The Bald Eagle

The Bald Eagle

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

IWSG Article, July 6, 2016, Head Slightly Bent Upward, Looking Skyward

Hello Everyone,

It’s the first Wednesday in the month and IWSG Time has come around again. 
IWSG, a writer’s support group, which was created by Alex Cavanaugh, is a big help to many of us who don’t mind sharing our insecurities, our successes or giving encouragement and help to others. 

So, if you are interested and would like to join, please go to the IWSG Website at

My report:

I am revising three stories for submission in July.

Actual submissions:  Still waiting for acceptance or rejection for my outstanding stories at Wigleaf and at the Diverse Voices Quarterly. 

My answer to the question posted in the IWSG Newsletter for July, What is the best thing someone has ever said about my writing.

The person said to me that what I wrote touched his soul and caused him to act upon situations he pushed aside on his back burner.

My article is posted below.

IWSG July 6, 2016, Head Slightly Bent Upward, Looking Skyward

Insecurities pop up quickly when caught on your blindside.

The blindside prepares and strengthens us as we come to grips with those unforeseen events that take place in our lives. It is like Daniel being thrown into the lion’s den.  Head slightly bent, upward, you look skyward and say what now, Lord?

For me, it was waking up on a Monday morning and finding my office totally flooded due to heavy rains. I had three writing deadlines to meet, and one of them was the June IWSG Blog Hop.


Immediately, self-pity knocked on my door, trying to enter and shake my confidence in my writing ability, in my willingness to persevere and endure, and in being able to organize and take care of my priorities.

In this blindside modus, I am learning there are times when I have to keep my head slightly bent upward and look skyward, not wondering why, not trying to understand, not trying to run to friends.  It likes funambulism; I am learning to trust myself, head slightly bent upward,  looking skyward as I focus and concentrate.

Being caught on my blindside means duration unknown. Notice, I did not say destiny unknown.  My future remains the same.  I am thoroughly aware of my purpose; I just can’t calculate the blindside's time span.  No, it is not genteel, diplomatic, or thoughtful. It does not inform me. Head slightly bent upward, looking skyward, I keep writing, singing, and hoping.

My blindside has appeared, as all blindsides do, SUDDENLY, and one day it will disappear just as it came, SUDDENLY.

Shalom aleichem,

Pat Garcia


  1. Touching someone's soul is such a huge compliment and must make you proud, Pat. I hope the waters have receded and you are able to get things back in order very soon. Sending you lots of positive vibes and energy :)

    1. Thank you, Nicola.
      I hope to be back in my office by the middle of August.
      Shalom aleichem,

  2. The enemy blindsides us in order to take our eyes off of looking above for the assurance that this too will pass. We must pray for guidance, comfort, wisdom, and peace for whatever the cirumstance has required. I believe the duration is dependant on our attitude in each situation. Faith in God or dwelling on the distraction. As you know, I have been blindsided quite a bit this year, but I have come back stronger and with a more powerful dependence on my Savior. His grace and infinite love has been my focus and rescue. You know, my friend, I find nothing insecure in you. You rely too much on The Almighty for that. I believe He is indeed where your strength and security come from. Keep your head looking upward, no bends! Eyes on your Answer! I love you!

    1. Love you too, my dear. Thank you for your encouragement. Hope to be back in my office by the middle of August.
      Shalom aleichem,

  3. "...duration unknown. Notice, I did not say destiny unknown..." I love your perspective, Pat!
    Sorry to read about the floods and resulting chaos...hope all is back to normal.
    So keep looking skyward, keep writing, keep singing, keep hoping.
    Good luck with the revision on your 3 stories.
    I'm sending a boost of positivity all the way across Blogland.
    Happy IWSG Day!
    Writer In Transit

    1. Thank you, Michelle. I'm busy revising and cleaning out after the flood.
      Hope to be back in my office by the middle of August.
      Shalom aleichem,

  4. Being blindsided is a test of the soul. I've no doubt you will overcome and keep your eyes skyward. Lovely post! Very inspirational. And yes, being able to touch a person so profoundly is every writers goal. Kudos to you, but knowing what an amazing writer you are, I'm not surprised. How wonderful that he took the time to tell you so!
    Wishing you peace and a beautiful blue sky!

