Saturday, April 30, 2016

Zeitgeist, Zenith, A Fable out of The Child and The Prophet

The Zeniths

The beauty of the mountains ahead lay in the fact they looked like seven stair steps with a cumulus cloud circling the fourth mountain like a bracelet around a woman arm.  The sun had risen. The air filled with the sounds of animals long awoke.

Lily Pad

Lily Pad had parked by the bank, anchored like a boat waiting for her passengers to debark.

Mr. Whale

Mr. Whale no longer in sight,


Octavio, address unknown and

Mr. Eagle

Mr. Eagle somewhere in the blue sky.

The Child

"Prophet?" The Child said stepping out of Lily Pad onto the bank.

"I remember standing on this bank years ago."

"This one is different."

"Oh. Am I there?"

"You've put your foot on the path that leads to the first zenith."

"The first?"

The Prophet

"Yes, Child, the first."

"But, Prophet, ahead is a stairway of mountains!"
The Zeniths

"Which zenith is mine?"
"Whichever you choose, Child."

The Child observed the far distant mountain peaks scaling toward the sky.

"It doesn't get any easier, does it?"

"The zeitgeist of your era demands an illusion of instant satisfaction, Child."

"Will you stay with me, if I say enough and remain at the first zenith."

"Yes, Child."

"You'll accept my choice."


"Even though you might know it's not the best zenith for me?"

"The decision will always lie with you."

"Oh, Prophet?"

The Child

Consternation and determination highlighted the wrinkles on her face as she considered.  She turned and regarded The Prophet.

"What's your choice, Child?"

The Zeniths

"You see that last zenith beyond the mountain with the cloud embracing it?"


"That's where I belong."

The Prophet

"In that case, Child, look who's coming to greet you."

"Mr. Raccoon!" Shouted The Child.

Mr. Raccoon

"I told you we'd meet again."

Shalom Aleichem, and Toda, Grazie, Danke, Merci, Gracias, Obrigado, Thank you,

Pat Garcia


  1. Pat, I enjoyed this journey of the child. She still has a long way to go and good for her for choosing the farthest and most challenging path.
    Thank you for your visits to my blog. They are much appreciated.

    1. Thank you, Lynda. I enjoyed your blog every time I visited.
      Shalom Aleichem,

  2. This was just a lovely story and I love your use of the word zeitgiest. It was great meeting you and hope to see you around the Net. Thanks for playing. I enjoyed it so much.

    Meet My Imaginary Friends

    1. Thank you, Kathleen. I look forward to reading your books.
      Shalom Aleichem,

  3. I wish I had followed the whole journey but I've had little to no time to call mine this month, sadly. Will you publish it?
    I look forward to coming by again!
    Writing Women’s Fiction

    1. Thank you, Fran. Yes, the book will be published. I will seek representation as soon as I have it all together and presentable to send out.
      Shalom Aleichem,

  4. Now the real journey begins!
    A truly beautiful story!
    Congratulations on the finish. It's been an amazing journey and your posts made it even more so. A true delight!
    Thank you for supporting my blogs, and especially for taking a chance on my books. A great gift, thank you!
    Wishing you a Happy May!

    1. Yes! The real journey begins. Isn't it amazing? The journey never really ends until we cross over the Jordan. I have enjoyed reading your first two books and hope to pick up on your third book this weekend.
      Shalom Aleichem

  5. Such a beautiful ending at the start of a new journey. I really enjoyed this series of the Child and the Prophet. Congratulations on surviving the AtoZchallenge ;-)

    1. Thank you so much, Ronel. I also enjoyed your blog.
      Shalom Aleichem,

  6. Excellent story with a truly lovely ending. Your little Child is striving for more. She definitely is growing up. Thank you for this lovely series, Patricia, I truly enjoyed it!

    1. Thank you, Gwynn. I thank you for all of your wonderful quotes. Each day, there was a quote that built me up and encouraged me.
      Shalom Aleichem

  7. Happy ending. I smile, full of wonder at what's next. The Zenith Mountains -- look how misty they are: a range of choices, free will.

