Wednesday, April 16, 2014


"Nearer, nearer, nearer,
I'm coming,
Nearer, nearer, nearer."

The Child sang. The moon had disappeared, and the sun was slowly rising from its hiding place.

"What a beautiful melody, Child? Where did you learn it?"

"I didn't, Prophet. It just came up from my heart as I was waking up. I heard

Nearer, nearer, nearer,
I'm coming,
Nearer, nearer, nearer,

And I started singing."

"Well, you massaged my heartstrings; your voice sounds as if it is a tuba horn."

The Child laughed, pleased to make The Prophet happy, and she looked out over the ocean.

"A sailboat is approaching from afar, Prophet."

"How far, Child?"

"It's almost near us, and what a beauty."

The Prophet saw the expectation on the Child's face.

"If we get on the sailboat, we'd get to our destination faster."

"Do you think so, Child?"

Bewitched by the sailboat approaching them, the Child didn't answer.

"Can we change our mode of transportation, Prophet? It is so much faster than the lily pad."

"You can, Child."

"Won't you come with me?"

No, Child, I'll stay here with the lily pad and your friend Mr. Whale."

"But the sailboat is moving faster than the lily pad, Prophet."

"What is wrong with that?"

"Don't you want to arrive sooner?"

"No, Child.  I want to arrive at the appointed time."

"Which means?"

"What was that song you were singing when you awoke?" The Prophet asked.

Disappointment laced the Child's voice when she sang

"Nearer, nearer, nearer,
I'm coming nearer,
Oh, oh nearer."

As the sailboat came nearer, it began to fade in the sunlight until it was no more.

"It's gone!" said the Child, startled.

"I know, Child. Keep singing."

Pat Garcia


  1. Ok, I can see you are challenging me to THINK! What we think may take us to our destination faster, may not necessarily. We are challenged to stay on our course. Great post. Thank you!

    1. Hi Dear Heart,
      I love your comments. It is refreshing to read when someone has an A Ha moment. Thank you for dropping by and commenting.

  2. When things seem so near and within our grasp they can be gone in a flash. There's always an 'appointed time' to stay yet longer.- thank you dea rPatricia for this lovely and timely reminder ..
    Garden of Eden Blog

    1. Hi My Dear,
      So true. There is always an "appointed time," and many run to what glitters on the horizon, coming at them, and they go abroad without finding out its final destination.
      Thank you so much for coming by.

  3. This may be my favorite so far, Patricia. I love the imagery and the mysticism. From these words beams truth.

    (Forgive me if I have published this twice. I don't remember clicking on "Publish" the first time.)


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