Wednesday, December 2, 2015

It's December #IWSG Article

Hello Everyone,
It’s the first Wednesday in the month and IWSG Time has come around again. 
IWSG is a big help to many of us who don’t mind sharing our insecurities, our successes or giving encouragement to others. 

So, if you are interested and would like to join, please go to the IWSG Website at 

Oh, by the way, my article is posted below.

It's December

It's  December. NaNo has passed, and I am looking forward to December 21, when I will drop out of the hustle and bustle and read and relax until January 7, 2016.

There is a pang of insecurity in me that's growing. My first novel will be finished, and it will be time to submit, time to see if my novel will find a home in one of the agencies I have chosen.  Sure, I could self-publish but I want representation. That is important to me.

So, the closer I get to completion, the more nervous I get.  My fixed goal month is September,  and so far I am on time with my schedule.   I will pass it on to my chosen agents in September 2016 and see who bites.  I know I have plenty of time before that happens, but just knowing that next year is The Year to pass my baby on is scary.

Nevertheless, I'll let her go by sending her out, because if I do not, I’ll regret it.

Pat Garcia


  1. Wonderful news Pat. Being anxious is normal. However you also must prepare yourself for what ever the result. If it is not picked up by an agent you can self publish with amazon for free, but do get it out there. It is your baby, you have raised it, nurtured it, and loved it, Know this Mama, if even one person purchases it your book has sprouted wings. Be proud you have done something that not many do. It takes courage and you my friend I know possess that.
    I congratulate you, and know that I am proud of you for following your dream. Best of luck with your endeavor.

    1. Good Afternoon out of good old Europe,
      Thank you, Patricia, for dropping by and sharing your thoughts. I am finally recovered from NaNo. I was bushed afterward.
      I have visited a couple of writer's workshops in the U.S. and also in Italy. I want an agent that is in Europe, but at the moment, I am opened to various possibilities.

  2. I agree about having the representation rather than having to wing it all on your own. Congratulations on the novel and I wish you well on the next process which might be the most difficult and trying part.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

    1. Good Afternoon Arlee,
      Thank you for dropping by and sharing your thoughts. Please excuse my lateness in replying, however, it took two weeks for me to recover from NaNo.
      For me, representation is the way. I believe the books I write have hands and feet, and I will only know the imprints they make when I get out there and put them on the market through an agent and a good publisher.
      Thank you also for wishing me well.

  3. Submitting a book is always scary. Even if you've published a dozen books. As long as you wrote the book you wanted to write, got some help with critiquing and editing, and believe in your story then you are good to go. I have my fingers crossed for you. Good luck!

    1. Hi My Dear,
      Thank you so much for dropping by and sharing your thoughts. I am finally getting to my postings. NaNo took a lot of me.
      Yes, my book is being critique and it will be edited also.
      This will be my first baby, and I am looking forward to seeing it come out.

  4. I wish you so much for the publishing of your book Pat. Take it as it comes. Know that you've put in all the hard work required and take it from there - take it as it comes.

    1. My Dear Susan,
      Thank you for dropping by and sharing your thoughts. Please forgive me for my late response but I needed two weeks to recover from NaNo. NaNo was indeed fun but it is stressful.
      With my book, I am taking it as it comes as you say. There is so much that goes into writing a good book that you have to focus and take one step at a time.

  5. I am praying that 2016 is the year that the correct agent picks up your book! I just happen to know it is excellent and needs to be read by many people throughout the world!

    1. Hi Sis,
      Thank you so much. I'm praying too that the I have four or more agents who want to pick it up. We'll see when I start submitting it in September or October 2016.

  6. All the best on your upcoming publishing journey.

    1. Hi Olga,
      Thank you for dropping by and thanks for your well wishes. I still have some time on my hand with revision and rewriting, but I'm looking forward to the future.

  7. You can do it! You know there will be rejections, but each one brings you closer to acceptance.

    1. Hi Alex,
      Thank you so much. Please forgive my late response, but NaNo knocked me out this year. I needed two weeks to get my feet back on solid ground. I really do appreciate your well wishes. They mean a lot to me. And thank you for IWSG. I am happy to be a part of it.

  8. Pat, I'm wishing you an enjoyable vacation and hoping that you succeed in placing your book with the right person.

    1. Hi Diane,
      Thank you so much. I hope when the time comes that I will have a book that will draw the attention of the agents that I've chosen and one of them will be the perfect fit for writing.
      I wish you also a happy Christmas season.

  9. Next year will be your year! I wish you the best of luck and I hope you get some good bites!

    1. Hi Loni,
      Thank you so much! I like that statement, Next Year will be my Year! And I'm taking it to heart. Also, please forgive my late response but after NaNo, I was bushed and needed a two week recovery time.

  10. Letting other people read our stuff is a little like letting strangers into our homes. But somehow we have to put it out there else how will we ever know if we can to it? Better to have tried and failed than never to try at all.

    1. Hi Bish,
      Thank you so much for dropping by and sharing your thoughts, and please forgive me for my late response. I was in NaNo and it sucked my energy so much that I needed to take a two week recovery break and slowly build back up with my writing.
      You're so right and I know I have to put my writing out there. I will never know unless I do it.


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