The Bald Eagle

The Bald Eagle

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

IWSG Article, September 7, 2016, Stepping Out

Hello Everyone,

It is the first Wednesday of the month and IWSG Time has come around again. 

IWSG, a writer’s support group, which was created by Alex Cavanaugh, is a big help to many of us who do not mind sharing our insecurities, our successes or giving encouragement and help to others.  I would also like to thank Alex and the great team of people who are out there in the good old IWSG world supporting him.  They are willing to help us achieve our goals.

So, if you are interested and would like to join, the link below will lead you directly to us:

My report:

1  The most exciting news is that one of my poems, My Heart Weeps, published on my Walk On Blog got tweeted out to 377,552 people. That was a pleasant shock, and I am thankful.
2  I submitted two stories to Glimmer Train and my first chapter to SF RWA in their Heart to Heart Contest.
3  I still have two outstanding stories that I have not yet heard whether they are accepted or rejected.  So I am still waiting.
4  I submitted one short story to Wordhaus, an online publication. They sent me an email saying I would find out sometime in October because they were closed to readings until September 1st.
5  My story at the Fifth Anniversary for Write Practice was rejected.
6  I am chugging along with my rewrite/revision of my manuscript. I have extended the submission date because it has taken me some time to come back after being sick. I want to send my writing coach/book editor my best work possible. After all, I do not want to waste money. I am a good steward. Projected send off: End of September. 
7   My blogs are alive and well.  I got new blog postings up on each blog twice in August. I shocked myself.
 IWSG Newsletter Question for September 7.

 How do you find the time to write in your busy day?

Answer:  I have it scheduled in my calendar and have made myself obligated to fulfill it. It is my appointment with myself that cannot be terminated or rescheduled. At the beginning, I had to force myself to take the time because I found out something always comes up at that particular time.  Therefore, I made a conscious decision: unless it is a matter of life and death, my writing time is more important than anything else, and I have been abiding by this decision for nine years. It is one of the best decisions I have ever made.

My insecurity:  Stepping Out

The closer I get to becoming a published author, the more afraid I become. No joke. I have worked my tail off the past seven years by not only writing but also in promoting others in any way I can. I do my best to keep my word. It does not mean that I do not slip now and then. I am human, but then I go to the author and say I am sorry and do what I can to fulfill the commitment I made.
So, what I am seeing is that my paying it forward is beginning to pay off for me.

And I have discovered that I am afraid of success.  Years ago, I said, “Girl, I can’t wait.” Now that it looks like success is about to knock on my door my knees tremble, and I shudder.

People are beginning to take notice, and are spreading the word that there is a little old writer stuck somewhere in Germany, and she has something to say, and fear tries to play with my mind.  I know why too. Success is a whole new world.  Once again, I will be challenged to change, to learn new things, to learn how to deal with having that first book sitting on a shelf in bookstores and online stores and still remain humble.

Is the fear of success going to stop me from moving forward? NO! I am walking over with a bold spirit. It is my time.  My knees may tremble, and my body may shudder, but just like the priests carrying the ark of God across the Jordan River, I am stepping out on the Jordan.

Shalom aleichem,

Pat Garcia