Saturday, April 4, 2015


“Do Something!” The Child screamed.

 “I am doing something,” said The Prophet as he sat by the Palm tree growing on the lily pad.  He was preparing the fish Mr. Whale caught with his mouth or flipped with his fluke on the green moss, surrounding the patch of seaweed.

“That’s not what I mean, and you know it,” The Child said.

“What do you want me to do besides what I’m doing?”


“Yes, Child?”

“We’ve been cruising since we left the cove. The only thing that’s happened is I saw a beautiful sunrise, and Mr. Whale showed up, and I almost went the wrong way.”

“So, you’re bored, Child.”

“Not bored, just need to do something.”

“Help me clean the fish,” The Prophet said.

“What will that do?”

“It might strengthen you and chase away your boredom.”

“But I’m already strong.”

“Let me see you walk on the water. You haven’t done that since we started cruising.”

The Child stood and walked to the edge of the lily pad.  Defiantly, she stamped one foot on the ocean and fell in the water.

“Prophet,” she screamed, “I can’t do it anymore.”

“Yes, you can, Child.  Get out of the water and try again.”

“But I just tried.” The Child said, hanging onto the lily pad.

“No, in your boredom, you demanded.”

The Child grasped a top part of the lily pad and heaved herself out of the water. Standing on its edge, she closed her eyes and saw an image appear. She smiled and opened her eyes.  Again, she put one foot on the water, but this time, she stepped instead of stamped.

“Whee, Prophet, look!”

“I told you; you could do it, Child. Inner peace and confidence are your strengths.”

Pat Garcia


  1. beautiful story! thank you! :)

    1. Hi,
      Thank you so much for visiting.

  2. Now we're getting places! I can't wait to see what is in store for the Child next! Thanks, Pat! Happy Resurrection Day! <3

  3. Hi Lady,
    Thank you for dropping by.
    Happy Resurrection Day to you also.

  4. After all the times I've fallen into the water, you'd think by now I'd be a better swimmer. I fall in when I have entered a new phase of learning, which ideally would be moment by moment were I to not lose my peace and confidence, my equanimity, retaining my childlike sense of wonder. It's simple but it's not easy. Happy Easter, Patricia.


    1. Hi My Dear Friend,
      I believe you have hit the nail on the head. Every time we enter a new phase of life, there is a new phase of learning, and when we accept that we strive to maintain our peace and confidence and equanimity, by retaining our childlike sense of wonder.
      Thank you for sharing this insight.
      I wish you a very blessed Easter.

  5. Wonderful!! This child gives me the strength topush forward! Each one I read is treasured so.

    Love, Micki

    1. My Dear Micki,
      That is so nice to hear. Keep pushing forward, My Dear. Let us hope like The Child and not give up.
      Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
      Have a Happy Easter.

  6. Ahh... The child is beginning to trust the Prophet more and more. The child is beginning to have more confidence by trusting more and relying more on the words of the Prophet! Reminds me of my relationship with my Lord Jesus Christ this day before Easter. I must rely on Him to help me daily, but He gives me the confidence to step out on my own through His guidance and daily reliance of His word!

    1. Hi My Dear Sis,
      Yes, she is beginning to trust but she is still a child that has to face the many depths that lie within her unconscious to find herself.
      Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts.
      Have a very blessed Easter.

  7. Short and sweet stories ... will come back for more ... wonder what will it be for Q, X and Z ... :)


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