    1. Thank you, my dear. I am overcoming one step at a time. I hope to be back in my office by the middle of August. Yeah!
      Shalom aleichem,

  5. What a wonderful thing to hear about your writing, that it inspired someone else. So many people stagger when blindsided and need your advice.

    1. Thank you, Susan. It's not a pretty sight, especially if you're going through it but you learn to deal with it.
      Shalom aleichem,

  6. How wonderful that you touched someone's soul with your words. A fantastically inspirational post. Thank you! :)

    1. Thank you, Christine. That compliment from the man was a big surprise even for me because he doesn't usually say things like that to me. It's usually critical. I never expected it and would have never known he reads what I write if he had not said that.
      Shalom aleichem,

  7. It seems a lot of writers are blindsided by the lack of time to write. Why does it always seem we run out of time when we have a goal we set? Do we procrastinate? Do we work better under pressure? It could be both of those and none of those. We are constantly bombarded with unexpected daily duties. The best we can do is as you say, keep our direction in sight. Keep our eyes on the prize, don't let anything indefinitely detain us. It's a struggle, but we can do it. I know YOU can!

    1. Jeffrey, you are so right. Keeping our eyes on the prize and not letting anything indefinitely detain us. To do that we have to give ourselves a big swift kick.
      Thank you.
      Shalom aleichem,

  8. Your post IS inspirational as you just gave ME food for thought! I just posted my IWSG thoughts for July. But I just realized that John's health situation blind-sided me. I am tired and have no energy to write. I wish I had added that thought to my comments. At some point John will get better (I hope). He is very, very slowly. I would like normal again, but maybe this is the new normal and I need to adjust to that. THANKS for your insights!! I hope your office is back together again!

    1. Yeah, I hear that. Being tied with no energy to write is hard. I think what helped is the 250 words I had to write for the monthly column. Those 250 words helped me to feel like life was "normal" during the last couple years of my mother's illness.

    2. Thank you, my dear Gwynn and thanks to you also Mildred for coming in and sharing your thoughts. That's fantastic!
      Gwynn, Mildred has a point here. Maybe, you could start doing a monthly column for a newspaper or magazine or a venue in your area. That would help you keep up your momentum and it would also help you connect to other writers my dear friend.
      Shalom aleichem,

  9. I strongly dislike being blindsided, Patricia -- to put it mildly. And, your case was extreme. I would not wish that on anybody. Looking skyward, the best thinking I've ever come upon for these situations is what Richard Bach gives us from The Messiah's Handbook in his book "Illusions": "There is no such think as a problem without a gift for you in its hands. You seek problems because you need their gifts." I know, I know -- what did I do to deserve THIS gift...? But, there it is.

    1. Thank you, Samantha. I hate blindsides also and I guess that is why such totally unexpected situations are called blindsides. No matter likes them and we would all try to avoid them as much as possible. However, like Richard Bach, I am learning that these blindsides bring me gifts that are pleasant surprises. Now, I need to just get through it.
      Shalom aleichem,

  10. I have been blindsided, but I'm sure there was a plan. Part would be to see how I react under stress--am I still loyal and right-thinking? It gets easier as I'm older because I understand the balance between a plan and free will. Or so I hope!

    1. Thank you, Jacqui. I believe there is a plan behind every blindside. It is the impact that hits me when it happens. My reaction to the impact determines how I will deal with the problem.
      Shalom aleichem,

  11. I hope my earlier response comes up Patricia - I'll check later

    1. My Dear Susan,
      I have checked my websites and I did not get your response. I am so sorry about that. Hope you are well.
      Shalom aleichem,

  12. Wow, those are powerful positive words that person said about your writing. Congratulations.
    I like what you say here about duration vs destiny. I think we sometimes forget where we are going becuase we focus too much on how long it takes to get there. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thank you, Toi. So true, we tend to focus too much on the blindside and suddenly we have taken our eyes off of our destiny.
      Shalom aleichem,

  13. Touching a soul - such a lovely thing to say and hear!!! :)

    Writing, singing and Hoping ... words to live by.

