Wednesday, May 3, 2017

IWSG Day, May 3 2017, Consistency

Hello Everyone,

It is the first Wednesday of the month, and IWSG Time. 

IWSG is a writer support group created by Alex Cavanaugh. It is a big help to many of us who do not mind sharing our insecurities, our successes or giving encouragement and help to others. 

So, if you are interested and would like to join, the link below will lead you directly to us:

My report:

Submissions March 2017 

Glimmer Train – The Box in the Loft - Rejected
Lascaux Review – The Woman and Her Dream – Still Outstanding
Masters Review – Turn the Lights On – Still Outstanding

For April 2017

The Box in the Loft – SmokeLong

The Box in the Loft – The Wigleaf

The If of Peace and Love – Poetry, Submitted to the WEP Challenge – Poetry Month- received Honourable Mention


Good writing stems out of the consistency to read. William Faulkner once said, read everything you can get your hands on whether it is bad or good. You can learn from it all. I believe that.

When the consistency to read becomes a habit, it will kick you in your shinbone when you neglect it, and while you are saying, Ow, Ow, Ow, you will pick up a book and start reading again.

Consistency like perseverance is one of those hidden traits behind the success of every writer that is passionate about seeing that what he or she writes is read by others.

So, for the past five months, I have been learning how to consistently write better. I’d had to let go of some things that I love to do as I concentrate on something more important. 

Am I making progress? I believe so, but I’m still waiting on the confirmation.

Until next month, this Georgia girl wishes all of you a lovely month of May and be safe.

Shalom aleichem,

Pat Garcia


  1. Truth - read widely. Perseverance is what it's all about and that you've got in spades. Have a lovely May! And thank you.

    1. Thank you so much, Susan. I wish you a lovely month of May too.
      Shalom aleichem,

  2. I like the idea of consistency :-) Now that the A-to-Z Challenge is over, I think it's time to recharge with all the books on my TBR...

    1. Thank you, Ronel. I hope you are recharging with your TBR list.
      Congratulations on finishing the A to Z.
      Shalom aleichem,

  3. If it's something we really want to do, then it does mean letting go of other things. Often, we don't even miss them. Keep writing! And good job on honorable mention for WEP.

    1. Yes, you're so right. There are things we have to let go of if we want to move forward.
      Thanks for coming by Alex.
      Shalom aleichem,

  4. As Susan says, perseverance is critical and MAN, you are doing it! Reading is valuable too as you see what works and what doesn't, plus it gives you ideas for your stories. Most of all "Georgia Girl" I would say you ROCK! You definitely are charging ahead. You are a marvelous example!

    1. Thanks my dear Gwynn. I don't know about being a marvellous example because sometimes even I flounder and it takes the commitments I've made to give me a kick so that I can follow through on them.
      Shalom aleichem,

  5. Consistency is key. I keep having to delete game apps from my phone because they are so addictive.

    1. Yes, it truly is one of those nice keys. I now only have the solitaire and chess app on my iPhone. The rest were only a distraction. So keep on deleting what doesn't encourage you to keep going forward.
      Shalom aleichem,

  6. I can be bad at consistency. Not just with writing or reading. I get into spurts where I'm really into something and then it fizzles out only to flare back up at a later date.

    1. Oh, Patricia, I do up your spurts began to last longer and not fizzle out. Sometimes we missed important things when we let them fizzle out. I have experienced that. A day to late accepting a concert engagement because I thought I had time caused me to lose the venue.
      Shalom aleichem,

  7. That's an awesome way of putting it! And I've done that exact thing while reading. :) I've submitted a half dozen times to Glimmer Train before, but no acceptances yet. Perseverance is vital to being a writer. Keep on pushing forward!

    1. You Go, Girl. Keep submitting to Glimmer Train. That's exactly what I plan to do. Wishing you all the best. Maybe we'll receive acceptances in the same year.
      Shalom aleichem,

  8. I wish you the best on that consistency! It's a great goal and so hard to keep. If you get a Glimmer Train accept, we'll order champagne. That's a hard nut to crack. Pardon my cliche.

    1. I will hold you to that bottle of champagne. Glimmer Train is a hard nut to crack but I'm going to keep on hammering on it until it cracks.
      Shalom aleichem,

  9. Great post with great points. Congrats on the submissions.
    ' Juneta @ Writer's Gambit

  10. Thank you so much for visiting my blog. Perseverance and consistency make all the difference. Reading and writing are so important to hone this craft; I'm amazed by those who don't think so. In any case, you are a true example and inspiration. You rock, Georgia Girl.

    1. You know, Toi, I am also surprised when I hear about writers that don't think it is necessary to read. Thank you for your compliment too. You are also an inspiration.
      Shalom aleichem,

  11. Hello Pat. I adore reading and always have a print tower on my bedside table. And my kindle overflows. I always learn something, but I can't afford the time to ramble through bad books these days. Too many good ones await.


    Denise :-)

    1. So true. There are a lot of good books out there. I am also beginning to deal with the burden of reading through bad books and especially when I have been asked to review them. I'm learning to say No.
      Shalom aleichem,

  12. Yay for consistency! I think one of the biggest things you get from reading prolifically is an innate sense of story. No matter how different books are, the all have the same general rhythm to their execution. When that becomes an inner part of your make up, it comes naturally through your writing.

