Sunday, May 11, 2014

Some Mother's Heart Is Crying

 Global expansion is inching its way, step by step, across planet Earth––but some mother's heart is crying.

Lives are being laid down in the Ukraine, Sudan, North Korea, Egypt, Syria and Nigeria––some mother's child is dead.

Hate, spirited by greed and power, makes men do the detestable; violating the rights of other human beings––some mother's heart is bleeding.

Some mother's child in Nigeria is kidnapped from her school and thrown into a story that will mark her life forever––some mother's heart is broken.

Every second, a mother is crying on this planet as she:

  • Watches her child destroyed by a bomb in a war that she didn't start  
  • Sees her child struggling against a disease for lack of proper medical care  
  • Looks at her child starving from hunger in a world where plenty abounds
  • Observes her child drinking infested water that has enough bacteria to kill any animal.

Somewhere, some mothers' hearts are crying.

Flowers, gifts, travel, and good eating––highlights of frenetic busyness design to show the priceless value of women and the joy of motherhood on Mother's Day.

"What do you hear, Prophet? Tell me, what do you hear?"

"I hear the wailing of girls who have been kidnapped, sold into slavery, and sexually abused; I hear the voices of the Amintas', Shjahwanas', Aishas', Asmas', Deborahs', Ruths', Esthers', Kwantas', Kummanis', Larabes', Jummanis', Fatimas', Palmantas', Aistatus', Kabus', Yayis', of this world." And The Prophet began to cry.


"Shh, Shh." The Prophet whispered.

A dark cloud appeared, and covering his ears, The Prophet said, "Oh, No!" And he shook his head as uncontrollable tears streamed down his face.

"What is it, Prophet? Tell me, what do you hear?"

"Some mothers' hearts are crying."

Yet, we celebrate Mother's Day.


Pat Garcia


  1. I cannot respond, Patricia. So true - the pain, suffering, tears that mothers endure throughout the struggle of their place in this world is heartbreaking.

    1. My Dear Liz,
      What can I say? I know how you feel. This year's Mother's Day was a sad occasion. To see so many mothers all over the world crying for their children. I don't think there has been a time like this since over 2000 years ago, and it hurts to see it.

      Thank you so much for coming by and sharing where your thoughts were.

  2. Pat, this article brings tears to my eyes. It is so sad to think of these mothers who are in pain this Mother's Day, as so many of us celebrate a joyous holiday. Let us remember to keep them in our prayers daily. I love your Prophet...hated to see the A to Z series end! I think you should make it into a book! I know I did not make many comments....but I was enjoy reading them! Quite a wise Prophet!

    1. My Dear Friend,
      Thank you. It is sad and it hurts to see these mothers in pain. Thank you also for letting me know that you enjoy The Prophet. He is usually accompanied by The Child. And yes, it will be made into a book. I am just waiting on the agent's and the publisher doors to open.

  3. I feel so incredibly angry when I think and hear of these atrocities that happen to children. Mankind has so destroyed the world. I want to cry. Thank you for pointing out the injustices in the world!

    1. My Dear Friend,
      Thank you so much for your support of this article on all my websites. I really appreciate it. As you have said, sometimes I get so angry at the atrocities being done to children that I too have to cry. Every time a child is abused, we are hurting a mother's child.

  4. This is a tear-jerker post. Thanks for sharing. Very beautiful.


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