Wednesday, July 5, 2017

IWSG, July 5, 2017 - My Insecurities

Hello Everyone,

It is the first Wednesday of the month, and IWSG Time. 

IWSG is a writer support group created and led by Alex Cavanaugh. It is a big help to many of us who do not mind sharing our insecurities, our successes or giving encouragement and help to others. 

So, if you are interested and would like to join, the link below will lead you directly to us:

My report:

Submission June 2017  

Turn the Lights On – Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers Anthology

Outstanding Submissions
Lascaux Review – The Woman and Her Dream
The Box in the Loft – The Wigleaf

The Bridge of Hope was runner-up in the WEP JUNE BRIDGES’  CHALLENGE  
If you care to read the story, it is linked to this post, so please tap on the story's title and it will take you to it.

My Insecurities

 Been sitting here wondering how I can shortened my insecurity article for the IWSG.

Well, what am I insecure about? Nothing! I’ve learned to kick myself in the butt and continue reading, writing, and journaling even when life is attacking me in all kinds of unexpected ways from every direction.

I’ve learned to submit my stories, my essays and whatever else I write to agents, publishers, editors and my writing colleagues and expect to get commentaries or critiques.

I’ve learned not to accept these positive or negative critiques as an acceptance or rejection of myself. They are responding to what I write.

Most important, I’ve learned that not everyone is going to dig (get that word dig? It is slang and it means like) what I write. People are just as opinionated as I am.

Sure, the fears knock on my door every now and then, but I’ve learned how to say BOO! And they have to flee.

So why am I still in the IWSG?  That’s easy to answer.

Among all of the writing organizations that I know of, the IWSG just happens to be one of the few that stands out as a flagship of compassion and willingness to support their writing members.

So, y’all have a lovely July as they say in the Deep South and be safe.  
This Georgia girl based on the European Continent hopes to see you  next month.

Shalom aleichem,

Pat G


  1. I dig your posts Patricia thank you.

    1. Thank you, Susan. Hope you are doing well.
      Shalom aleichem

  2. Hi Pat! My goal is to be more like you. I want to rub up against you and catch some of that confidence. :)

    1. Thank you, Raimey. I feel the same way about so many people here in IWSG. They are all so encouraging.
      Shalom aleichem

  3. "I’ve learned not to accept these positive or negative critiques as an acceptance or rejection of myself. They are responding to what I write." It took me a long time to learn that lesson :-) Great post.

    1. Yes, indeed, Ronel. It has taken me a long time too. Sometimes I still have to regroup and remind myself.
      Shalom aleichem

  4. Hi Pat. I wanted to let you know that when I tried to click through to your blog from the comment you left on my IWSG post, it was linking to this:, which looks like it's a different blog of yours. I think this means you need to go into your Gravatar and make a change.

    1. Thank you, Raimey. I have gone to the gravatar. I have about three blogs at WordPress and my author website too, so I'm going to have to check that out with the signature and see what I can do to change things.
      Shalom aleichem

  5. Not everyone will dig them and that's all right.
    Look at you in your IWSG shirt! That's awesome.

    1. I just love my IWSG shirt. Everyone that sees it always ask where did you get that from.
      Shalom aleichem

  6. Nice shirt! And to NOT be insecure this month is totally awesome. I'm jealous;)

    1. Thanks, Jennifer. We here at IWSG do have a nice shirt and I believe it represents us well.
      Shalom aleichem

  7. Nice to meet you, Pat. Good Post. What a great attitude, I love it!!!!

    1. Thank you, Cathrina. Attitude stems out of how we see things and I try to look behind the dark clouds to see the rainbow.
      Shalom aleichem

  8. Taking action despite fear really is the way to get rid of insecurities!

    1. Yes indeed, Karen. Regardless of how difficult the action is, doing something chases the fear away.
      Shalom aleichem

  9. I read your story and your blog would not let me post a comment. So... here is what I said... Oh Pat, this is a POWERFUL story! Congratulations upon doing so well. It is sad that men like that exist. I'm applauding her courage to leave and live her own life. Hugs to you too!!

    1. Thank you my dear, dear friend. It was a tough challenge and all the stories were written excellently. I am thankful mine was chosen.
      Shalom aleichem

  10. Thank you for stopping by my blog and offering encouragement. It means a lot. I dig this post and understand what you're saying. Acceptance is very important.

    1. Thank you, Toi. I do hope you are doing fine and moving forward.
      Shalom aleichem

  11. Keep writing, Patti. Great news from you! And, keep in mind that you have been invited to submit to my "The Scheherazade" literary review.

