Wednesday, September 7, 2016

IWSG Article, September 7, 2016, Stepping Out

Hello Everyone,

It is the first Wednesday of the month and IWSG Time has come around again. 

IWSG, a writer’s support group, which was created by Alex Cavanaugh, is a big help to many of us who do not mind sharing our insecurities, our successes or giving encouragement and help to others.  I would also like to thank Alex and the great team of people who are out there in the good old IWSG world supporting him.  They are willing to help us achieve our goals.

So, if you are interested and would like to join, the link below will lead you directly to us:

My report:

1  The most exciting news is that one of my poems, My Heart Weeps, published on my Walk On Blog got tweeted out to 377,552 people. That was a pleasant shock, and I am thankful.
2  I submitted two stories to Glimmer Train and my first chapter to SF RWA in their Heart to Heart Contest.
3  I still have two outstanding stories that I have not yet heard whether they are accepted or rejected.  So I am still waiting.
4  I submitted one short story to Wordhaus, an online publication. They sent me an email saying I would find out sometime in October because they were closed to readings until September 1st.
5  My story at the Fifth Anniversary for Write Practice was rejected.
6  I am chugging along with my rewrite/revision of my manuscript. I have extended the submission date because it has taken me some time to come back after being sick. I want to send my writing coach/book editor my best work possible. After all, I do not want to waste money. I am a good steward. Projected send off: End of September. 
7   My blogs are alive and well.  I got new blog postings up on each blog twice in August. I shocked myself.
 IWSG Newsletter Question for September 7.

 How do you find the time to write in your busy day?

Answer:  I have it scheduled in my calendar and have made myself obligated to fulfill it. It is my appointment with myself that cannot be terminated or rescheduled. At the beginning, I had to force myself to take the time because I found out something always comes up at that particular time.  Therefore, I made a conscious decision: unless it is a matter of life and death, my writing time is more important than anything else, and I have been abiding by this decision for nine years. It is one of the best decisions I have ever made.

My insecurity:  Stepping Out

The closer I get to becoming a published author, the more afraid I become. No joke. I have worked my tail off the past seven years by not only writing but also in promoting others in any way I can. I do my best to keep my word. It does not mean that I do not slip now and then. I am human, but then I go to the author and say I am sorry and do what I can to fulfill the commitment I made.
So, what I am seeing is that my paying it forward is beginning to pay off for me.

And I have discovered that I am afraid of success.  Years ago, I said, “Girl, I can’t wait.” Now that it looks like success is about to knock on my door my knees tremble, and I shudder.

People are beginning to take notice, and are spreading the word that there is a little old writer stuck somewhere in Germany, and she has something to say, and fear tries to play with my mind.  I know why too. Success is a whole new world.  Once again, I will be challenged to change, to learn new things, to learn how to deal with having that first book sitting on a shelf in bookstores and online stores and still remain humble.

Is the fear of success going to stop me from moving forward? NO! I am walking over with a bold spirit. It is my time.  My knees may tremble, and my body may shudder, but just like the priests carrying the ark of God across the Jordan River, I am stepping out on the Jordan.

Shalom aleichem,

Pat Garcia


  1. Pat, Congratulations on all your achievements and good luck for those you still haven't heard about. As for the future, just take it one day at a time - you'll get there :)

    1. Thank you, Angela. I'm learning there is no rush and no time limit when working on something good.
      Shalom aleichem,

  2. Dear Pat, thank you for this honest post. May your goals come to fruition as they surely will as you step out of the river Jordan. You're so right about fear yet it can be the force that makes us focus and walk on in spite of it. You keep the commitment by speaking to the author in you and keep on stepping out. This is so powerful to me, and will be to anyone and all who reads it.

    So many congratulations for the successes you've had! I encourage everyone to re-read 'My Heart Weeps'. May more pleasant shocks come your way! Sending love from down south ...

