Monday, April 13, 2015


“Knots are everywhere; everywhere I look, I see knots,” The Child said.

“Why are you grumbling?”

“Wouldn’t you be grumbling if you had to clear away all these small knots before we left the cove? Some are so tiny; my fingers ache.

“I offered to help you.”

“No!” said The Child. “I’ll do this by myself.”

“But why Child?”

“I don’t want your help cause…” The Child said as her voice died down to a whisper.

“You’re not alone, Child.”

“Sometimes, I feel that way.”

“I know.”

“How, Prophet?”

“Your tummy knots up like the knots you’re untangling.”

“Can you see the knots in my tummy, Prophet?”

“I feel them, Child.”

“But how?”

“Let me help you.”

“No, I want to do this.”

“Ah ha,” said The Prophet,  “Autarkic.”

“What’s autarkic, Prophet?”

“Then, I’ll take a walk on the sea while you’re untying the knots.”

“No. Stay here.”

“But why, Child? You don’t want my help.”

“But that doesn’t mean I want you to leave.”

“What does it mean, then, Child?”

The Child grabbed a strong, tiny knot of seaweed; the resistance from the knot, when she pulled, repelled her backward.

“This knotted seaweed is cantankerous.”

The Prophet chuckled.


“Yes, Child.”

“Does autarkic means these knots go away quicker if you help me?”


“Then what is autarkic?”

“Shall I help with the knots?”

“Why, Prophet?”

“My dear Child, are you so blind to the consanguinity that runs between us?”

“What’s consanguinity, Prophet?”

“I believe I’ll walk on the sea now.”

“Prophet, I don’t want you to walk on the sea. Help me, please.”

The Prophet sat beside The Child and began to untangle knots; The Child untied knots with astonishment on her face; the work seemed easier and quicker.


“Yes, Child.”

 “What’s consanguinity?”

Pat Garcia


  1. Hi Pat,
    Nice to Ne here again, yet another wonderful conv. In fact alongwith the child I too learned few unknown words today. Thanks a lot for this share
    Have a good day.
    ~Philip Ariel

    1. Hi,
      I thank you for coming back. And I know how you feel about learning new words. I always get a big kick out of reading someone else's work because I discover new words that I adopt into my own vocabulary.

  2. That's a very thoughtful piece. Got to learn quite a bit of things today. thank you for visiting the blog and leaving a lovely comment :) Great to have connected via A-Z Challenge.

    1. Thank you Sushree, and I enjoyed visiting your blog. I will return. It is also very nice meeting you in the A to Z Blog Challenge. That's one of the great advantages in participating that I enjoy.

  3. What a lovely story! And I learned a new word too...

    1. Thank you so much for coming by. I am a little behind in returning comments on my own blog because I am visiting other blogs daily.
      I'm happy to hear you learned a new word.

  4. Consanguinity -- oh, so important, and a rare gift. I have been like the Child -- I suppose I still am, but now if my significant other started to vacuum the house, I'd let him rather than say, as I once did, "Stop. I was going to do that." :-) I believe now that nothing is autarkic (a new word for me); that everything is connected in some way.

    That Prophet sure is wise. He's met a lot of sharks in his voyages.

    Charming, Patricia.


    1. Amen and so it is. I too separated things thinking that some things were autarkic. I have now learned that it is not so and it has released new freedom in me as a person.

      Thank you my dear.


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