    1. Thank you my dear. No, I haven't forgotten your invitation. I'm working on the direction to go. I know it will be flash fiction but the problem is about my theme.
      Shalom aleichem

  12. Congratulations on the WEP! That's great news. And there's nothing like a good swift kick in the pants every once in a while to keep yourself on track.

    1. So true, Lee. Sometimes I have to give myself a swift kick often.
      Shalom aleichem

  13. Yup. You can't take it personally, even if sometimes we write from very personal places. I dig it! :-)

    1. So glad to hear you dig it, Michelle. Thank you for dropping by.
      Shalom aleichem

  14. You go, girl! Love this: I’ve learned to kick myself in the butt and continue reading, writing, and journaling even when life is attacking me in all kinds of unexpected ways from every direction.

    Yes. This!

    1. Thank you, Donna. I can say that was the most difficult lesson for me to learn, and it freed me to write in my voice.
      Shalom aleichem

  15. Congrats on all the productivity. You are inspiring.
    Juneta @ Writer's Gambit

    1. Thank you, Juneta. Hope you are doing well.
      Shalom aleichem

  16. You're awesome, Pat! And congrats on the story making runner-up! :)

    1. Thank you, Madeline. I so enjoy the challenges at the WEP.
      Shalom aleichem

  17. I dig it! Groovy. Keep tackling those insecurities!

    (Thanks for visiting my blog. That's a great idea to focus on punchy verbs during the edits and not the first draft. I write slowly because I edit too much on the first draft.)

    1. Thanks, Jennifer. I learned that from someone else. I too go back over my whatever I have written the previous day to connect and that's okay. I may even make a couple of changes if they are major changes i.e. adding a description or being more detailed but I leave word changing and everything for the second edit.
      Shalom aleichem

  18. LOve your attitude, your inspiration. It always helps me to know other writers have the same fears. And where in Europe? Sounds fascinating.

    1. Thank you. I am living in Germany, presently, and it is fascinating.
      Shalom aleichem,

  19. Woot for not being insecure! Keep on rocking and providing inspiration.

    1. Thank you so much, Loni. Wishing you all the best.
      Shalom aleichem

  20. Of course, not everyone will like your writing. Doesn't mean squat. I don't like Stephen King, so what? He is still a terrific writer. But when you find readers who like your writing - that's a priceless gift. Like in WEP. Congrats on the success of your WEP entry.

    1. So true, Olga. Knowing that there are readers who enjoy reading what you write is a tremendous gift.
      Shalom aleichem

  21. I love that even though you're not feeling insecure anymore, you're giving back to the rest of us by writing inspiring posts like this! Thanks for sharing your wisdom, Pat. I, too, am getting closer to that place where I can tell those insecurities to take a hike...not always, but more often than before.
    Good luck with all your outstanding submissions!
    And I love your shirt! :)

    1. Thank you, Jenni. It is good to hear that you're getting closer to the place where you can tell your insecurities to go take a hike and stay there.
      Shalom aleichem

  22. Hi Pat...

    Congrats again on your story. It was truly moving.... Yes, we need to believe in ourselves and try no to take criticisms to personally about our craft. Keep that positive mojo going! You wear it well!

    1. Thank you, Michael. You've just made my day with your compliment.
      Shalom aleichem

  23. Sounds like you've learned a great deal.
    And congrats on getting runner-up for your story!!!

    1. Thank you, Lynda. I really appreciate your stopping by.
      Shalom aleichem

  24. Congrats on your story's success! It's very powerful and I can see why it did so well. And it's great that you've conquered your insecurities. That's a huge battle to have won. Good luck with your story submissions!

    1. Thank you, Lori. Yes, realising that no matter what my writing empowers me to overcome was a huge battle. I'm glad I won.
      Shalom aleichem

  25. Wonderful words! And so true, even when I don't feel insecure this group is a blessing!
    Happy July to you!

    1. Thank you, Yolanda. I agree. This group is a huge blessing.
      Shalom aleichem

  26. Must be nice to have that much confidence! Congrats on your success.

    1. It is nice. To know that I am living out my purpose as a writer gives me great confidence. I don't ask myself am I a writer. I know that I am.
      Shalom aleichem

  27. Nice going on placing second!

    You've shared an important lesson. You're right that it's necessary to keep getting critiques, but also to realize that not everyone is going to like your work. :-)

    1. Thank you, Misha. Now I love getting critiques. It does't mean that I always agree with what is said over my work but I know how to deal with it when I don't agree.
      Shalom aleichem

  28. Thank you, Karen. the flagship of compassion is exactly how I see the members here. I'm happy to be a part of them.
    Shalom aleichem


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