Wednesday, March 2, 2016

IWSG - March 2, 2016 Facing the Wind

Hello Everyone,
It’s the first Wednesday in the month and IWSG Time has come around again. 
IWSG is a big help to many of us who don’t mind sharing our insecurities, our successes or giving encouragement to others. 

So, if you are interested and would like to join, please go to the IWSG Website at 

My article is posted below.

Facing the Wind

Stuck in the middle section last month, I decided the only thing I could do was to write  until I got over my stump. It took a few hours, but I persevered, and the words came, and I began to paint once again pictures that I hope will fascinate my readers when they enter my world.

I have been working on this manuscript since 2009. The last quarter of 2014 I started working with a writing coach/book editor and I have seven more chapters. The plan is to have the manuscript critiqued and finished by the end of March. Then, I’ll set it aside while I participate in the A to Z Blog Challenge, which is one of my delights.  The manuscript will sit until the end of June. In July, I will pick it up again with all of the suggestions and questions that I have collected from my writing coach and go through each chapter revising and rewriting until it is the best writing I can give. Afterward, I will send it to my coach to read through in its entirety.  

Therefore, facing the wind is all about me getting through those last seven chapters. I do not want to have that on my plate when the A to Z Challenge comes around.  So these are times when I have to kick myself and write even though procrastination is on my heels trying to slow me down.

I have learned and keep learning that the only way upward is to keep moving as I keep my head toward the sky.

Results of my submissions from January 2016:
Glimmer Train - rejection
Writer's Digest - rejection

I have two submissions out for February 2016 and decisions are  still outstanding:

1. Short Story submitted for Glimmer Trains' Short Story Award for New Writers
2. Short Story submitted to Kenyon Review to Short Fiction contest for New Writers
My goal is three submissions a month, but at the moment, I am happy when I get two out of the house.

Take care everyone.

Shalom Aleichem,
Pat Garcia


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you. It is a wonderful feeling to be in the spot I am in now.
      Thanks for coming by.

  2. You certainly are a working writer.

    1. Thank you. That is a lovely compliment.
      Thank you for coming by.

  3. You can do this! 7 is a lucky number. Rejection stinks, but we all get plenty of it. Best of luck hitting your goal before the A-Z starts.

    1. I'm sorry for getting back to you so late but I was in the middle of finishing up the last seven chapters. Thank you very much for your encouragement.

  4. Good for you for persevering! Setting it aside is a good idea. I hope you finish it before A to Z. And good luck with the revisions!

    1. I'm sorry for getting back to you late but I was in the middle of completing the last seven chapters. Thank you so much for coming by.

  5. Great attitude and the best advice! Keep on looking up. :) I was rejected from Glimmer Train too. We just need to keep on submitting.

    1. Thank you, Christine and I am sorry for getting back to you late but I was in the middle of completing the last seven chapters. And you're right about Glimmer Train. Let's keep submitting. The door will open.

  6. Keep writing, submitting, and rewriting. You're doing great. I wish you much success.
    Mary at Play off the Page

    IWSG co-host. Thanks for stopping by my blog today.

    1. Thank you so much, Mary, and I'm sorry for getting back to you late but I was in the middle of rewriting the last seven chapters.

  7. Great job Pat! You truly are an inspiration as you continue to March forward with your writing. You are a dedicated artist. I have stopped submitting some of my stories and I need to stop doing that. Like you I need to keep chugging forward. Great post, Dear Friend!

    1. Thank you my dear Gwynn, and I am sorry for getting back to you so late but I was in the middle of completing the rewriting of the last seven chapters.

  8. I think getting two submissions out per month is great. Wish you luck on the ones still out. I like how you have a plan and are sticking to it.

    1. Thank you so much Susan, and I'm sorry about getting back to you so late, but I was in the middle of rewriting the last seven chapters. Now comes the revision before I send them out.

  9. Glimmer Train is a hard nut, Pat. Love that you're aiming high. Keep up the great work and the great writing.

    1. Thank you so much for coming by, and I am sorry for getting back to you late but I was in the middle of rewriting the last seven chapters. Yes, Glimmer Train is a hard nut to crack but I will crack it because I will keep trying.

