Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Women's Fiction Festival

I am discovering that it is okay to like your strengths and to validate yourself instead of waiting for others to validate you.
Living as an Expatriate (ExPat) outside of my own country forces me to explore who I am and stretch. That is one of the positive advantages of becoming an ExPat; you have to leave your shadow because you stick out.

I stick out.  I can count the number of chocolate brown women from any nation that drive all over Germany–the European Country, where I presently reside. In fact, I have had the privilege of driving in many of the European Countries and most of my trips have been without someone accompanying me. Just me , with my CD player blasting, and me singing as I whiz down the autobahn (interstate) to Switzerland, Austria, Luxembourg, France, The Netherlands, Belgium, or Italy or whiz to a harbor in Germany to catch a ferry that takes me to the United Kingdom.

What does this have to do with writing? Well, I’ve discovered the Women’s Fiction Festival, in Matera, Italy. I didn’t know they existed until I started combing the internet for possible English speaking writing support groups because I was grumpy about not having enough exposure to agents and publishers in a non-English speaking environment.

So, I will stretch again when I drive to Matera, which is in Southern Italy and about fifteen hours away from where I live. I will drive because I want to see the Adriatic Coastline and soak in some of the Italian Culture.  Again, I’ll probably stick out. It is my first writer’s conference with this association and my third writer’s conference overall.

I can’t wait until September comes. Then, I’ll get in White Eagle (my beetle), and we’ll hit the Autobahn singing, Country roads, take me home, to that place, I belong, West Virginia, mountain mamas, take me home, country roads.[1]  But instead of country roads, it will be the interstate, instead of West Virginia, it’ll be Matera, Italy, and instead of mountain mamas, it’ll be one ever-loving writing gal jazzing down the interstate to be with people who love writing just as much as she does.

Pat Garcia

[1] John Denver, Country Roads, Poems, Prayers, & Promises, 1971.


  1. Replies
    1. Hi My Dear,
      Thank you for dropping by. Hope you are doing fine.

  2. Driving all over Europe sounds amazing! Good for you and I'm glad you found a writing group.

    1. Hi Charity,
      Driving throughout Europe is amazing and I look forward to attending the Women's Fiction Festival.
      Thanks for dropping by.

  3. That sounds awesome. I hope you find lots of writing festivals. Also, jealous you get to drive all over Europe. One day, I'll get to visit.

    1. Hi Patricia Lynne,
      Thank you for dropping by. I have found several festivals here and I am planning on attending one at a time. And yes, come visit Europe. It is truly an amazing continent.

  4. That's so exciting! I love your adventurous heart!

    1. Hi Tyrean,
      Thank you so much. I'll be writing on my workshop when I get back in September.

  5. That will be cool! Glad you found a conference you could reach, even if it's a long ways away.
    And welcome to the IWSG!

    1. Hi Alex,
      Thank you and I am very happy to be a part of IWSG. I look forward to my tee shirt arriving.
      This is my first writer's conference with the Women's Fiction Festival, but I am looking forward to it.
      Thank you for dropping by.

  6. What an adventure, tooling about Europe. I hope you enjoy the trip and your conference.

    1. Hi Tamara,
      Thank you so much. I do enjoy tooling about Europe and I look forward to the upcoming writer's conference.


  7. That sounds like an adventure! Enjoy the trip, take pictures, and write about what you see. :)

    1. Hi Chrys,
      Thank you so much for dropping by. As an ExPatriate American it is an adventure as well as a privilege to live on the European Continent. I look forward to the writer's conference.

  8. Hi Pat!
    Sounds like quite an exciting & adventurous lifestyle!
    I'm imagining all the sights/sounds/smells - great fodder for stories!
    Enjoy the conference!
    Writer In Transit

    1. Hi Michelle,
      Thank you for dropping by and sharing your thoughts. Yes, it is exciting because I'm constantly learning to change and adjust myself to a different lifestyle. And I look forward to the writer's conference. It is a highlight for me.

  9. Cool, Patricia. I envy your ability to drive all over Europe. What fun! Such a free feeling. I love long-distance road travel. And, in the course of my earlier life, I owned a succession of three Beetles -- the early ones without gas gauges. Music, singing and traveling -- one of my great joys. And, you, my friend, are outstanding.


    1. Hi Samantha,
      Yes, I believe you too would feel very comfortable driving through Europe. One of these days you must visit. You had three Beetles, how great. The Beetle is such a unique car with its own character and I believe it says something about its owner. This is my third Beetle and I enjoy it so much. So, I am looking forward to driving down the coastline of Italy with my Beetle and music.
      Thank you so much for dropping by my dear.
      Take care.


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