Wednesday, April 23, 2014


"Time is moving so slowly, Prophet. I'm in the same place I was yesterday."

The Prophet chuckled at the Child's impatience.

"No you're not, child?"

"But I don't see any progress. I think I'm moving, but every time I look up it looks as if I'm in the same place. Time is standing still."

"Trust me, you're moving Child, and let me assure time isn't standing still." The Prophet said.

"Then why don't I see that I'm moving toward my goals?"

"Child, there has been many who started out as you have that  thought as you're thinking right now."

"Did they make it?"

"Of course, they did. Sometimes they faltered, one or two even fell, but they kept on going, even though they didn't feel any movement."

The Child pondered over what The Prophet had said.

"Maybe, they didn't have a Prophet, like I do, to help them along the way." The Child mumbled with a sigh.

The Prophet bent over in fits of laughter. When he had calmed down, he said, "Child, they had help. They too had to learn the timing of their own drumbeats in order to see progress. You're not alone in your quest."

"Do you mean they had a Prophet too?"

"Of course."

"And how do you know they had one, Prophet?  Were you there?" The Child asked.

"Child would you like me to tell you a little story?"

"Oh yes, Prophet," The Child said, forgetting her question. "I love your stories. They seem so real."

"Then, once upon a time, darkness and water covered the earth…" The Prophet began.

Pat Garcia 


  1. Yes, I'm like the little child, wondering if I am moving forward and not being stagnant. I enjoy hearing your stories. Thanks!!

    1. Hi Gwynn,
      I think we all wonder or let me say, that those who have taken the risk and are on a journey wonder if they are moving forward.
      Thank you for visiting.

  2. Sometimes all I can do is sigh and smile! Thank you Pat!

    1. Hi My Dear Friend,
      I thank you for your loyal support. It is good to know that we identify and are on the journey.

  3. Thank you Patricia - a timely reminder that even though Time seems to be at a standstill, we're precisely where we need to be be before the next step if they but listened to their drumbeat.
    Garden of Eden Blog

    1. Hi Susan,
      "Listened to their drumbeat," And that is probably the most difficult thing to do because you have to get quiet and let your inner voice speak to you. I like the way you said that.
      Thank you for coming by.

  4. I smile. It's all relative, isn't it. We ARE where we need to be, doing what we need to be doing at that given moment. It IS, listening to our own drumbeat and not someone else's. This is the hardest part and where we get entangled in the seaweed. At least for me it is.

    1. Hello My Dear,
      And not only for you is it a problem. I believe that is a problem for us all, because we tend to look at others and think they are doing much better than us. We look at them through rose-colored glasses and start marching to their drumbeat instead of our own. That's when we get entangled in the seaweed. I once heard someone say, and I am not sure who it was, "I'd rather make my own mistakes than make mistakes trying to copy others."
      Thank you so much for your support. I really appreciate it.


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