    1. Thank you, my dear Susan. I so agree with you. Fear can be the force that makes us focus and walk on in spite of it. I am learning that at the moment.
      Shalom aleichem,

  3. That is amazing! I hate waiting too on publishers and agents and CPs. Ugh. That's all writers do it seems!

    1. Thank you, Jennifer. I sometimes think that too but have learned in the meantime, that they are people too. I believe they get frustrated at some of the manuscripts that cross their desks.
      Shalom aleichem,

  4. Congrats on your poem being spread so far! I agree, being on the threshold of publishing your work is frightening, but kudos to you for pressing onward and taking that leap of faith. Your positive, can-do attitude can only bring you success. Best of luck with everything!

    1. Thank you, Lori. Yes, it is frightening but I wouldn't want it any other way.
      Shalom aleichem,

  5. Pat, I'm so glad you're feeling better! That list of accomplishments puts my work to shame. Truly! Amazing. Here's to powering on and being present to work. Good luck!

    1. Thank you, Zan Marie. It feels good to feel good.
      Shalom aleichem,

  6. You have been so busy and have so many things going on. I'll know you'll step up and grab success by the throat and make it yours.

    1. Thank you, Susan. I believe I will grab it or maybe it will grab me. Success seems to always come when we least expect it.
      Shalom aleichem,

  7. That's great about the tweet. You deserve it. I'm crossing all my fingers and toes that they accept your two stories. It'll happen, Pat! I feel it in my water.

    1. Thank you, Joylene. I can use all of the positive streams floating my way.
      Shalom aleichem,

  8. You have some wonderful writing news today, Pat. Congratulations on those publications and submissions. As to success creating some panic. I think that's healthy, and you're right to try to be prepared to deal with it. Let's hope that happens soon.

    1. Thank you, Lee. It is healthy to panic, at least, for me. It helps me stay grounded.
      Shalom aleichem,

  9. With your determination and hard work, you'd better get over your fear of success, because in spite of what some people might say about success being a matter of "good luck," I say it's a product of hard work and determination. (The harder I work, the luckier I get...)

    Also, you need to decide how you define "success." My husband was somewhat disappointed that I haven't made a bazillion dollars through the sales of my first book, but making a lot of money was never my goal or definition of success. Writing something you love, and then hearing from countless readers that they love it too is my idea of success. By my definition, your poem that got re-tweeted so many times is already a wonderful indication of success. :)

    1. Thank you, Susan. Your comments are so encouraging. I decided long ago that I would not sell my soul and I wasn't writing to be a millionaire or the next Hemingway or Angelou.
      So my idea of success is very similar to yours. I believe there is a need in some people that can only be fulfilled when they read my books. For that, I am thankful.
      Shalom aleichem,

  10. "an appointment I made with myself" Love it!

    My oldest son was born in Nurnberg, Germany. Beautiful country!

    1. Thank you, Donna. How nice that your son was born in Nurnberg. It is one hour and forty-five minutes away from me, and I have visited Nurnberg many times.
      Shalom aleichem,

  11. Well done on all of your accomplishments!

    I think sometimes I suffer from both fear of success AND fear of failure. :)

    1. Thank you, Madeline. I hear you. Sometimes I feel the same way. It seems as if I am a yo yo being bounced up and down.
      Shalom aleichem,

  12. Congratulations on putting yourself out there despite fears. You go. Congrats on the tweet too that is awesome. Cheering for you.
    Juneta @ Writer's Gambit

    1. Thank you, Juneta. I am still amazed at the tweet.
      Shalom aleichem,

  13. I hear ya! Success is terrifying!!!
    Congrats on the poem and good luck with the submissions! That success is getting closer and closer! :)

    1. Thank you, Jemi. Yes, I can feel it coming closer and closer but I don't see it. I believe when it arrives it will sneak up on me.
      Shalom aleichem,

  14. You certainly have been busy! Congrats and your poem being published, and I hope you hear good news on your other submissions.

    I'm not sure if I could write at a scheduled time like you do. Maybe if it was in the morning. I'm usually too tired after work to be creative.

    1. Thank you, Cherie. It is so important for everyone to find his own rhythm. Just look for yours and go with it. That's what's important.
      Shalom aleichem,

  15. Pat, you have done a MARVELOUS job of being productive and moving forward. You have accomplished so much, I'm in awe!! You are such a determined person, I'm positive you will be even more successful than you are. NOTE: YOU ARE SUCCESSFUL... look what you have accomplished! I salute you!

