Tuesday, April 29, 2014


"Years go by quickly," The Child said to The Prophet.

"Why, Child, you were telling me a couple of days ago that the year was going slowly. What makes you say that?"

"Because Mr. Whale seems older and my lily pad has begun to droop a little."

"Child, change happens. It's a daily process you can't stop. Just as seconds turn into minutes, and minutes into hours, and hours into days, and days into weeks, and weeks into months, and months into the year. Change is a valuable part of your journey."

"Wow, Prophet. Does that mean I've changed too?"

"Of course, Child. With every passing second, every passing minute, every passing hour, every passing day, every passing week, every passing month, every passing year you are changing and becoming more wiser and beautiful."

"Oh, Prophet, I love the way you say things. But am I really beautiful with every passing year?"

"My Dear Child, walking out your journey, dancing to your music, has given you a glow that brings out your beauty."

"Even when I mess up?"

"Yes indeed, Child. That's part of the journey."

"So, my year has been good even with my mistakes?"

"No, Child. Your year has been excellent because of those mistakes. If they hadn't been in your path, you wouldn't have obtained that beautiful glow on your face."

The Child lay on the lily pad thinking while rubbing Mr. Whale on his right side.

"If that's so, then I look forward to next year, Prophet.

So is it, Child. I do too. Let's treasure each year as it comes, and The Prophet began to sing softly in his baritone:

Should old acquaintance be forgot,

And never brought to mind?* 

Pat Garcia

*Auld Lang Syne. Robert Burns. 1788


  1. Let's also treasure April each year, exhausting it may be.
    Lovely thread to wind down, thank you Patricia.
    Garden of Eden Blog

    1. My Dear Susan,
      I agree. Thank you for introducing me to this challenge in 2013. I am forever grateful.

    2. My Dear Susan,
      I agree. As exhausting as it may be, it is a pleasure to be a part of it and I treasure this Challenge. Thank you so much for introducing me to it last year. You laid the stone that caused me to rise to the Challenge and I'll never forget it.

  2. I loved this post. I think it is so important to honor change and growing. Sadly, I think too few people respect these issues or realize how important they are to our learning. Thank you!

    Well, I can't believe I did it. We have nearly completed this challenge. You did a lovely job, and Thank you for encouraging me to participate AND for your support! You are a great friend!

    1. Hi My Dear,
      Thank you. So true. It is important to honor change and growing, but it is also scary.
      And yes you have almost completed your first Challenge. Congratulations.


  3. I think this is so poignant Patti. It reminds us of how precious every minute of our life is. I know I've wasted many, now I treasure them.

    1. My Dear Laurie,
      Thank you so much. You have said it so nice, "every mine of life is precious." It is so good to recognize that and then began to treasure them.


  4. How comforting and encouraging, Patricia. A reminder we can never hear often enough, and one which encourages us to be brave and take that next step. I can just see the glow halo-ing that Child. It lights up my life. And what a perfect segue -- what is, from what was and what will be. Thank you.


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