Wednesday, April 5, 2017

IWSG Day - April 5, 2017, Honouring the A to Z Blog Challenge 2017

Hello Everyone,

It is the first Wednesday of the month, and IWSG Time. 

IWSG is a writer support group created by Alex Cavanaugh. It is a big help to many of us who do not mind sharing our insecurities, our successes or giving encouragement and help to others. 

So, if you are interested and would like to join, the link below will lead you directly to us:

My report:

Submissions March 2017

Glimmer Train – The Box in the Loft
Lascaux Review – The Woman and Her Dream
Masters Review – Turn the Lights On

I had one submission, outstanding since last year in May or June:  Found out through one of my critique groups that Wordhaus is defunct and no longer publishing.

Honouring the A to Z Blog Challenge 2017

 Writers and bloggers from all over the world left the starting line April first and started marching or running toward the finishing line of the A to Z Blog Challenge.  Normally, I would be one of those writers, but this year, my priorities do not permit it. However, I wish those who are participating the very best, and I hope that everyone who starts crosses the finishing line.

Thanks to the A to Z Blog Challenge, I have learned much about storytelling.  There are some astonishing writers among the whole bunch of writers participating.

As for me, I am moving toward another finishing line.  When I cross it, I will tell you all about it.

Wishing all of you a fantastic April and be safe.
Until next month, 

Shalom aleichem,

Pat Garcia


  1. I will surely miss the child and prophet this year, as they make my day for a month each year. I can't wait to hear your news! I love you, Pat!

  2. Would've been nice if they'd put up a notice that they're no longer operational... So far the AtoZChallenge is going well :-) Happy writing.

  3. Keep charging away Pat as you definitely will hit the finish line as a WINNER!! You are one DETERMINED Lady. You Rock!

  4. That sucks they are no longer publishing. Just keep sending out your work.
    No Challenge for me this year.

  5. I think the A-Z is a great way to make bloggy friends. Best of luck with the submissions. Too bad the one went out of business.

  6. I'm interested to hear about that finish line. :)

  7. What a shame that publisher went under. I'm glad you at least know what happened though.
    Take care and I look forward to hearing about that finish line when you cross it!

  8. Good luck with those submissions and crossing that finish line! :)

  9. Wishing you much success. Happy Writing and IWSG Day.
    ' Juneta @ Writer's Gambit

  10. Hello Pat. I wish you the best with your submissions! I'm looking forward to reading your story in Karen's book.


  11. Best wishes for that finish line you're heading towards.

  12. You're subbing to some excellent literary magazines. Here's my very best to you.

  13. Good luck with the submissions and ouch for finding out why you hadn't heard from the other one. Not doing A to Z either this year.

  14. Good luck with the submissions. Each one you send is a step closer to the brass ring. :-)

    Anna from elements of emaginette

  15. Keep us posted about this finishing line that you're moving towards.
    Keep on with those submissions!

  16. Sorry about the submissions. Hang in there, Pat. You'll find an even better place for your work.

  17. Cheering for you on the other side of that finishing line. You can do it.

  18. So far it's another great year of A to Z blog writing. There are some wonderful themes and excellent story telling. More than I can keep up with!

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

  19. It all sounds exciting, Pat. You deserve success. I truly admire your spirit and positivity. Wishing you all the best and have a lovely week.

  20. The most positive woman I know! Congratulations, Pat, you keep plugging away and inspire all of us! Good luck!


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