Tuesday, April 28, 2015


“X-intercept should be here, Prophet.”

“Are you sure?”

“I think so.”

“Look again.”

The Child looked out over the water; gentle waves were hitting her from behind her.

“The horizontal line of the x-axis is moving towards minus.”

“Which way does Mr. Whale want to move, Child?”

“In that direction, Prophet.”

“And Mr. Eagle?”

“He should be enjoying his gliding with the wind.”

“And is he?”

“It doesn’t look like it.”

“So, is your x coordinates correctly ordered, Child?”

“But everything seems right.”

“Is it?”

“You think we’re heading wrongly?”

“What do you think?”

“The sea is calm. I could sleep for ages on the lily pad.”

“Do you want to sleep for ages, Child?”

“You know I don’t.”

“So, what is your x-intercept?”

The Child closed her eyes and mentally checked the x-coordinates. She saw the route she was going would make her miss the x-intercept.  Opening her eyes, she looked at The Prophet.

“X-intercept moves against the wind,” She said solemnly.

“Say goodbye to your friends.  They need the contrary winds to rise and fly and go out into the deep.”

Suddenly, the lily pad turned against the wind and placed The Child on the water.

“Go, lily pad. Take care. I’ll see you around the bend,” She said, standing up.

“Gaaaak, Mr. Eagle, fly. Don’t forget me. See you around the bend.”

She looked at Mr. Whale and then climbed on his back and her tears flowed. He was her very first friend.

“I love you, Mr. Whale.  You’re so special. Don’t forget to meet me around the bend.” And she hugged his body so far as her arms could reach.

“What now, Prophet?”

“We’ve got a two days journey ahead of us, Child.”

“And then?”

“I’ll meet you around the bend.”

Pat Garcia


  1. So sweet and gentle, just a little further, see you around the bend ... hidden for a moment but just for a little while ... Thank you dear Pat

    1. Yes, sweet and gentle, just like our dreams. If we wait on the hidden moment to reveal itself, we meet them around the bend.
      Thank you Susan for your loyal support and your friendship.
      I'll see you around the bend.

  2. It makes me want to cry. I know those times of being alone waiting for the Lord to meet me. Oh how I hate the journey, but love the reunion! Great one today, Pat, hit me in the heart! Love you!

    1. My Dear Sis,
      This is one of the hardest posts I've had to write. I think of that beautiful poem by Robert Frost, The Road Not Taken. The last verses say what The Child is feeling at the moment.

      "I shall be telling this with a sigh,
      Somewhere ages and ages hence.
      Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
      And I,
      I kept the road less travelled by,
      And that has made all the difference."

      Thank you so much for our loyal support. You're more than just a friend, you're my sister.
      I'll see you around the bend.

  3. Ah, against the wind, Pat. Yes, we must.

    Thank you. I'll take out a tissue for the teary eyes and the sniffles. :-)


    1. My Dear,
      I know the feeling. I have personally enjoyed every one of your postings. They have brought us closer together. You are a dynamic writer and I am pleased to know you.

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