Thursday, April 23, 2015


“To be or not to be––that is the question,1 recited The Child as she skipped across the sea, pulling the lily pad.  “To stay or not to stay,” to go or not to go,” to sing or not to sing,” to move or not to move,” to write or not to write,” to do or not to do…”

“Halt, Child, and tell me why you’re reciting those phrases in your sing sing voice.”

“Who was Hamlet, Prophet?”

“Is that why you’re chanting infinitive phrases as you skip on the water?”

“What’s an infinitive phrase, Prophet?”

“What you were reciting.”


“Yes, Child.”

“Was Hamlet a real person?”

“His creator was.”

“And who was his creator?”


“You mean Shakespeare created him?”


“But how?”

“By examining human character.”

“But how could he examine Hamlet when he hadn’t created him yet, Prophet?”

“Why do you want to know?”


“Child, Choice is given to everyone. You choose to do or not to do, to be or not to be, to go or not to go, to hear or not to hear. The decision is always yours.”

“So Hamlet had a choice?”

“Of course he did. Shakespeare wouldn’t have been a great creator if he had taken away his right to choose.”
“Oh,” she said.  Frowns appeared on her forehead, and she stepped on her lily pad to sit and think.


“Yes, Child?”

“Do I have a choice?”

“You’ve always had a choice, Child, and you always will as long as you’re on your journey.”

“I like it, Prophet! The decision is mine,” And The Child laughed.

Solemnly, The Prophet bowed his head seeing the trials coming to test her conviction.

“Yes, Child, the decision will be yours.”


“Yes, Child?”

“What’s an infinitive phrase?”

Pat Garcia

[1] Hamlet’s Soliloquy,  Act 3, Scene 1, Hamlet, William Shakespeare,


  1. Shakespeare. Thank you, Patricia.

    I think it's good that the Child laughs in the face of free will, looking forward to her choices. Sometimes that's all we can do. It eases the burden.

    It so happens that as I read this I am listening to Elton John and Pavarotti sing "Live Like Horses."

    Thank you.


  2. Hi,
    I must buy that on iTunes and listen to it. Pavarotti was a tenor with heart and I loved him. Still do. His voice is indescribable.
    And I so agree with you, sometimes our laughter eases our burden.
    Thank you for sharing your thoughts my dear.


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