Thursday, July 9, 2015

Day One of 3 Day Quote Challenge

I would like to thank Susan Scott for asking me to participate in this 3-Day Quote Challenge.  I read her blog Garden of Eden with interest. Every article she writes stimulates my mind and causes me to think and reconsider my own ideas and opinions, which have settled in my mind and control my own behavior.  Confronted with my mindsets, I can see if my thinking has become old and musty, and I am challenged to change.

Leaving a town where repression because of my skin color blocked my opportunities, I knew I had to leave if I wanted to live my dream and let the creative gifts that were deep inside me become a reality. 

It was 1967, and I was watching the very first Super Bowl game with the Green Bay Packers out of Wisconsin.  That was my first encounter with the coach Vince Lombardi and his inspirational messages to his team. His message that day gave me the strength to walk away and to start living my dream.

Vince Lombardi once said:

You can be as great as you want to be.  If you believe in yourself and have the courage, the determination, the dedication, the competitive drive, and if you are willing to sacrifice the little things in life and pay the price for the things that are worthwhile, it can be done.

This quote changed a mindset that was anchored in my mind and thus changed the way I live.

What quote or quotes has changed one of  your mindset and has inspired you to change?

I would like to invite the three writers whom I have gotten to know to join me by sharing some of their inspirational quotes in the 3 Day Challenge at their convenience.  Their blogs are an inspiration to my life and I invite you to visit them and be inspired.  

Aurora  at

L.W. at

Jessica at

Pat Garcia


  1. Yes, I remember "those" sad days when your skin color, sex, or religion determined what you would do in life. I also remember Vince Lombardi. He was a fabulous coach. You definitely followed his words. I'm proud of you!

    1. Hi My Dear Friend,
      Yes, we are able to remember those days and we have also learned from them. Vince Lombardi became a figure in my life when I needed him. His speeches and his books have often been a very big inspiration for me.
      Thank you so much for dropping by.


  2. I admire you for believing in yourself and this dream...for taking hold of this quote and living your life around it daily. You have made your life amazing. Keep stepping forward!

    1. Hi My Dear Sister,
      Thank you for dropping by and thank you for all the support you have given me through the years. It is really much appreciated.
      Love you.

  3. Thank you so much for your invitation, Patti! :-) I'm honored. I hope I won't disappoint by this challenge. I'll start it tomorrow.

    1. Hi A.J.,
      It was an honour to choose you and I look forward to the quote you will share with us.


  4. It is always a blessing to have these little glimpses into your past and how you overcame obstacles. Thank you for sharing words that inspired you and why they did.

    1. My Dear Liz,
      Thank you. You know, I get a kick out of passing it on. Sharing the wisdom I've gained may help someone and if I don't share it, then I help no one.

      You too have been an inspiration for me. I'll never forget Writer's Gateway and how you stepped up to the plate to give a few writers like myself the opportunity to find ourselves. You shared yourself and thereby made a big impression on my life. So, I say thank you.


  5. Thank you Pat. Sometimes we have to move away from that toxic brew where a person is judged on externals and come to a place where we can live and love, work freely and simply be ourselves. Thank you for sharing this post with us.

    A quote off the top of my head and the one that came to me as I was writing this: Judge not and be ye not judged.

  6. My Dear Friend,

    I love your quote: Judge not and be ye not judged. Very appropriate and it lays a basic fundamental foundation for developing healthy mindsets.

    Love you, Susan.


  7. Vince Lombardi's words serve as an excellent reminder and source of inspiration to me. Thank you for posting this quote. When I was 15, back in 1957, I read Voltaire's "Candide," a little book having great impact on me: "Everything is for the best in this best of all possible worlds." I may be paraphrasing, but this is essentially the thought and the philosophical premise. So ... putting these two qotes together for me neutralizes the negative thought in my mind that blocks me from believing I can achieve my dreams.


    1. Good Morning Samantha,
      Do I remember Voltaire's "Candide"? Yes, I do but I read it first at the university that I was attending. It was mandatory to read it. At that time, I had already had my first encounter with Vince Lombardi through his famous speech to the Green Bay Packers in 1967 when they won the first Super Bowl. That speech impacted my life and changed my thought life. I knew then that I must rise above the shackles of life that were trying to hold me down because I was a black woman. Since then I continue to rise and will continue until as Alfred Lord Tennyson said, I walk into the heavenly light that is above all light.
      Thank you for so much for sharing here with me.


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