    1. Thank you, my dear friend. It is not easy for me, but I'm not complaining. I believe persistence demands hard work.
      Shalom aleichem,

  16. I love your news item #1. The number is staggering. Congrats!
    As for your fear of success, I think I have that too. When people say that they like my writing, I don't believe them - isn't that wonky? I must teach myself to believe. So do you.

    1. Thank you, Olga. It was staggering for me too. And you're so right, believing is one of the chief keys to success.

  17. I'm glad to hear your fear of success isn't going to stop you. Yep, it's scary, but oh so wonderful when everything starts to happen. You've worked hard enough for it.

    1. Thank you, Lynda, and all the best with your book launch. I look forward to my copy in October.
      Shalom aleichem,

  18. Congratulations, Pat, on getting the attention that you deserve for your writing! I know that must be scary--but you are taking baby steps (love the crossing the Jordan metaphor!). I really like your appointment with yourself. I need to do something like that.

    1. Thank you, Jenni. Baby steps! I love that word, because that is just what I am taking, baby steps. Any other steps would overwhelm me.
      Shalom aleichem,

  19. I hear ya! Publishing is scary. It's sort of like giving birth, without the blood. You harbor a dream of a story and then when you release it to the world, it's no longer just yours. It becomes part of the reader's world and we have to accept that.

    1. Thank you, Elizabeth, for this wonderful analogy. I will remember it. I've never been pregnant but reading your analogy, I thought, well at least I know how a pregnant woman feels.
      Shalom aleichem,

  20. Wow, Pat you've achieved such a lot. Thank you for sharing your successes and hard work with us. Look fear in the face and just plough right through. Great work, Pat.

    1. Thank you, Nicola. That's exactly what I am doing. I have to remind myself of this every day.
      Shalom aleichem,

  21. Hi! Thank you for your comment on my blog and congratulations on all your successes. I'm with you on the "scary part of being published". I'm not so scared of success but more the work it will entail. Writing now is in my timeline and I'm afraid success will bring with it deadlines that I won't be able to meet. I like your decision to make writing a priority.

    1. Thank you, Em-Musing. It took me a long time to make it a priority in my life. However, I am glad I made that decision. I don't regret it.
      Shalom aleichem,

  22. You have been productive and that's good! I feel the same way about my writing time.
    Your life will change, but it's a good thing. Trust me.

    1. Thank you, Alex. You know I do trust you, and I look forward to the good things the change will bring.
      Shalom aleichem,

  23. Pat, congrats on your poem being published. Whoo-hoo! Doing the happy dance for you. I understand your fears. I think they're natural. At least, most of us have them. Charge through them. Easier said than done. But know that we're here cheering you on.

    1. Thank you, Diane. And thanks for your encouraging words. I will charge through them.
      Shalom aleichem,

  24. 377,552 is a great number. Good luck with all of your submissions!

    Success can be a scary thing. It sure can bring out the nerves. I've felt it many times.

    1. Thank you, Chrys. Your words are so reassuring. It lets me know, I am not alone.
      Shalom aleichem,

  25. Holy cow, I'm amazed you're working on a manuscript and still have time to write so many short stories. That's great and congrats on having so many accepted!

    1. Thank you, Lexa. I love writing short stories. They fulfilled a need in me.
      Shalom aleichem,

  26. Pat, I take my hat off to you! What hard work you're putting in! Go go go! Excited about your poem being retweeted. That's awesome. You'd probably like my poetry post last week, about modern poetry helping us in dark times:


    Denise :-)

    1. Thank you, Denise. I walked over and read that beautiful poem. Poetry is a form of literature that gives me peace.
      Shalom aleichem,

  27. This is definitely your time. The world is waiting to read your work. You have been busy and I admire you so much. You work so hard. Congrats on all your achievements. You deserve each of them.

