Thursday, April 9, 2015

Ha, Hu, Hi, Ho, Hold

“Have to hold on to you, Prophet,” The Child said, busying herself with the rope.

“I see.  Is that why you’re tying the rope around my ankles?”

“Sure. I need to sleep. You said so yourself, and I can’t sleep well when you’re not on the lily pad.”

“But, I’m on the lily pad, Child.”

“I need to make sure that you stay on the lily pad, Prophet. Don’t want to wake up, and you’re gone.”

“And the rope is going to hold me here?”

“Maybe, maybe not, but least, I’ll know when you move, and I can haul you back.”

The Prophet chuckled.

“Sleep, Child. You don’t need the rope.”

“You promised me a story, first.”

“I didn’t promise you; I said, I’d tell you a story.”

“What the difference?”

“Between promise and said?”

“Yep. There’re the same to me.”

“When I say something, Child, I do it. That’s better than a promise.”

“You mean your word is better than a promise?”

“Child, what I say I do.”

“Well…I’m not so sure,” The Child said.

“What are you not sure about?”

“About untying the rope. I’d rather hold on.”

“Oh, I see. So… you’re ready for your story?”

“Ready, Prophet.”

“Once upon a time, a dream found good soil in a Child’s heart, but….”

The Child, lying in her corner of the lily pad, suddenly loosened her grasp on the rope and crawled over to the Prophet’s imprisoned ankles.

“What are you doing, Child?”

“What does it look like I’m doing? I’m untying you. If your word is better than a promise, I have to let you go.”

She crawled back to her mat.

“But The Child was afraid of her dream,” The Prophet continued saying, and The Child  began to snore.

Pat Garcia


  1. Hi, I'm visiting from the A-Z. This is a beautiful scene about allegory it seems. It will interesting to see where you are headed.

    Inventions by Women A-Z

    1. Thank you, Sharon. It is an allegory, a story that I started on my first A to Z Blog Challenge participation in 2013.
      Pat Garcia

    2. Hi Pat, Thank you so very much for sharing my post today. Could you please fix the photo in Google Plus? For some reason, it shows Natasha's photo (you can arrow through pics in upper rt corner). I have no idea why it's showing her pic, but things are forever in Google, and it will probably show up again somewhere. Really appreciate it. Thanks again!

    3. Hi Sharon,
      I shared the post exactly as it was shown on your blog. I will try later on but I am not a Google expert.

  2. Replies
    1. Yes, we do. We seek it in material goods or other people, but it cannot be found there.
      Thank you so much for sharing your thought.

  3. I like the fact that the prophet's word means so much to him.

    1. Thank you Misha.
      The Prophet's word is the closes thing to his heart. It shows his affection for The Child.

  4. Wouldn't it be a wonderful world if everyone's word was better than a promise? It seems like like in the past a man's word , or a hand shake was a promise. It meant it would happen for sure. Today it seldom happens. Yes, there are some who still will follow that belief, but the world has fewer people who go by this belief than in the past, now we must have contracts, and get lawyers involved and make everything perfect. No more hand shake deals! No more trust between a child and a prophet!

    1. Yes, it would be a wonderful world if we got back to the basics that make life wonderful. Saying what you mean and doing what you say are fundamental elements of living a successful life.
      Thank you my dear for dropping by. I really appreciate it.

  5. Oh, so good and so wise, Patricia. Afraid of the dream -- in sleeping or waking, I think. Also, trusting and setting free.

    I love your dialogue. You are very good at creating it.

    Thank you.


    1. My Dear Samantha,
      Thank you so much. You know, this story, The Child and The Prophet has been slumbering in me for years. It took the A to Z Blog Challenge to let her come out and reveal herself.
      Thank you also for the compliment concerning my dialogue. Living on the European Continent in a country where English is not the native language, I have to work very hard on my dialogue. Your compliment does my heart good.



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