Wednesday, April 6, 2016

IWSG Article, April 6, 2016, Jordan River

Hello Everyone,
It’s the first Wednesday in the month and IWSG Time has come around again. 
IWSG is a big help to many of us who don’t mind sharing our insecurities, our successes or giving encouragement to others. 

So, if you are interested and would like to join, please go to the IWSG Website at 

My article is posted below.

 The last chapters of my manuscript are now in the hands of my Writing Coach/Book Editor.  To finish was the difficult part of all. It was not revising the chapters that bothered me, but my continual struggle to overcome procrastination, doubt and an inferiority complex that plagued me. There were times when I thought my writing might not be good enough.  Oh, the self-doubt that a writer has to struggle through.

Meaningful opportunities came my way, and I had to learn to say No. Amazingly, I discovered that every good opportunity is not my opportunity.

In addition, I had to learn to banish the need for approval and feeling guilty about putting my writing first.  I love reading other people blogs, so learning to put first things first, which meant completing my manuscript was a painful lesson to learn.

So finishing up my manuscript dealt with me learning how to set boundaries for myself so that I could do what I needed to do.

There is an old African-American Church Hymn from the Deep South titled Jordan River, I’m Bound to Cross.  As I hit the transmit button to send my last chapters to my Writing Coach/Book Editor, I knew I had just crossed over Jordan and like the Late Soul Singer, James Brown, I sang, I Feel Good.

My Submissions for March:

Turn The Lights On - to Masters Review

Still Outstanding from February:

Lottie -  to Glimmer Train
Mr. Jake - to Kenyon Review

Shalom Aleichem,

Pat Garcia


  1. Wonderful post and congratulations on getting the final chapters. I'm still working on saying no to things. It's tough, but you're right. Not every good opportunity is mine. Thanks for stopping by my blog today. :)

  2. Congratulations on finishing! And there's no harm in putting your writing first, it's an essential part of who you are. I'll have to remember 'not every good opportunity is my opportunity.' I get anxious when I pass up on certain things.

  3. Words of the wise, dear Pat, words of the wise! I'm so proud of you.

  4. So true about not every good opportunity being our opportunity.

    I love the saying about when we say "no" to some things, we actually "yes" to ourselves.

  5. Oh Pat, what a dynamic person you are as this is a fabulous post! I am so glad that you are developing confidence in your writing. You are good! You also are a dynamite supporter! I'm blessed to have you in my life!

  6. I'm with you on battling my insecurities just to get through the end. But good for you for finishing and making wise choices with your time! I have learned that I have had to say no to a lot of things and keep my life as simple as possible if I'm going to have time to write.

  7. Congratulations, Pat. It is important to put first things first. A hard thing to do sometimes, but we are all better for it!
    So happy to hear you are happy with your journey! Hope is there for all of us! :)

  8. Congratulations Patricia on finishing your manuscript and submitting it to your writing coach/book editor. I too struggled with procrastination for a very long time. Now, I am over it.

    Rachna Chhabria
    Co-host IWSG
    Rachna's Scriptorium


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