Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Sporting the A to Z Blog Wear

Well, I’m a pretty happy cookie, today. April was the month of the A to Z Blog Challenge, and I was a participant.  We had to post a blog article a day, except on Sundays.

My theme was a continuation from one of the books, I’m writing.  Being an ExPat American, living in a country, where English is not the native language, I depend on the comments and ideas from my networking writers’ communities to let me know how my manuscript is coming across to them.

Therefore, the A to Z Blog Challenge is the format that I chose three years ago to get feedback on The Child and The Prophet, and I have not been disappointed.

This was my third challenge, and I found that the hosts and co-hosts did an outstanding job this year.  Maybe, it is because I became more involved. I really tried to support our team.

In the end, I, not only finished the Challenge but I achieved my goals.

So, here I am showing off my A TO Z BLOG TEE SHIRT.  I am a Survivor and like a kid, I’ve rediscovered Christmas in May. It came today, and I couldn’t resist putting it on and going out to eat lunch.  I was sporting, Yeah!!!  Of course, no one here in Germany understands what it means, but that didn’t matter.  Still, I got lots of looks and heard people murmuring, “That’s a cool tee shirt.” 

So thank you once again, Alex, Arlee, Stephen and all you wonderful co-hosts at  A to Z.  You have done an outstanding job, and to all of you bloggers out there who participated, let me say, it was my pleasure to blog with you this year, and I look forward to blogging in the challenge with you in 2016.

Pat Garcia 


  1. Hi Pat, I am waiting for my T to arrive. You look good in yours! I be around to read your A-Z posts. Looking forward to them.

    1. Hi Lynda,
      thank you for dropping by and thank you for the compliment. This A to Z was the best one ever for me. I hope you get yours soon. Don't forget to post. I look forward to visiting your sight.
      I will also be going through your A to Z's starting next Monday. I had to first clear out my desk as everyone else has been doing.
      Take care.

  2. Congrats, Patricia, on making it through and not dropping anything considering all the other plates you have in the air.

    It is a pleasure blogging with you!


    1. Hi My Dear Friend,
      Thank you and congrats to you too. I know you're just as busy as I am trying to catch up on correspondence as well as handle what continues to come in.
      So hang in there.
      One of the most rewarding bonuses that I received from this Challenge was getting to know you better. It is something that I treasure deeply.
      Take care, Lady.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Visiting from the A/Z Road Trip; I don't thnk I made it over to your blog during the challenge, but I'm trying to visit those that signed up for the road trip. You look great in the shirt!! It is definitely a wonderful symbol of completing the challenge :)


    1. Hi Betty,
      Thank you so very much. I don't think I made it to yours either but I have signed up to visit the participating blogs for this year so I know I will get to yours.
      Have a happy holiday.

  5. Woohoo! Congrats on completing the April A-Z challenge. I also participated and at times it was so intense and stressful. Glad you received your teacher and can show offer successes! :)

    1. Hi Mandy,
      I am sorry that I am just getting back to you, but my plate has been more than full. Thank you and I congratulate you too. It was a wonderful but challenging Challenge.
      All the best.


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