Monday, May 9, 2016

Reflection: A to Z Blog Challenge 2016

To be quite honest, my reflection post is more of a thank you than about improvements. This year's  A to Z Blog Challenge was indeed a challenge for me. Lots of unexpected situations took place. More than once, I was caught on my blindside, and the challenge was one of the reasons I kept going.  I had to make myself get up and write my posts and to visit other people’s blogs.  

When things get tough for me, I have found out that I need some project or commitment to make me forget about my woes. For me, that something this year was the A to Z Blog Challenge.

So, my heart is full of gratitude. The leadership team did an outstanding job.  Many thanks to Arlee Bird and the entire team.

I met some cool bloggers, learned a lot about a genre of music I did not know about, had a chance to ooh and ahh over dogs, found out I wasn’t so dumb in science as I thought, relived memories of the times I have visited the United States, received some great writing information, gathered some more information about caregiving, looked at my own approach and attitude toward change, had my brain fried in quizzes, read some fantastic stories by authors I didn’t know, increased my TBR list, reminisced over old  television shows, learned some new words  and can you believe it I was a winner three or four times on Michelle’s Blog.  I never win anything.

Thus, I am peachy peach happy, just waiting on my tee shirt.
Hope to see you all next year, because the A to Z Blog Challenge is worth a return visit.  The comradeship alone is invaluable.

Shalom Aleichem,

Pat Garcia


  1. Thank you Pat for your reflections ... you're right, the comradeship makes it all invaluable and therefore worthwhile! I so enjoyed your story thank you. I'm not sure I mentioned this before, but your 'header' of the fish eagle always makes me think of the fish eagle here in SA and its primal cry.

    1. I thank you, Susan for accompanying me on this journey. Yes, the fish eagle is a primal cry and it is also my cry. I thought long and hard 'before I decided acknowledge the cry of the eagle within my own spirit.
      Shalom Aleichem,

  2. It was a lot of fun, wasn't it? Visiting your site was like coming into a quiet garden for a moment of meditation.

    1. Thank you also for coming by Tamara. I have Parallels but have not read any of the stories yet. First, I had to reconnect and overcome my burnout. I look forward to reading your story.
      Shalom Aleichem,

  3. I really like your Reflections post, Patricia, and how your summed up visiting other A-Zers blogs. It HAS been a fun ride, and I agree with you, when the ride gets bumpy at home and zo fall into the deep, to focus intensely on a project is the rope to pull mr out. Saves me every time. Thank you for your lovely reflections.


    1. Samantha, I knew you would understand that. Sometimes the only way to move forward is to acknowledge that the way is paved with stones and debris and just keep walking. I truly enjoyed your posts. They were a highlight for me. They awoke memories of beautiful golden nuggets that I have stored in my treasure chest. Thank you for coming by.
      Shalom Aleichem,

  4. Got my tee shirt yesterday. It's great.

    1. Happy for you, Susan. I am still waiting on mine to get across the water. Can't wait to get it. Thank you for coming by.
      Shalom Aleichem,

  5. Great blog, Pat.
    Reflecting back over the April A2Z is such a nice feeling. Like you, it took me away from a few worrying situations, I didn't mention on mine. I guess I blocked them out; as we do.
    I'm delighted to have me you, Pat. Sending hugs across the ocean fro Brixham, England.
    @CazsBooks on Twitter to meet up there too. Caz

    1. Thank you, Caz. It was so nice meeting you and I want to stay in touch with you through your blog and Twitter. Hope you have got over the challenge dump and are now getting back into the swing of things.
      Shalom Aleichem,

  6. Meeting new people and reading interesting blogs is the greatest thing about the A to Z Challenge. I enjoyed your theme and am happy we connected, Pat. Blogging is a good refuge from the harsh realities of life, sometimes. Cheers!

    1. So true Debbie. The harsh realities of life are there. I believe blogging is one of those tools that can help writers to reach out to other hurting people and express what they cannot express. Thank you for coming by.
      Shalom Aleichem,

  7. Congratulations on crossing the finishing line!
    It was a triple win for you!
    There were many commenters who didn't say that they wished to be entered into the giveaway. You made it quite clear that you did.

    With regards to your comment: "The comradeship alone is invaluable." To me, that's the real attraction...the most significant part of the challenge.

    Although I couldn’t make it to read all your posts, I really enjoyed the snippets of your story that I managed to read. I can’t wait to read the final product, Pat.
    The Child and The Prophet is a special story.

