1. Hi Debi,
      And don't quit. Never give up your dreams because they seem hard. It is when we stop trying and quit that something within us dies. So hang in there. You can do it.


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