Friday, August 14, 2015


The Child wandered through the small village. Houses had been ram shacked; some burned down. Debris was all over the street and glass glimmered in the twilight.  Darkness was slowly descending upon what must have been a striving little town.  The Child stopped before a worn down, scaly, painted house with no windows, no doors, and half of its roof caved in.

“Who lived in such a shack?” She said loudly.

“A family of eight,” said a voice behind her.

The Child screamed and turned to face the unknown voice.

“Who are you?”  She asked looking down at the pair of eyes observing her.

“The name’s Coon, my dear Child.”

“I’ve never talked to a raccoon before.” She said and began to laugh. “Never even knew they could talk.”

“It’s Mr. Raccoon for you,” he said, hurt at her laughter,  “And there’re lots of things that you don’t know, Child.”

“Okay, Mr. Raccoon.  Am I dreaming?


“Then, what are you doing here?”

“Passing through.”

“Passing through? It’s twilight and too dark to travel.”

“Not for me, Child.  I travel at night.”


“What are you doing here, Child?”

“I was hoping to find a place to sleep tonight.”

“Won’t find a place here.”

“Why not?”

“Don’t you see the village is deserted?”

“Yes. I was wondering where all the people were.”

“Hiding in the mountains.” 

“Why are they hiding?”

“Why are you hiding?”

“I’m not hiding. I’m on my way to meet someone.”

“Well, then, I’ll be seeing you.”

“Don’t go, Mr. Raccoon. Don’t leave me alone.”

“But you’re meeting someone.”

“I am. At least, I hope so, but I don’t know when.”

“In that case, you’re welcome to travel along with me.”

“Okay, but I need to rest.”

“Not tonight, Child.  If you’re going with me, we’ll rest during the day.”

Pat Garcia


  1. Ha! Okay, Pat, I am totally intrigued now!!! What are you up to, my friend?

    1. Good Morning My Dear Friend,
      I'm sorry it has taken me so long to say thanks, but I've been preparing for a writing contest.

      The Child has to go across the land if she plans on meeting The Prophet around the bend. So, she's started out. I'll give a progress report every two weeks until April 2016.


  2. What's next what's next what's next? And then what happened??

    1. Good Morning Marian,
      I'm sorry it has taken me so long to say thanks, but I've been preparing for a writing contest.

      The Child and The Prophet continues. She has to meet him around the bend. So, she's started out, I'll give a progress report every two weeks until April 2016.

      Thank you so much for dropping by.


  3. Love it, just love it, Patricia! And, besides, who would not be intrigued by and unable to resist reading a story titled "Twilight." I like this Coon character. As the raccoon said, eating the tomatoes in the garden in the middle of the night, "More, please."


    1. My Dear Samantha,
      Thank you so much for sharing your insight and perception of The Child and The Prophet. If you remember, when they departed, The Prophet said, I'll see you around the bend. Well, The Child has started out to conquer whatever awaits her on land.
      I'll be giving a report of her progress every two weeks up to the next A to Z Blog Challenge in 2016.
      Love you, Lady.

  4. If he's anything like Rocket Raccoon from Guardians of the Galaxy, she'll be safe with him.

    1. Hi Alex,
      I'm sorry for taking so long to say thanks, but I've been preparing for a writing contest.

      You're so right. She is safe with Mr. Raccoon, but she doesn't know that yet. She'll find out as she crosses the country, on the way to meet The Prophet around the bend.
      I'll be giving a report every two weeks up to the next A to Z Blog Challenge in 2016 where she will once again come upon her old friends and introduce them to some new ones.
      Thank you for stopping by.

  5. Nice. Fable-like feeling to it. I enjoyed this.

    1. Good Morning Shannon,

      I'm sorry for taking so long to say thanks, but I've been preparing for a writing contest.
      Thank you. This is a fable or an allegory and it always makes me feel good when people recognize it as such.
      Have a great Friday.

  6. Reminds me a little of Kipling! I love stories where animals and children interact. :)

    1. Good Morning Li,
      I'm sorry it has taken me so long to say thanks, but I've been preparing for a writing contest.
      Thank you so much for dropping by and thank you for the Kipling comment. I'm smiling.

  7. I really enjoyed this tale. My nephews would really like it too. :)

    1. Good Morning Chrys,
      I'm sorry it has taken me so long to say thanks, but I've been preparing for a writing contest.
      Thank you for dropping by. Yes, this tale is an allegory and one day I hope it will be read by all those who need encouragement to go after their dreams.
      Shalom ,

  8. I'm imagining all kinds of adventures with these two! Lovely.

    1. Good Morning Clee,
      I'm sorry it has taken me so long to say thanks, but I've been preparing for a writing contest.
      Thank you so much for your insight. Yes, these two will have a heavy adventure as The Child moves across the country on the way to meet up with The Prophet in the A to Z Blog Challenge in 2016.

  9. What a neat story. I'm wondering at the foreboding notes and what will happen.

    1. Good Morning M Pax,
      I'm sorry it has taken me so long to say thanks, but I've been preparing for a writing contest.
      Thank you for dropping by and reading my story. I'm glad you felt the foreboding. The Child is on the way to meet up with The Prophet, which takes place in the A to Z Blog Challenge for 2016. She'll be tested along the way, but she'll meet new friends also. Her first new friend is Mr. Raccoon. I'll be writing about her progress every two weeks until the Challenge in 2016.


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