Thursday, April 30, 2015


From afar The Child saw the sleepy town covered in the dawning light. 
The Prophet stood on her right.

“What do you see, Child?”

“On the horizon, I see the sun as it appears,
Moving upward toward the Heaven. 
A sleepy town stands afar,
Awaking into a new day.

Strangers with unknown faces
Appear before my eyes.
What I behold is scary,
Yet, the call of what’s beyond,
The call to the Zenith,
Spurs me on.

Beyond the horizon,
Where Heaven meets earth,
Awaits me my three dear friends:
Mr. Whale with his blue hairless skin,
Mr. Eagle with his hunter’s eyes,
And the lily pad with her heart-shaped face.

Your tender voice,
That whispers in my ear,
The memories that make me giggle,
The strand of trust,
That causes me to move one foot after the other,
Is what I hear.

I see the pinnacle.
It’s leading me toward the x-intercept,
And I hear your voice as you cry out,
Very good, Child, you have done well.

Upward, I’m going,
How far I do not know.
The appointment to be there
Pulls me forward.
It’s the zenith I seek.”

The Child turned toward The Prophet.

“Go ahead, dear Prophet,
Leave your charge.
My task lies ahead.
I’ll meet you around the bend.”

And The Prophet disappeared before her eyes.
The Child walked toward the strange town with its people. The wind caressed her face.

A voice hummed in the wind,
“Well done, my Child,
I’ll see you around the bend,”

A triumphant smile appeared on her face,
And she quickened her pace.

“Thank you, dear Prophet,”
She said,
“I’ll see you around the bend.”

Pat Garcia


  1. Beautiful! You gave me chills. I love that imagery of the eagle, the whale, and the lily pad. I shared a blog about Eagles way back for the letter B: and I mention it here because you might enjoy the live eagle cam linked at the bottom. Those eaglets are growing so fast I can't believe it!

    Thank you for visiting The Writer's Retreat blog shared with my writing friends. My final post for the challenge at is about zinnias. I am number 1157 on the list now and can't believe the month is nearly over.

    1. Thank you for visiting my blog also Darla. Now I have time to catch up on the rest of your posts.

      Congratulations and all the best.

  2. (Oh, no! The eagle cam is obscured today. Sigh... Just thought I'd warn you. Hopefully, we'll see the fogginess burned off with the day's warmth)

    1. Darla, I do hope the fogginess went away. I will look at your website and subscribed to it.
      Thank you so much.
      All the best.

  3. Congratulations. you made it. I enjoyed reading some of your posts. I'll come back and finish the whole thing from beginning to end.

    1. Thank you so much Rasheed. It was indeed a challenge. It makes me happy to know that you enjoyed my posts.

      All the best.


  4. Hi, I've popped in here before...just want to say congrats on making it to Z!

    @ShonnaSlayton from
    Shonna Slayton YA Writer - Blogging the 1940’s from A to Z

    1. Congratulations to you also Shonna! We made it. I am now a subscriber of your newsletter and look forward to reading your posts.

      All the best.

  5. The Zenith -- of course, Patricia. So inspirational. "And the Prophet disappeared before her eyes." -- And mine are teary. Beautifully written, poignantly said. That bend is just a few steps up ahead. Blessings to the Child on her journey from here to there.

    Congratulations on making it through the A-Zs, Patricia. I have enjoyed this journey of enlightenment on the lily pad, often feeling like I was the Child (maybe always). :-)


  6. My Dear Samantha,
    The last part of your last sentence captures the entire essence of The Child and The Prophet, "Often feeling like I was the Child (maybe always). That is the point in this allegory, rediscovering the child within us. When I first started writing this book, the woman was standing on the edge of a bank. She saw the white house across the ocean, where her destiny lay and she didn't know how to get there. The water lay before her. She is realising through The Prophet that she has to have a childlike attitude of faith, endurance, perseverance, hope, trust, love, joy, and patience to reach her destiny. So, I am happy that through the allegory, you are rediscovering the child within as I am.

    This was also my first try at a soliloquy, and I loved it. The soliloquy is an expansion of the writing voice that I have been given.

    And thank you so much for your loyal support. I treasured your comments and look forward to seeing Moriarty in a book. Hopefully, he isn't still fussing about the dust.:-)

    Love you.

  7. You paint such beautiful images with your words. The words just soar off the page so gently and clearly. I have felt that I was there with the Child, wondering what was next. Thank you for sharing your gift.

    1. Hello Cheryl,
      Please excuse my getting back to you late, but the Challenge took lots of energy. I am still re energising.
      Thank you for your kind words. It delights me that you were there with the Child because that was my intention. This is an allegory told from the aspect of a woman who has finally found the key to living out her purpose.
      I wish you all the best.


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