    1. Thank you, Jemi.
      It was indeed a lovely thing to hear because I would have never known this person read my writing. He'd alway been so critical.
      Shalom aleichem,

  14. That is an amazing achievement. Keep reaching out to people so others may be so touched.

    1. Thank you, Loni. I will definitely keep writing and hope that what I write touch the hearts of my readers.
      Shalom aleichem,

  15. Pat, I hope your life is back to 'normal' for you after this testing time. But to touch another soul...what a compliment!


    Denise :-)

    1. Thank you, Denise. Life is not back to normal yet, but I am dealing with it. Hope to move back in my office by the middle of August.
      Shalom aleichem,

  16. Great comment from your reader, Pat!
    And I love your article. We all go through some stuff once in a while. Life always blindsides us. It's how we dead that defines a person. Or a writer.

    1. Thank you, Olga. So true. It is really how we deal with the blindside when it hits us that count.
      Shalom aleichem,

  17. I love that compliment about touching a soul. That's something to aspire to. I'm with you on the blindsides. It's hard not to let the light and momentary troubles of this life drown everything else. I'm glad that thinking about your purpose keeps you going--I need to remember that too.

    1. Thank you, Jenni. My purpose or my vision is really what keeps me going at times like these.
      Shalom aleichem,

  18. Pat, I', re-sending Nicola's thoughts to you right now! And as always thanks for stopping by and saying hello!

    1. Thank you, Stephen. Positive vibes are always welcome and needed. I'm sending positive vibes your way that new markets open up for you that you can depend upon.
      Shalom aleichem,

  19. Thanks for stopping by my blog. And I will post the picture on my wall with those words.

    1. Thank you, Mildred, and please post those words. I have several quotes posted all around my office and in my bedroom because these words regenerate me and help me to keep my eyes on my vision.
      Shalom aleichem,

  20. Ay ay ay! Your persistence in the face of adversity is inspiring. Begone, blindside! Poof! (Waving magic want furiously on your behalf) I hope that helps. May you keep on touching other souls with your writing, despite crappy circumstances.

    1. Thank you so much, Rhonda. You know, those words, Begone, blindside, helped me, because I felt your caring.
      Shalom aleichem,

  21. Wow, what a compliment. Looks like you really touched someone enough to make a difference in their life.

    1. Thank you, Lynda. It was indeed a compliment because I never expected it and from this person, not at all.
      Shalom aleichem,

  22. Blindside moments are a part of life here in planet Earth. They always have been and they always will be. You are such a positive person. I am glad these moments are not moving you into depression or self-pity. I am glad you are choosing to look upward. I am glad you are choosing to find that eagle of yours! Fly high, Patricia! Keep dreaming! Keep writing for us! You have many lives to touch now and in the future!

    1. Sis,
      You always come in with such a down to earth viewpoint that I so love. Thank you, and thanks so much for being in my corner. It is like a soothing balm knowing you're there.
      Shalom aleichem,

  23. A flooded office is a definite blindside. But it's just a distraction. We can't take our eyes off the goal.

    1. Thank you, L. Diane. True, a flooded office is a distraction. It teaches me how to keep my eyes on the goal.
      Shalom aleichem,

  24. Wow! Touching someone's soul is wonderful!
    Keep looking up!

    1. Thank you, Tyrean. It actually was said by someone whom I never expected to give me a positive affirmation. I didn't even know he reads what I write.
      Shalom aleichem,

  25. To touch someone's soul is a magical thing. Good luck on your submissions!

    1. Thank you, Chrys. I need all the positive vibes I can get for my submissions.
      Shalom aleichem,

  26. Life is one big blindside. Looking up is the only way to get through it.
    Good luck with those three submissions.

    1. Thank you, Alex. I don't think that life is one big blindside but when you're going through one it definitely can seem like that.
      Shalom aleichem,

  27. Wow, good luck with the submissions! Keep looking up, and remember that compliment whenever you feel down! Not everyone can touch a soul that way...

