Wednesday, November 4, 2015

One Word At A Time

Hello Everyone,
It’s the first Wednesday in the month and IWSG Time has come around again.
IWSG is a big help to many of us who don’t mind sharing our insecurities, our successes or giving encouragement to others.

So, if you are interested and would like to join, please go to the IWSG Website at

Oh, by the way, my article is posted below.

 One Word At A Time

It is one of those weeks.  I started NaNoWriMo on Sunday, November 1.  I had my day planned. Went to church on Saturday evening and came home thinking, on Sunday, I would write my first 2000 words after I had fulfilled a promise I had given to my husband and had driven him to a city that he loves. 

Well, it did not happen that way. My plans were thrown out the window Sunday morning, and I find myself at this particular moment under pressure to catch up.  I am stressing, and I know it.  I have to keep telling myself, “Pat, one word at a time. You can do it.”

Do I feel like I can do it?  To be honest, I am ignoring my feelings.   What counts is my willingness to stay focus on my writing no matter what. 

So right now, amidst all the stress that I am experiencing during this first week of NaNo, I find myself talking to me, saying, “Pat, you can do it. One word at a time.”

Pat Garcia


  1. You'll get there.
    I re-posted an old NANO post for this month's IWSG. Maybe it can help you. :)

    IWSG #115 until Alex culls the list again

  2. The nice thing about one word is that it least to a second word, and to a third and so on. They go together nicely. :-)

    IWSG November Post

  3. One word at a time is a great motto. Or as Anne Lamott would say, "Just take it bird by bird." Which is perfect since your post has an eagle in it. ;)

  4. No matter what, no matter how many words you end up with, the point is you will have a GREAT start with a novel and THAT is a wonderful thing. Remember too, for every word written that's one less that you have to write! Remember to breathe and have fun.

  5. That's so true. Just one word at time. That's all it takes. You can do it.

  6. Don't worry about the 2000 words a day. That's a lot of pressure. As long as you get some new words on the page everyday, you'll have a great word count by the end of the month. And sitting down to write is always the hardest part. Once you're writing, you usually get lost in the story and produce more words than you originally thought you were going to. Best of luck with the rest of the November challenge!

  7. You can do it. One word leads to one more word leads to one more until before you know it you have a complete sentence. Then one more sentence. Good luck to you. Love the picture.

  8. Oui Ma belle Patricia! Mot par will get there! Hugs!

  9. Exactly. One word at a time. Good luck to you!

  10. Don't think about two thousand words. Think and extra hundred or so a day. That you can do!

  11. Absolutely, Pat! One word at a time is the only way to move ahead in any writing endeavor. Good luck, my dear. Thanks for sharing.

  12. You're off to a good start. I wish I could fit this in but I am so overloaded now that I'm freezing up and can't do anything.


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