Wednesday, February 3, 2016

The Middle Section

Hello Everyone,
It’s the first Wednesday in the month and IWSG Time has come around again. 
IWSG is a big help to many of us who don’t mind sharing our insecurities, our successes or giving encouragement to others. 

So, if you are interested and would like to join, please go to the IWSG Website at 

My article is posted below.

The Middle Section

It is the days when I am sitting at my computer, not knowing what to write, that I treasure the most.  I rediscover that writing is not just a fad for me, not just something that I do until I find something better, and I realize the difficulty of putting words together that paint pictures in the minds of others.

 I am revising my manuscript with my writing coach, and we are in the middle of the book. This is the hardest section for me in writing. I do not have problems with the beginning nor the ending of a book, but when I get to the middle, I get stuck.

So, yesterday morning, I sat at my computer, pondering over how to manage the approach to the middle section, how to keep the flow and the tension moving so that everything blends.  I have not come up with any answers yet, but I am still revising, even though the inspiration for the middle section is not as intense as it is when I revise beginning chapters. Maybe, that is the key.

In January, I started submitting my short stories and articles to various magazines as a way of showing my accountability to my writing.

I submitted:

  1. Turn The Lights On to Glimmer Train –(Waiting for an answer)
  2. Lottie to Writer’s Digest Short Story Contest (Waiting for an answer)
  3. EMMA to LOST & FOUND Valentine’s Day Blog Hop (Not a publication but for me it still counts as a submission and you can find it on my blog

Take care everyone. Now, I will return to warring with myself as I revise my middle section.

Shalom Aleichem,
Pat Garcia


  1. Be friends with your middle Pat! May the muse come - breath!

    1. Thank you my dear friend. That is exactly what I'm learning to do. Be friends with my middle. Thank you for coming by.
      Shalom Aleichem,

  2. It is a waiting game, isn't it??!! Ugh. Hopefully you'll get some good news soon. IF not, keep at it. I'm stuck in the middle too. I plan to start from the end and work my way to the beginning. Good luck!

    1. Thank you ,Jennifer coming by. It is a waiting game. Regardless, I'm not going to stop submitting. Good idea about working from end to the beginning. Good luck.
      Shalom Aleichem,

  3. What a positive way of looking at it! When we can't figure out what to write, we SHOULD remember how lucky we are to get to do this!

    1. So true, Stephanie. We should remember how blessed we are to get to do this. Thank you so much for coming by.
      Shalom Aleichem,

  4. Sometimes I have problems with the middle too. You'll get there! Good luck with the stories, I have my fingers crossed for you!

    1. Thank you so much, Megan. It is good to hear that others have problems with the middle. Thanks for sending positive vibes towards my submissions. Regardless, I'm going to keep it up.
      Shalom Aleichem,

  5. Good luck! Middles sometimes droop for me too. It helps to have great editors and critique partners. :)

    1. Thank you for coming by Christine. You're right it does help to have great editors and critique partners. I don't know what I would do without mine.
      Shalom Aleichem,

  6. First--what a wonderful noble picture. This is why the eagle is America's bird.

    Congrats on the submittals. It keeps the hope fires burning, don't they? Me, I find them too stressful. All that waiting.

    1. Thank you, Jacqui for coming by. Thanks for the compliment about the picture. I bought the rights to use it from a photographer whose pictures about wildlife speak to me. Submissions are stressful, but they do keep the fires burning. I don't know how long I must wait but I do know I am going to stay with it.
      Shalom Aleichem,

  7. Ah middles. That's where the Save the Cat beats can help. Maybe you need more fun and games. ;) I love the idea of a writing coach.

    1. Thank you, Donna, for coming by. I am very happy with my writing coach. I took your advice and had some fun by going to my fitness studio. It helped.
      Shalom Aleichem,

  8. The middle is the hardest for me too. When I plot, I know the beginning and end and have to figure out how to link the two.

    1. Thank you Chrys for coming by. The funny part is I do plot but it is just knowing that I am about to approach the middle that causes me to tense up.
      Shalom Aleichem,

  9. It's good that you've stepped out and send out articles. Good job! It's good to take time to appreciate the craft when the going is rough.

    1. Thank you, J.L. for coming by. I am happy about sending out articles and stories myself. In 2015, I stopped because there were some crafts things that I needed to improve on, now that I have those things I will keep submitting until my breakthrough.
      Shalom Aleichem,

  10. Good for you, getting out there and submitting is a huge step. Lots of people have sagging middles, so no worries. You'll get there.

