Monday, April 27, 2015


“Woo woo,
Dee bop bop,
Woo woo,
Dee bop da,
Wade,” yowled The Child.

“What are you doing, Child?”

“Wading, Prophet. Just wading my feet through the water.”

“Then, wade, Child.”

“Prophet? Yesterday was the hammer, wasn’t it?”

“Yesterday has passed, Child. Today, you're wading.”

“And what will I do tomorrow?”

“Is the water warm?”

“No,” The Child said, and in her melancholy voice, she yowled like a motherless panther,

“Woo woo,
Dee bop bop,
Woo woo,
Dee bop da,

She looked in the clear blue water; time was moving quicker than she desired. Soon Mr. Whale and Mr. Eagle would be on their way and the lily pad would be in a nice cosy cove for restoration.

"Now that I'm used to everything I have to do something else,” The Child mumbled softly to herself.

“Did you say something?”

“It doesn’t matter.”

“Yes, it does matter, Child. You matter. You need to practice what you’ve learned.”

“Why can't we keep going? It's so nice just you and me, and the lily pad, and Mr. Eagle, and Mr. Whale?”

“Do you think you would be contented wading your feet in the water all the time?”

“Will I see them again?”

“They’ll meet you around the bend.”

“When will that be?”

“Whenever you get there, Child.”

The Child sighed. 

“Thank you, Mr. Whale.”  

“Gaaaak,” she mimicked to Mr. Eagle.

“Love you, Lily Pad.” And her tears fell.

She lifted her head toward Heaven, and in her pain, from the depth of her soul, she yowled,

“Woo woo,
Dee bop bop,
Woo woo,
Dee bop da,
Wade in de water,
Wade in de water, children,
Wade in de water,
God gonna trouble de water.”

“Oh yeah,” shouted The Prophet,
“Keep wading, Child.
God gonna trouble de water.”

Pat Garcia


  1. Oh, I've been so sad since last week, knowing that this story line will be tucked away for another year. Sigh! It sure is a good thing that we are able to revisit for a while through the Challenge website and, of course, forever through your site(s).
    Thank you Patti for your continued inspiration!

    1. Liz, my dear, you touched my heart. I can't believe that a month is almost over with. Deep within me The Child wants to continue on but first as The Prophet says, she must put to use those things that she has learned.

      It is difficult for her to say goodbye and that's why the wailing, the mourning of what will never be again because she will change during the separation. Of course she will come back. The stop is a temporary maturity stop that she needs to face the future, always with The Prophet at hand.

      Thank you so much for your loyalty. It was extremely encouraging knowing that you were somewhere in the background cheering me onward.

      Sending you love and a big hug out of good old Europe.

  2. O a real mixture of joy and sadness Pat thank you .. maybe I'm projecting my own joy and sadness, joy at the posts, sadness that they'll be coming to an end ... but there's always a new beginning.

    1. I too have a real mixture of joy and sadness. For example, I have read everyone of the posts in the dream series, and they have challenged me to be even more open and patient with my own dreams. You have done a wonderful job with presenting the entire dream series, and I will miss waking up in the mornings and going to the series on dreams.

      Overall the quality of writing, the commitment, and the topics that were introduced in the Challenge 2015 by all the writers has made it a very special challenge, and I will be forever thankful to you, because you were the one that showed me an open door that I did not see.
      So, thank you my dear.
      Sending you love and a big hug out of good old Europe.

  3. Love the music at the end, Patricia. It has gone fast, hasn't it.

    Hopefully meet the Prophet and Child up around the bend this time next year.

    Wishing you a nice cozy cove for restoration. :-)


    1. Thank you my dear as I too wish you a nice restoration. I too hope that The Child and The Prophet appear next year with all of her friends.


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