    1. Thank you, Michelle. I enjoyed dropping by your blog and learning about all the books that I had no knowledge of. It was a tremendous challenge and I learned so much this year. Thank you for coming by.
      Shalom Aleichem,

  8. That's awesome you had a great challenge and won something. I did too, but on a different blog. =) It was fun reading your story.

    1. Patricia, I enjoyed going to Story Dam and to your blog. Happy to hear you won something too. The winning made it a great, great challenge for me.
      Shalom Aleichem,

  9. The camaraderie definitely makes it worth it. It's all about the friends you meet!

    1. Yes indeed, Lady. It's about meeting new people and reading new blogs that widen our small world and cause us to see things a little bit differently. Thank you for coming by.
      Shalom Aleichem,

  10. So glad you enjoyed the challenge, Pat. I did too and I enjoyed visiting you regularly. I hope the sunshine is keeping you chipper. Have a lovely week!!

    1. Thank you, Nicola. I enjoyed visiting your blog also. I hope you have recovered from the challenge. I look forward to visiting your blog outside of the challenge.
      Shalom Aleichem,

  11. I do best when under a challenge too. It's motivating to push yourself beyond what you think you can do.

    @ShonnaSlayton from
    Author Shonna Slayton: A to Z of the 1800s

    1. Oh yes, I so agree with you. Your strength is always tested when you are going through a storm. This is when we find out whether or not we have what it takes to overcome. Thank you for coming by.
      Shalom Aleichem,

  12. Though I didn't participate this year, I agree that the camaraderie is the best part of A to Z. The fun part was going through it together day after day no matter what obstacles came your way.


    1. So true, Julie. I am just reconnecting back after a two week break and I can truly say that the camaraderie made a big difference for me. When hard times hit, you hold on cause you don't feel so alone. Thank you for coming by and I hope to see you in the challenge next year.
      Shalom Aleichem,

  13. Glad you enjoyed the challenge and that it helped you through a difficult month :) I found a lot of fun blogs to keep up with too!

    1. Thank you. I even discovered blogs that I was following but somehow they had ended up in my junk mail. So, I have removed junk and started reading them.
      Shalom Aleichem,

  14. Your beautiful words gave me chills. I hope all is well with you, my dear. Have a lovely day!

    1. Thank you, Darla. My first day back officially since the challenge. I needed to stay away and re-connect to me. Hope you are fine and have recovered. Wishing you a great week.
      Shalom Aleichem,

    2. I like that you took time for yourself. Be well!

  15. Kudos on finishing the Challenge, Pat! So glad it was a great experience for you... Yes, no matter what, the community is what makes it all worth it. I'm glad to have connected with you, and I look forward to staying in touch throughout the year :)
    Guilie @ Life In Dogs

    1. Thank you, Guilie and congratulations to you too. We will be staying in touch. I am now following your blog and have already started reading your book. This is my first day back officially so I am playing catch up, but I needed the time away.
      Shalom Aleichem,

  16. I'm glad you had the challenge to pull you through. I also do better if there's something to throw myself into, which is probably why I volunteer way too much. I hope things are going better for you now.

    1. Thank you, Shannon. I was burned out. I threw myself into my story and forgot that such an adrenaline high also demands it tribute when you jump off. So, it was like jumping off of a roller coaster but now I am fine. I hope you have recovered from the challenge. Every year the challenge gets better.
      Shalom Aleichem,

  17. I enjoyed your stories. I looked forward to your visits. I understand what you mean about distraction projects. Sometimes you just need to get away, whatever way you can.

    1. Thank you, Lynda, for coming by and thanks for sharing that you understand my need to get away and find myself. The challenge was fantastic but much energy was needed to master it.
      Shalom aleichem,

  18. Great summary, especially as I consider whether I want to participate next year. You get a tshirt? That might push me over.

    1. Jacqui,
      The A to Z Blog Challenge has a special place in my heart. There is something about it that pulls me to it every year.
      Yes, you do get a tee shirt but you have to pay for it. I have bought one since 2015, and I look forward to sporting it. It makes a statement that is a part of my definition of who I am as a writer.
      Shalom aleichem,

  19. Oh my! I'm so embarrassed, I missed this post. But then again, I took most of May off to work on my writing. Which didn't work as well as I would have liked. I got a little writing done. Emphasis on the word, 'little'. Looks like some great blogs you were able to visit. Your fable was so interesting to read, even after I came late to your party, I went back and made sure I caught up. Looking forward to next AtoZ.


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