    1. Thank you, Murees. I sincerly hope you are doing better. It is so nice knowing you. And by the way, I admire you too.
      Shalom aleichem,

  28. I totally get the notion a being afraid of success. It does change things a bit, but I think you'll take it all in stride. Congratulations for what you've already accomplished and for everything that's coming down the road. Thanks for taking us on that journey with you; if you ever want to share some at the ToiBox, I'd be happy to host you.

    1. Thank you, Toi. Thank you also for the invitation. I will take you up on it next year. It will be a pleasure to share some of my experience on ToiBox.
      Shalom aleichem,

  29. Good for you. With your positive attitude you will succeed. It can be scary, but fun and satisfying too.

    1. Thank you, Beverly. Yes, I too believe it will be fun and satisfying. It's learning how to release the scary part and to step out.
      Shalom aleichem,

  30. Congratulations on your poem and do not fear--we are all afraid. Just go at your own pace. You are amazing.

    1. Thank you, Kathleen. It is nice to hear that we all are afraid. It makes it so much easier for me to accept my own fear. And I will go at my own pace. I know I have to learn it first but when I have learned it, I will abide by it.
      Shalom aleichem,

  31. It is normal to have some trepidation, but remember, if this is your calling from the Lord, there is nothing to fear. He has already gone before you and made the way. Just step into it! I am more than proud of you! Love you!

    1. Thank you, Deirdre. Yes, it is normal to have some trepidation. When I think about the prophets, especially, Moses and Elijah, I can very well understand their fears.
      Shalom aleichem,

  32. From what I've read during the last A to Z challenge, I would say success is heading your way fast. Enjoy (even if the knees are trembling)!

    1. Thank you, Tamara. I will enjoy it. When it happens, I will enjoy it fully.
      Shalom aleichem,

  33. A positive post. Write on. Even as I move forward, I have my concerns and doubts, but it's important to keep going.

    1. Thank you, Madela. Yes, there are concerns and doubts that haggle at us, but it is so important to keep going.
      Shalom aleichem,

  34. Congratulations on your poem! A friend recently said: vir elke opdraend sal jy ook afdraend ry (rough translation: for every uphill battle, you'll have an easy time riding downhill on the other side. Mm, it loses something in translation.)So even if your knees are trembling as you make your way to the top, it'll be worth it. Happy writing :-)

    1. Thank you, Ronel. I will remember this quote and look forward to sliding downhill.
      Shalom aleichem,

  35. Good for you on the sumbitting! I hope your stories find good homes. Yes, success is a scary thing, but good for you for sticking to your writing time and striving toward that end goal.

    1. Thank you, Loni. I so hope my stories find the best homes. They are my babies and I want them to be treated very well.
      Shalom aleichem,

  36. You are one busy lady. I'm impressed as it takes perseverance and also talent, which you have, to achieve success. And it sounds like you are getting there, step by step as is the case of everything in life. Go, you somewhere out there in Germany. And congratulations on your poem!

    1. Thank you, Ann. Yes, I've learned that it is step by step. Sometimes those steps seem to come slowly. But steps that come slowly do not stop the progress.
      Shalom aleichem,

  37. Hi, Pat. I just left a comment on your blog Walk On about your amazing poem My Heart Weeps but don't know if it went through. (I have trouble commenting on free wordpress). The poem is truly amazing. Glad it got tweeted so many times. The words needs to get out. Thank God for your amazing talent.

    1. Thank you, Ann. I got your comment and it has been approved on my Walk On Blog. Thank you so much for reading it and leaving a comment.
      Shalom aleichem,

  38. Thank you, Jen. It was so nice reading your blog and even nicer when I discovered you are a Georgia girl. That made my day.
    Shalom aleichem,

  39. Congratulation on your successes. I wonder how I would deal with success if it were ever to come my way. I also admire the way you are able to make time for your writing and stick to it. One of these days, I'm going to hold myself to some kind of schedule like that. But, something always seems to come up.
    Thanks for stopping over at my blog and your kind words.

  40. I feel exactly the same way about being LESS secure now that I've started finding some minor success in writing. It was easier before, when I was fighting for it, but not getting anywhere.

    Love your update! I hope you make your personal deadline of the end of September, and that you're hard at work right now.


Your comment is waiting approval. Thank you for dropping by. Shalom, Pat Garcia