Thursday, December 3, 2015

Viewpoint: Ignited by a Headline in The New York Daily News

We believe and lean on every kind of ideology created by man. Yet, in times like these we shout, God isn’t fixing this.

I am confused. I do not understand why God should fix our situation since we do not believe in Him and take Him seriously anyway.

Is it not better to bow down and ask those ideologies that we worship on a daily basis to fix the discordance and hatred that has taken over in our world?

God Isn’t Fixing This was the headline in The New York Daily News.  This headline is correct.

But, why should God fix something He did not start?

Pat Garcia


  1. Replies
    1. Good Afternoon out of good old Europe, my dear,
      Thank you so much for dropping by and I love that the chapter you chose. It has a lot to say, if only we would pay attention and open ourselves to truth.

  2. We're like bratty children who only call home for help and to complain we didn't get our way.

    I totally agree with you.


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