    Thank you, Patricia, for this lovely series, so wise, that I look forward to reading each day. It's a feel good adventure, an individual always full of wonder and inquisitive like a Child. Congratulations on making it through the A to Zs. With all you do otherwise, you are amazing to accomplish this series, too.


    1. Happy ending or I believe a challenging ending that will keep The Child moving toward the Zenith that she wants to achieve.
      Thank you my dear and thank you also for all of the lovely memories that your blogging post awoke within my treasure trove.
      Shalom Aleichem

  8. And so the end is only the beginning. I'm cheering for that Child.

    1. Lee, that makes me feel so good to know you are cheering for The Child. I am too. Thank you and I enjoyed your blog and those quizzes. Sometimes I got so frustrated but I always came back.
      Shalom Aleichem

  9. What a wonderful story that teaches us all that the end is just the beginning. Thank you Pat! Have a lovely weekend and I look forward to checking in with you throughout the coming weeks. Beautiful and inspirational pictures :)

    1. Thank you, Nicola. I also enjoyed every visit that I made at your blog.
      Shalom Aleichem,

  10. What a nice ending to your ending...yet a new beginning for the Child. She has come so far and learned so much from the animals and the Prophet. Now she continues on knowing the Prophet is always with her... And the raccoon is with her for a while longer on her journey to the zenith. Good luck getting it published!

    1. Thank you, my dear Sis. Your support has been with me from the beginning. I thank you for always giving a swift but timely kick every time I needed it.
      Shalom Aleichem

  11. It's a wrap!
    An ending...but also a new challenge up ahead for the child.
    What a wonderful story.
    Thank you, Pat.
    Enjoy the books!
    Writer In Transit

    1. Thank you, Michelle. Yes, It is a wrap. Thank you also for presenting so many wonderful books. I am still smiling because I WON! Being the curious person that I am, I couldn't help but look at your blog to see what else was offered, and I am so glad I did.
      Shalom Aleichem

  12. I've enjoyed visiting and your storytelling is magical. Keep up the great work!

    1. Thank you Donna. I enjoyed visiting your blog also.
      Shalom Aleichem,

  13. Beautiful. My favorite line lately must be "The tears fell; they stung like thorns from a rose bush in her heart." Fantastic. And congratulations on meeting the challenge!

    1. Thank you, Darla. Your favorite line is also one of my favorites. Thank you also for your wonderful blog. I enjoyed getting to know a genre of music that had escaped me.
      Shalom Aleichem

  14. I've so enjoyed reading these pieces. The voice is so strong, calm, and unique. You really have something special here.

    1. Thank you, Tamara. I also enjoyed your blog. I now know that there are subjects in Science that I can understand. I am also looking forward to reading your story in Parallels. I bought my copy.
      Shalom Aleichem

  15. I loved the way you've ended it. Thank you for the journey.

    1. Thank you so much, Miss Andi.
      Shalom Aleichem.,

  16. So lovely Pat, thank you for sharing this journey of the child with her faithful companions along the way ... so far has she travelled and yet further to go. Congratulations on completion of the A-Z in this lovely story.

    1. Thank you, my dear. I also enjoyed your blog, and all your posts on change.
      Shalom Aleichem

  17. Congrats on making it to the end of the challenge, Pat. You wrote a wonderful story and I love the words you picked and the wisdom in it.

    1. Thank you, Patricia, and you your theme was also one that kept me coming back.
      Shalom Aleichem

  18. i had missed your earlier posts, now that its all over i think i will read all stories and these would surely be as fascinating as the last part. thanks for visiting my blog and reading my stories, great finish.

    1. Thank you and congratulations for completing the challenge.
      Shalom Aleichem,

  19. Onward and upward. I think you were teasing us, Pat. There are more pages to turn as child heads off into the sunrise.

    1. My Dear, no tease. The Child will not be returning next year, but there are other stories that I have not put in the challenge that will be in the book also when it is published. Thank you so much for your enduring support, my friend.
      Shalom Aleichem

    2. I look forward to the release, Pat!

  20. Beautiful story. Wonderfully done. So glad I came along for the ride. :)

    1. Thank you, Jeffrey. Same here in connection to your blog. You awoke so many memories and even brought me and Debbie together, and gave me a new word that I could use in one of my stories. So I thank you.
      Shalom Aleichem


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