  10. You seem to be doing a great job and keeping to your schedule, even if it is two instead of three a month. Like you said, get them out of the house! I love your photos on this blog. Thanks for dropping by mine.

    1. Thank you so much for coming by Lisa, and I'm sorry for getting back so late but I was in the middle of rewriting the last seven chapters. Thank you also for the compliment about the photos on my blog.
      All the best.

  11. Glimmer Train and Writer's Digest are two of the hardest to get into. I almost got into Readers Digest but 'almost' only counts in 'horseshoes and hand grenades.' One thing I learned over the years is to stay away from 'literary magazines' as they are usually collegiate and snobby. Guideposts and Chicken Soup for the Soul take inspiring stories and pay as much as 400 dollars a short story. I'm sending things there next. Use the Writer's Digest book guide for tons of places to submit to. Good luck my friend. Love, Micki

    1. Good words of advice Mickie!

    2. Thank you my dear friend for coming by. Yes, Glimmer Train and Writer's Digest are two of the hardest nuts to crack. There are some more hard nuts out there but Glimmer Train and Writer's Digest are extremely hard. My writing doesn't actually fit in Guidepost or Chicken Soup for the Soul, but I do have a Writer's Market Handbook and also I am a subscriber of Duotrope. I know one of these days I will breakthrough. So, I'm keep on submitting.

  12. It's good to let the manuscript rest for a while.
    Best wishes for your writing.

    1. Thank you Lynda for coming by and I'm sorry it has taken me so long to get back to you, but I was in the middle of completing the rewriting of my last seven chapters. I look forward to putting my manuscript aside for three months and working on something else.

  13. Glad you have a set plan for the manuscript. April will be a great time to set it aside.

    1. Thank you so much for coming by Alex and I'm sorry it has taken me so long to back to you, but I was in the middle of completing the rewriting of my last seven chapters. I do look forward to April and the Challenge because I really enjoy it.

  14. I am sooo proud of you dear one! I can't believe it is almost A to Z Challenge time again. You keep your eye to the sky - you will be rewarded.
    You are loved!

    1. Thank you my dear, dear friend, and I'm sorry it has taken me so long to get back to you, but I was knee deep in the middle of completing the rewriting of the last seven chapters of my manuscript. In fact, yesterday, I rewrote the last chapter and now it is only a matter of reading and checking before I send them to my writing coach/book editor. I feel very happy about this.

  15. Thanks for the well wishes!
    I'm coming out of it in time for the arrival of spring!
    Keep plugging away, each step is progress, even some that go backward!

    1. Thank you Yolanda for coming by and I do so hope that you have recovered and are feeling well. I am also sorry for taking so long to get back to you, but I was in the middle of completing the rewriting for the last seven chapters. Now I have done it and it is a good feeling.

  16. I'm so delighted you're submitting! I'm looking forward to seeing you get to three per month. Good luck!

    1. Thank you, Shannon, and thanks for coming by, and I'm sorry it has taken me so long to get back to you, but I was in the middle of completing my rewriting of the last seven chapters. And yes, I too look forward to submitting three manuscripts a month but more than that I look forward to getting acceptances. Then, I'll shout yoo hoo!!!

  17. This sounds like a good plan. Taking a break is the only way to see your writing with fresh eyes. You can do these last chapters! The middle, which you got through, is the hardest. Usually as I near the end, my writing picks up steam, because everything comes together. I hope it will be the same for you.
    Looking forward to hearing next month's report. :)

    1. Thank you, Jenni, for coming by and I'm sorry for taking so long to get back to you, but I was in the middle of completing the rewriting of my last seven chapters. Believe me when I say I look forward to putting my manuscript aside and concentrating on other writing projects that I have been neglecting.

  18. You have a great plan. I think that when you go back to your manuscript this July, you'll be able to look at the story with fresh eyes. Taking a break is a wonderful thing. Good luck!

    1. Thank you so much for coming by Quanie, and I am sorry for taking so long to get back to you, but I was in the middle of completing the rewriting of my last seven chapters. Now I do so look forward to putting it aside and concentrating on the A to Z Blog Challenge.


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