    1. Thank you, Lisa. Sometimes that is what keeps me writing.
      Shalom aleichem,

  28. What a wonderful compliment. That flood was awful. Blindsided is right. You have a wonderful attitude, Pat. I'm going to try it. Best wishes.

    1. Thank you, Diane. The flood was awful. I hope to be back in my office the middle of August.
      Shalom aleichem,

  29. If you can touch someone's soul, you have a huge writer in you! What a great thing to hear from someone who reads what you write. I hate that self-pity knock. I hate it more than measles. Loved reading this, Pat. Thanks for the images and the thoughts you expressed.

    1. Thanks, Lee.
      It was indeed a compliment that knocked me off my feet. From this person, I had only heard harsh criticism and then he makes such a statement. It blew my mind.
      Shalom aleichem,

    2. Then you know it was heartfelt. Even better to have someone who's a critic become someone who gives the compliment. They have high standards.

  30. So easy to get blindsided. Best of luck with those submissions...I resolve monthly to submit short stories, and somehow never get there, so I admire your follow-through!

    1. Thank you, Rebecca. To be honest with you, Shannon Lawerence, also another IWSG member played a big role in me finally getting off my duff. She gives a report on her IWSG post every month and also gives links to opening markets.
      She was and is a great encourager through her monthly blog post.
      Shalom aleichem,

  31. Thank you, Karen. I look forward to writing a short non-fiction story for your anthology.
    Shalom aleichem,

  32. Touching someone's soul! I hope your soul sang when your received it.

    Those blindsides, they keep us on our toes and remind us of how much we AREN'T in control. Peace.

    1. Thank you, Bish. I so agree. The blindsides keep us on our toes and remind us that we are never in control although sometime we think we are.

      Also, I believe I sign up for a cover reveal of your book or tweets. Please let me know what I should do.
      Shalom aleichem,

  33. Touching someone's soul is high praise indeed! I can tell from the rest of your post that you're very insightful and thoughtful. Thank you for the lovely post.

    1. Thank you, Gwen, for taking the time to read it.
      All the best.
      Shalom aleichem,

  34. Now that was a memorable compliment. How awesome. Sometimes life throws us seemingly insurmountable problems; having faith they will be resolved at least lets you worry less. Hope all goes better soon.

    1. You're so right, Dolorah. Life does throw us some seemingly insurmountable problems when we least expect it. And that is where my faith comes in. It keeps me going, no matter what. It keeps me continuing to be as true to myself and my life goals as I can be, even through the storms.
      Shalom aleichem,

  35. Hard to imagine anything better for a writer to hear from a reader than that you touched his soul. How inspiring! And thank you for stopping my my blog - I'm so glad to meet you and don't know how I've missed your blog all this time! Looking forward to following now. Take care!

    1. Thank you, Julie. I am also so glad that I dropped by your blog. There are so many excellent writers in the IWSG. It is a privilege to be a part of it.
      Shalom aleichem,

  36. When you're a writer it's amazingly easy to let little problems (and big ones) add up to where you wonder why you bother. Wouldn't it just be easier to sit in front of the TV or read other people's books? Keeping your head up and focusing, or whatever the solution is for each individual, is hard but the only truly fulfilling thing to do. Good luck with your subs and the new ones coming up!

    1. Yes, indeed, Lexa. Keeping my head up and focusing is the only truly fulfilling thing to do, and that is what I am doing. Thank you so much for coming by.
      Shalom aleichem,

  37. How beautiful to be told you touched someone's soul. That's amazing! Also, loving your stats. Good luck with those submissions and with your revisions. I hope there was no permanent damage from the flooding.

