Monday, May 2, 2016

Many Thanks for Reading The Child and The Prophet

Morning Everyone,

I made it through.   I am a survivor, and The A to Z Blog Challenge 2016 is over. 

Now, I have to reconnect to me.

Many thanks to all of you for your support.  It was my pleasure to share The Child and The Prophet with you.

Have a great week.

Shalom Aleichem,

Pat Garcia


  1. It was a pleasure reading your working and connecting you, too. @sheilamgood at Cow Pasture Chronicles

  2. Have a great week too, Pat!
    So glad that it's over, but in an odd way I'll miss it too.
    Re-connection is vital and my goal too!

    1. Oh yes indeed. I am re-connecting slowly. Still have some things that need to get off my desk and into the submission lines.
      Shalom Aleichem

  3. It look me a long while to truly register Pat but your fish-eagle that heads your posts is something that is especially dear to my heart. Rest well, happy re-connection with yourself.

    1. Thank you, my dear friend. I hope you are resting also. I so appreciate you being a part of my life.
      Shalom Aleichem

  4. Congratulations for surviving this year's A to Z Challenge. You did a dynamite job. I especially enjoyed your series this year. I felt like I was learning along with the Child.

    I don't know about you, but I feel like I have been run over by a MAC Truck, I'm so exhausted! You did a GREAT job! Hugs!

    1. We did survive! We are survivors and like you, I was down and exhausted after it was over.
      You did a wonderful job, Girlfriend.
      Shalom Aleichem

  5. Have a great week, Pat. =)

    1. I wish you the same, Patricia. Get some rest and re-connect.
      Shalom Aleichem

  6. It was a long month, wasn't it? You helped me through with your story, so thanks very much. Here's to a beautiful journey in May.

    1. It was a long month. Lee, I thank you also. I did not write any of my stories before the challenge and knowing that reliable and dependable people were looking for a story forced me to stick with the timetable and write.
      Shalom Aleichem

  7. Lovely, Patricia. Thanks for your Prophet and Child saga. I so enjoyed their uplifting adventures.

    Now, as you say, I am working on reconnecting with myself BIGTIME. :-)

    1. Samantha, isn't it amazing how high the merry-go-round goes when you are in the challenge? Then it stops on day 30 and it is like a big fall. Thank you so much for your lovely blog where I always received another spurt of energy.
      Shalom Aleichem

  8. Congratulations on completing the challenge and thankyou for sharing your work with us.

    1. I congratulate you also and hope you have a lovely vacation back home.
      Shalom Aleichem,

  9. Congratulations on such a successful challenge, Pat. I'm glad we connected. Your story was fascinating and I love learning new words. Alles Gute aus Kanada!

    1. Thank you, Debbie. I too am glad that Jeffrey told you about my blog. To think that you come from Germany. Beautiful. I also enjoyed your blog and have started following you.So your posts should come right to my email account.
      Shalom Aleichem

  10. You did it! Bravo! It was wonderful meeting you and The Child and The Prophet.

    Kathleen Valentine's Blog

    1. Yes, we did it. Kathleen, I enjoyed your snippets so much. Now that I have the books I will read them. However, first there are a couple of books ahead of yours. I have you also on Goodreads, So you will be hearing from me.
      Shalom Aleichem

  11. Thank *you* for sharing your wonderful story! Best wishes.


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