Saturday, April 19, 2014


"Quest, oh, this is my quest," the Child sang softly.

"You haven't sung that song for a long time, Child," The Prophet said.

"I know. Tonight it struck me that I've been on the way for quite a while, and this song rose in my spirit."

"Sing a little bit louder. It is balm for my soul."

 The Child raised her voice and sang with fervor,

"This is my quest,
To follow that star,
No matter how hopeless,
No matter how far."*

The Prophet joined in with his baritone, and the sounds of harmony from the two voices calmed the ocean, and the whale closed his eyes as it listened.

"To fight for the right,
Without question or pause,"
To be willing to march into hell for a heavenly cause."*

The Prophet began humming as the Child sang on to the end.

Silence hovered over the ocean, The Prophet, sitting wordlessly on the lily pad, the whale asleep, as the Child whispered, "Do you think I'll make it, Prophet?"

"I have no doubts you will, Child. Why do you ask?"

"Sometimes it seems so hard."

"And yet with each difficulty you display an indomitable spirit to keep going."

"That's cause I have you, Prophet," the Child said, and she yawned.

"Let's say we have each other, Child."

"But you don't need me, Prophet." The Child mumbled.

"Oh yes I do, Child. I need your ability to laugh at yourself, your tenacity, your trust, and your faith to live a fulfilled life with purpose."

"Zzzz," The Child replied. "Zzzz."

 The Prophet chuckled. She had fallen asleep.

"Sleep my Child," The Prophet said tenderly. "Tomorrow is another day."

Pat Garcia

*The Impossible Dream. Songwriters, Joe Darien and Mitch Leigh; Published by 


  1. I'll have that song in my head all day now Patricia - it is so pleasing though. Tomorrow is indeed another day and here's to today and all the tomorrows as we follow our quest and our guiding star.
    Garden of Eden Blog

    1. My Dear Susan,
      I don't know how often that song springs up in my spirit. It is a reminder when the times get hard to keep going because I have goals to reach. Thank you for coming by.


  2. I'm chuckling Patricia, as it seems we both are on a "quest." It is a wonderful post, and like with Susan, I'll be humming the song all day now too. Keep up the great work!

    1. Hi My Dear,
      Chuckle on. That pleases me. It is so nice to know that we were in tuned with each other without knowing it. Thank you for coming by.

  3. Every day is about a quest. It's as if striving to be the person I can be proud of and who acts in a way to be proud of. Life is about a quest. You need to find that which drives - even when things are hard.

    1. Hi Larry,
      So true. Every day is a quest for those of us who strive to be the kind of human being that we can be proud of.
      Thank you so much for dropping by.

  4. That has always been one of my favorite songs, I used to sing it to my baby brother when I was only 8, and then to my own daughter when she was a child. I will never sing it again without thinking about Jesus by my side encouraging me to be strong! Thank you Pat!

    1. My Dear Deirdre,
      Thank you. It has been one of my favorite for years also. It keeps me on my toes and keeps me moving forward. Thank you so much for dropping by and I sincerely hope you had a blessed Easter.

  5. "Oh yes I do, Child. I need your ability to laugh at yourself, your tenacity, your trust, and your faith to live a fulfilled life with purpose." Yes. Indeed.

    Also, I love what Susan said. The words just flow like waves on the ocean.


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