    1. Oh, Shannon, you don't know how much I appreciate your tenacity. You gave me that boost, that swift kick that I needed to get back in the ball game and submit and I can only say thank you.
      My office will be renovated starting next week. I'll get new floors and new doors etc. Thank God for the insurance I have. I'm ready to move back into my office.
      Shalom aleichem,

  38. Hey my little trooper! I loved your choice of words and attitude. Those curveballs do dissipate, sometimes we don't even realize that we are no longer dealing with the issue. I know that you are strong, in all aspects of your life, especially your faith.
    Well written post.

    1. Thank you, my dear, dear Friend,
      You always come in at a time when I need to hear your wise words of wisdom. Once again, thank you.
      I am fine. The workers start sometime next week and I hope to be in my office by the middle of August if not a week sooner. It has been extremely difficult but I have learned some new truths and recognized strengths in me that I did not think I had.
      Hope you are doing fine.
      Sending you love and a big hug out of good old Europe.
      Shalom aleichem,

  39. That is a lovely compliment, Pat. Sorry about your flooding. It's been raining here off and on since June. We're up high, or we'd be flooding too. Thanks for the uplifting post.

  40. What a compliment! And duly deserved. Be well. This really is uplifting. Thank you.

    1. Thank you Darla. I hope you are fine.
      Shalom aleichem,

  41. Thank you, Joylene. Yes, it has been raining a lot. Here in Germany we had our first tornadoes. Wow! I look forward to moving back into my office.
    Shalom aleichem,

  42. Being able to touch someone's soul is probably the best compliment for a writer. You have a wonderful gift indeed. I am so sorry about you having to experience such a terrible event. You, keeping your head high and moving on is definitely very inspiring. You are an amazing and strong woman.

    1. Thank you, Murees, for your lovely compliment. At the moment, I don't feel amazing. I'm just putting one foot before the other and hoping. But I know, I am getting there.
      Shalom aleichem,

  43. I do think touching someone's soul is just about the best we can do as writers! It's a way to connect one person to another in a way that can't be done otherwise.

    1. You're so right about that, Stephanie. To be able to touch another person's soul is deep and it also has consequences because we become examples for the people whom we touch.
      Thank you so much for coming by.
      Shalom aleichem,

  44. I remember waking up to find two inches of water in our basement. Of course we called someone and it was amazing how fast they moved everything out of there and set up huge fans to dry everything. Lots of items got tossed and luckily I had just finished getting rid of a large amount of old boxes of paper. It wasn't pleasant though. I agree with your attitude. Somehow you've got to roll with things.

    1. Thank you for coming by Tamara. Yes, waking up to find a flood in your home is not a cheery good morning experience and especially when that flood is in the place where you write. Like you, I have downsized tremendously. Through this I've learned to let things go that I am not using.
      Shalom aleichem,

  45. Wow, touching someone's soul is a wonderful compliment to receive. I hope that blindside clears up, but it sounds like even through that your strong enough to keep going. Good for you.

    1. Thank you. I hope it clears up soon also. Since the first of May I have been facing one trial after the other. I think when I get used to the battle, then it will suddenly disappear.
      Shalom aleichem,

  46. What a wonderful compliment! I can see how a blindside like that would distract you from writing. Best wishes!

    1. Thank you, Cherie. It was indeed a wonderful compliment because it came from someone who had always been extremely critical of my writing. I can honestly say this person floored me.
      Shalom aleichem,

  47. That's an amazing compliment. I'm dealing with house issues that are taking me away from writing, but I'm working around that. You have a great attitude.

    1. Thank you, Medela. I am sending you positive vibes for your house issues. I now know how tiring they can be. Such issues zap your energy. Hang in there my dear. You can deal with it.
      All the best.
      Shalom aleichem,

  48. I love that! I'm looking upward with you. #healtheworld I'm reminded of one of my favorite inspirational talks. (Hope you don't mind if I share: Way to have a good attitude! You rock.

    1. Thank you, Crystal. I went to the link you left and listened to the message. It was inspiring and encouraging and confirming for me as I walk my path.
      Shalom aleichem,

  49. What a wonderful and well-deserved compliment! I'm sorry about the damage from the flood. Hope all is well now.


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Your comment is waiting approval. Thank you for dropping by. Shalom, Pat Garcia