    1. Thank you, Gwen, for dropping by. You're so right. It was a huge step but it was one I needed to make.
      Shalom Aleichem,

  11. Hope Glimmer Train accepts your story. They are a great publication.

    1. Thanks, Clee, for coming by. Glimmer Train is a great publication. I enjoy the short stories they select. So, yes, one day I hope to see one of my stories in Glimmer Train. If not with this one, then another one.
      Shalom Aleichem,

  12. Middles are often difficult. Best of luck with your submissions.

    1. Thank you, Lynda. I really didn't know other writers had problems with the middle until I wrote this article for the IWSG. It is good to know that I am not the only one. It frees me from guilt.
      Shalom Aleichem,

  13. The middle is hard for me too. I have a hard time figuring out how to get my characters from the beginning to the end I have in mind. I hope you figure out your middle section :)

    1. Thank you for coming by Elizabeth. Yes, the middle is my cross, but I am beginning to get the hang of it and I see light at the end of the tunnel. It's a tiny shimmer, but I see it.
      Shalom Aleichem,

  14. Good luck on your submissions! That waiting has to be the hardest part, but I'd say you are brave to put yourself on that chopping block for the world to judge your writing. I don't think I could do it, especially so many publications at once.

    I hope you figure out what to do about your middle-section. Writing is learning, so you're doing something right if you're still finding new learning opportunities.

    1. Thank you for coming by Cathy. It took me a long time to get to the stage where I was brave enough to say, okay here's my writing. You will get there and I believe you can do it too. Just take your time and step out when you think you're ready. That is exactly what I have done.
      All the best.
      Shalom Aleichem,

  15. Hi Pat!
    I hope that you've made some progress on that middle section? Just keep at it. I also struggle with the sagging middle. Lots of writers do.
    Good luck with those submissions!

    1. Afternoon Michelle,
      Believe it or not, I am making progress. I'm listening to a wonderful song by Earth, Wind, & Fire and writing away.
      Thank so much for dropping by. Hope you have a great week.
      Shalom Aleichem,

  16. Last week I sat down to plan a novella idea that had been brewing for a few months. I wrote the outline of a few scenes - the beginning and the end scenes and there was a gaping hole in the middle. After a lot of umming and aaahing I decided to work backward from the ending and continued to ask myself, 'How did he get there? What made him do that? Why did he act in that way?' and so on. My middle bit grew without any problem once I'd asked the right questions. Wishing you lots of luck with your middle and do let us know how it goes. Have a lovely week.

    1. Morning Nicola,
      Thank you for dropping by and sharing with me how you approached your novella. I got a great kick boost yesterday with my middle section, and I'll let you know how it comes out and how it flows into the end.

  17. I was stuck on my middle, then I got through it. Now I'm stuck on the beginning of the ending. I'm also doing everything else but work on that ms. Hope you make progress, Pat. Maybe it'll help me get over this slump. Thanks for visiting IWSG.

    1. Morning Joylene,
      I'm beginning to think that this phenomenon of getting stuck wanders. Right now, it is the middle for me. I do hope you get back to your manuscript. I had to put mine down for a year. I wrote other things and did lots of reading as well as taking a few classes. These things helped me get back into my manu.
      Thank you for coming by. I enjoy the IWSG. I made the decision to join May of last year, and I have not regretted it one bit.
      All the best.

  18. Good luck with your middle section. I hope you find your muse or encouragement or whatever you need (mojo?) to get started.

    1. Thank you, Pam. I am finally into it. It took a small break where I read a great book, but it brought me back in the flow.
      Have a great week.
      Shalom aleichem.,

  19. Middle sections are the hardest! You know how things started and you know (sometimes) how you want them to end, but getting there can be so tricky! I still don't have a magic formula for that!

    1. The middle section is difficult but I am getting through it. Once I found the beginning thread for the middle it began in to flow.
      Thanks for coming by, Marian.

  20. I'm passing through on my A-Z Road Trip. Good luck with your submissions and the editing.

    1. Thank you so much, Wendy. Wishing you a great week.

  21. I can't wait to see your March update! Also, good luck with editing that middle section. That's what I'm doing right now, too.

    1. Thank you so much, Shannon. The middle sections is moving fine. I'm surprised. Once I faced my fear, I was able to move forward.
      Have a great week.


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