Wednesday, April 8, 2015


“Great, Mr. Eagle,” The Child said, giggling.  “I love to see your wings spread out.”

The eagle, flying above her, circled, then glided, letting the wind carry him, and The Child spread her arms wide to imitate him. Giggles of suppressed laughter erupted out of her mouth.

“I’m an eagle too, Mr. Eagle.”

“Gaaaak, Gaaaak, Gaaaak.”

“ Are you laughing at me?”  And The Child flapped her arms.

“Gaaaak, Gaaaak, Gaaaak,” said Mr. Eagle, swooping past her.

Coming up behind her, he latched onto the collar of her blouse with his beak.

“Oh, Mr. Eagle, don’t drop me.  I can’t fly,” she said, as he glided with her out on the ocean.

“Looks like you can, Child,” said The Prophet.

“Prophet!” The Child shouted, hanging from the eagle’s beak. “Mr. Eagle, there’s the Prophet I told you about.”

The eagle glided toward the lily pad and released her, and then flapping his wings, he flew upward.

“Don’t fly away, Mr. Eagle.”

“He’ll be back, Child.”

“How do you know? And where have you been? And where is Mr. Whale?”

“Come, Child. Eat some of this fresh fish. You look tired.”

“Turning that hourglass of yours, being left alone with sharks coming at me, who wouldn’t be tired, Prophet?

“You were never alone. Your Mr. Eagle was here.”

“But he flew away.”

“Did he return?”

“Sure, he returned, but…”

“But what, Child?”

“I never knew when.”

“Come, eat, so you can sleep.”

The Child giggled.

“You’re giggling.”

“I can’t help but giggle.”

“Why’s that, Child?”

“Because you haven’t answered my questions.”

“Would you like to hear a story before you sleep?”

Pat Garcia


  1. Replies
    1. Hi Melanie,
      Thank you and keep it the good work in the Challenge.

  2. Pat, is this from a book you wrote?

    1. Stephen, this is a book that I started writing during my first participation in the A to Z Blog Challenge in 2013. Thus, every year so far this book, The Child and The Prophet, has new stories added to it. I don't plan the articles but write each article fresh on the day of the alphabet. I plan to submit it to agents as soon as it is completed.

  3. I love giggling! Thanks for stopping by my blog. :)

    1. Hi.
      You're quite welcome, Marie and thank you for coming by mine.

  4. We never know in what guise our spirit guide will come, Pat. And, I have known Prophets who don't answer my questions -- until I see the answer. Sometimes all you can do is giggle; giggling seems to spring out of arriving at a new place and meeting a new guide, at least in my experience. And isn't it true that none of our guides ever leaves us -- they are always with us even if not in physical form.

    Delicately and subtly written wisdom.

    Thank you.

    1. My Dear Samantha,
      I think it is best when we don't receive the answers. There's something about having a guide being supportive helping you to find your way as you travel your path.
      Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts. It means a lot to me.

  5. I think it is cute that the child is giggling when the Prophet does not answer his or her question. The child never seems upset to not get answers to questions! Shows something about the child's spirit.

    1. Yes, it does,Sis. But it also shows something about The Prophet.
      Thank you for dropping by my dear.

  6. This also shows that the child completely trusts the prophet as children so often are trusting. If only all adults were worthy of that trust.


    1. Hello my dear friend,
      Yes, The Child does trust The Prophet, but she isn't aware of how much she trusts him.
      Thank you for your sharing your thought.

  7. Hi Pat,
    It's really a great joy to meet you at our pages.
    Thank you so much for your valuable time.
    I am here for the first time . Well written pieces.
    Good story presented nicely. I am reminded of
    my childhood days my grand ma used to tell fairy tales alongwith some Bible stories.
    Will come Gain to read more. Keep sharing.
    ~Philip Ariel

  8. Hello Philip,
    It is so kind of you to drop by and to share your thoughts about my story. The A to Z Blog Challenge is an event that I look forward to because I get the opportunity to take the time and visit other great writers who are blogging on the internet.
    Wishing you a great week in the challenge.


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