    1. Yes indeed. Reading prolifically develops your innate sense of story. I so agree.
      Thanks, Crystal.
      Shalom aleichem,

  13. Consistency is an important trait, Pat! Right up there with perseverance. I have to read every single day and have been like that throughout my life. I've been traveling a lot, so consistency at writing has been a challenge. Today I've been writing in two different hotel rooms. At least I'm getting very good at writing anywhere, even if I don't consistently write every single day. Good luck with consistency in your writing in May!

    1. Thank you so much. Your reading every day is building up your writing muscles. It's so good to hear that you can write anywhere.
      Shalom aleichem,

  14. The idea of consistency definitely resonates, both in reading and in writing. Very thoughtful post.
    Unrelated: Pat, I'm sorry to say this but I've been trying to reach your IWSG post all day, and it is pretty hard. Every time I follow a link - from the IWSG website or from one of the other writers' posts where you left comments, or from your comment on my own site - all the links take me to your other site, the one where you review gadgets. Perhaps you should do something about it, maybe change the link on the IWSG website. I'm sure there are other people who want to read your posts but can't find them.

    1. Thank you, Olga. And thank you for pointing out you had a problem following me from another post. I believe that has to do with my sign in signature that allows me to leave a post on someone else's blog. I will definitely check this out and if that is not the problem I will ask how to change my link on the IWSG website.
      Shalom aleichem,

  15. Hi Pat, consistency brings to remembrance overcomers. I forget the person who made the quote, but I look at people who have overcome rather than those who have made gain in their lives.

    1. Thank you, Stephen. I love to read books about overcomers and those who have walked out on the waters of life and created or started something that has never been done before. Especially, when they have been told they will never succeed.
      Shalom aleichem,

  16. Recently I got so busy that I decided to give up reading for a while. Big mistake. And it showed in my writing. I'm now making time to read. It's so important.

    1. Yes, indeed, Lynda. Reading is so important. it is a must for me to read everyday. If I don't, I feel like I have forgotten something.
      Shalom aleichem,

  17. Hi Pat: Consistency has eluded me all my life. Just when a routine seems to be developing, I experience an abrupt redirection. It can be frustrating but it also keeps me from getting too complacent. Life has been a thrill, sometimes bringing pain and disappointment. It's truly been a wild ride and has tested my metal and still does. Before I became a serious writer, I enjoyed reading - mostly non fiction of the world's heroes. Now, like you said, reading has become an education in what works and what not to do in my own writing. Thank you for your great post.

    1. Thank you, Feather, for your remarks. They are very encouraging and uplifting to me this morning.
      All the best.
      Shalom aleichem,

  18. I have never been consistent in reading. I mean I read a good book and I want to pick up another. But if I read a book I don't connect with, emotionally or because the writing is meh, I have a hard time wanting to read anything else again for a while. I'm pretty consistent with my writing, though. Perhaps to the point where it isn't good for my blog. Especially since I don't feel like I'm seeing any major growth happen. :-/ One day, perhaps.

    Congrats on all of your submissions in the past two months, even the ones that were rejected. I'm sure you've learned a lot from being persistent. :) I wish much luck and many more successes this month! :)

    With Love,

    1. Hi Mandy,
      Keep at it. Don't stop sharing on your blog. Increase will happen but all in good time. So hang in there.
      Shalom aleichem,

  19. If you're going to succeed at anything, you must be persistent and consistent. Kind of like priming the pump - you can't stop.

    1. That's it! Priming the pump, I like the way you describe it because that is exactly what persistence and consistency are.
      Shalom aleichem,

  20. Great post. I finally figured out how to comment on these great posts. BTW, Glimmer Train is impossible to get accepted. I stoppd wasting my time with them. Hugs.

    1. Thank you for dropping by, my dear Micki. Glimmer Train is a challenge, but one I gladly take on.
      Shalom aleichem,

  21. If I want to write more, I'll have to give up some things as well. I'd like to pull back on blogging, but it's hard not to say yes to all the opportunities.

    1. I understand that so well. Being a writer with multiple blogs, I am having to reset my schedule once again because finishing my book has priority.
      All the best.
      Shalom aleichem,

  22. I'm fortunate in that, when it comes to reading, I'm always willing and able.
    I'm a reader first...writing came later.
    Well done on those submissions. Keep going!
    Thanks for a great post, Pat.

    1. Michelle,
      You are very fortunate. Reading is extremely important. It is the backbone of writing.
      Thank you so much for coming by.
      Shalom aleichem,

  23. You will definitely get that confirmation. Keep going!

  24. Isn't it nice to love to read. That's what changed my world. It give us a sort of spunkiness to go out and achieve our dreams.
    Thanks for coming by, Karen.
    Shalom aleichem,

  25. Thank you, Shannon. Your one sentence has just sent me a big spurt of encouragement. Really appreciate it, and I will keep going. I have no other choice.
    All the best.
    Shalom aleichem,


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