Wednesday, June 3, 2015


May was struggle month pure for me but along with it came a nice surprise.

Struggle 1 - My MacBook Pro got sick.  I treat it like a child, so it had to go to Uncle Doctor Apple.  I suspected it was my graphic card and said so when I met with the technician.  He checked it with me standing by and sure enough, the graphic card was gone.  It needed a new one. My Mac Pro is five years old, so the guarantee was over, but I wanted to have it repaired, and it was. Apple gave me a new graphic card at no cost to me.  That was my biggest surprise for May. Thank you, Apple.

Struggle 2 – Stopped letting procrastination gnaw away at my self-confidence by returning to the Critique Circle. I am a paying member of the CC, and although I don’t submit any manuscripts on a regular basis, I like giving others helpful critiques. I was out of the loop for about four months and knew that if I didn’t get involved again, I wouldn’t feel good about myself.

Struggle 3 – Taking the time to visit all the blogs that I signed up for during the challenge on a regular basis. Some people write blog postings daily. That’s okay, but I won’t be able to read every one of them. I’m a writer that want to be a novelist, so, I have to find a balance that will work for me. 

Struggle 4 – Taking the time to maintenance my Social Media platforms.  My platforms have been practically screaming update me or complete me.

I could go on and on, but I won’t, because struggles are inevitable. They accompany change, so I’m learning  how to overcome as I master them.

Pat Garcia


  1. Hi Pat, glad your MacBook was repaired. We all treat our lappies like children :)
    And its a good idea to strike a balance between the Social Networking sites and one's writing.

    Rachna Chhabria
    Co-host IWSG
    Rachna's Scriptorium

    1. Hi,
      It is funny when I think about my lappy because it is really like a child. In fact, sometimes, I think I've lost it, especially when I start talking to it.
      I'm finding out that balance is necessary. I am not just a blogger. My heart says I'm a novelist and that's my journey. Therefore, I need the time to write.
      Thanks so much for coming by.

  2. But my dear Pat, you shone through the month in spite of the challenges!
    It is great to evaluate what we can change in our lives and things we can't, and accept that.

    Always in your corner!

    In Joy!
    Love and hugs.

    1. Hi My Dear,
      Thank you. The Challenge was a huge task and one that had me bouncing back and forth emotionally. You're so right about learning to accept the things I cannot change and for me that means dealing with the peer pressure of trying to be like everyone else and just be myself.
      Thanks that you're out there. It really does mean a lot to me.
      Love you, Liz.

  3. Pat, do not let the world's demands corrupt your soul in any way. You walk in the light, and the darkness has to flee. But the darkness still yells loud enough for you to hear that you haven't done enough. Condemnation! Lies! You are going to take a deep breath, forgive yourself for putting so much pressure on yourself, and get back in to the Word. Clarity and assurance of God's pleasure and Presence in your life will flood over you like a waterfall. I loved your A to Z blogs, and social media runs too many lives. I think it's a real good way to take our minds off the Lord. So rest in His peace. You'll feel better. I love you! Deirdre

    1. Hi My Dear,
      Thank you. I needed to hear this. Sometimes, I focus my eyes on what everyone else is doing and put my own self under pressure. I realise the importance of Social Media but like you I don't want it running my life. My focus must and will stay on God. His purpose for my life will be realised.

  4. That's cool of Apple to replace your graphics card for free! I can't see that being cheap on their end! I know how you feel about the social media stuff. I'm struggling to keep it all together without over-burdening myself.

    1. Hi Madilyn,
      I thought it was cool also. I am living in Europe, specifically, Germany and to repair it cost 545,75 Euros. I have the official invoice they sent me for my records. I am framing this invoice because miracles do happen.
      As for social media, I have made up my mind to not try an respond to every person's blog. Some write posts daily and that's okay, but I want be commenting on their daily posts.
      Thanks for stopping by.

  5. I love how you have turned every struggle you've encountered into something positive. I know what you mean about social media. I can't win with it - if I'm not on often I feel guilty I'm neglecting my followers, and if I'm on too often I feel like I should be doing something more productive!

    1. Hi Debbie,
      Thanks. I am learning not to feel guilty. If I try to comment on every single blog that I receive on a daily basis, I would never get any writing done. So I have really gone from trying to be everybody's darling and comment on every post to focusing on my goals for my writing career. It may not gain as many followers but the ones that I do have appreciate my output on my blogs when I write a new posting, and the blogs that I visit appreciate my comments because I really read them and try to respond in accordance with how their posting affects me, or give advice and suggestions when asked.
      Thanks for stopping by.

  6. Pat, sometimes I think wrestling with problems is the only exercise I get! lol! Keep on keepin' on, gal. Challenges keep us strong.

    1. Hi Marian,
      I agree wholeheartedly. Wrestling with problems is the bacon that adds flavor to our lives. I have just finished reading THE WARRIOR ELITE, by Dick Couch and I have come out of that book with a new look at what I'm experiencing. It is a fantastic book with a message about strength, endurance, perseverance and faith.
      Thank you for stopping by.

  7. I have an Apple too and love it, so I'm glad to hear you got it repaired. Good luck with your struggles and finding the balance you need to be awesome. =)

    ~Patricia Lynne aka Patricia Josephine~
    Story Dam
    Patricia Lynne, Indie Author

    1. Hi Patricia,
      I am in love with Apple. Have been for a long time. From iPod, to iPad, to MacBook, to iMac, I don't think there is any better equipment for a writer. Of course, that is my personal opinion but it is a system that I am sold on.
      Thank you for coming by.


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