Wednesday, December 6, 2017

IWSG DAY, December 6, 2016, A Reflective Look At 2017

Hello Everyone,

It is the first Wednesday of the month, and the last Wednesday for IWSG in 2017. 

IWSG is a writer support group created and led by Alex Cavanaugh. It is a big help to many of us who do not mind sharing our insecurities, our successes or giving encouragement and help to others. 

So, if you are interested and would like to join, the link below will lead you directly to us:

My report:

Submissions – None – (I am busy revising and will start submitting again in December or January 2018.

Outstanding Submissions

Three poems to the Lascaux Review – Still Outstanding

A Reflective Look At 2017

This year has tested me. There were times when I screamed stopped, but ugly circumstances kept coming. Failures, rejections, and insecurity kept knocking at my door. As I began to face them, I was not sure if I was doing the right thing. I wanted to hide my head in the sand until everything was over.

Sometimes I went to bed weeping, and sometimes I fell into my bed drained from exhaustion. Sometimes, I thought, no more, I cannot take any more.  However, the equational sum of uc+f+r+i (ugly circumstances+failures+rejections+insecurities) has shown me the DNA that makes me who I am, and I have profited most from its results.

Getting up after setbacks is not easy, especially when your life fundament rattles and spins out of control. This year, I have learned that even in the worst circumstances, if you have a vision, you have a purpose, and your purpose will motivate you. The vision gives you the hunger to keep moving forward. It is entrenched deep within your DNA.

What would I do differently? Nothing. It is those blunders, mistakes or incongruities on my journey that has made me shine. They have challenged me to rise to the utmost and step past ugly circumstances, failures, rejections, and insecurities and become the very best that I can become. Thus, everything I have encountered this year has been a blessing in disguise. 

My only complaint would be that it has taken me some time to discover the blessings. 

Have a lovely December. Be safe. Think before you commit yourself to doing something on New Year’s Eve and crossover successfully into 2018.

Shalom aleichem,

Pat Garcia


  1. What a motivational post! Thanks for this, Pat. I'm pushing through some setbacks of my own right now. We'll see how it turns out.

    1. Thank you, Raimey. I hope you're pushing through and making headway through your setbacks.
      Shalom aleichem,
      Pat Garcia

  2. Yes, I agree Pat. Everything that happens is a blessing in disguise in one shape or form. I agree with you. The only way we realize we've made mistakes is become we've grown from them. Happy IWSG day!

    1. Yes, indeed. I've had to learn that this year. it doesn't mean that I'm perfect but it does mean the I know who to turn to and who is in control of my journey.
      Shalom aleichem,
      Pat Garcia

  3. Well, thank you dear Patricia. This is very inspirational indeed and I am very grateful to read this. I'm motivated to push on regardless ..

    1. Thank you, Susan. It means a lot to me that you are encouraged to push on regardless.
      Shalom aleichem,
      Pat Garcia

  4. What a wonderful way to look back at the year! Your journey is your own, and what we make of it, is up to us. Here's to a fantastic new year!

    1. Yes, I so agree. Your journey is your own and what you make of it is put to you. So many people point fingers at others when they should be pointing to themselves.
      Shalom aleichem,
      Pat Garcia

  5. Pat, I am so impressed with your motivation and stick-to-it-ness! You are such an excellent example. You have plowed through despite all the burdens you deal with, so I'm proud of you.

    I doubt I had the inspiration or motivation, but I have given up, at least temporarily. I would love to find something fun to write about again. I guess I have to keep looking, OR create something! Sending Love and Hugs to you. I'm applauding!

    1. Thank you my dear friend. I am still plowing through. But I have the confidence that I am not plowing through all of this by myself. I am not alone. God is with me and He is my confidence.
      Shalom aleichem,
      Pat Garcia

  6. No matter what the crap, there is a blessing in it somewhere. You are stronger now! Keep up the great attitude.

    1. Thank you, Alex. So true. There is a blessing in everything that we encounter. We have to be willing to look for it.
      Shalom aleichem,
      Pat Garcia

  7. You are an inspiration. Thank you for sharing this with us. Have a happy holiday season and a marvelous new year! :)

    1. Thank you, Christine. I hope you are enjoying the holiday season.
      Shalom aleichem,
      Pat Garcia

  8. Keep on shining! Good luck with your submissions and revisions! Here's to a fantastic 2018!

    1. Thank you, Cherie. I am looking forward to submitting again starting with January 2018.
      Shalom aleichem,
      Pat Garcia

  9. So sorry to hear you've had such a rough go of it. You are so strong, as this post proves. Wishing you the best in 2018!

    1. Thank you. It is through our challenges that we learn what and who we are and I believe that wholeheartedly.
      Shalom aleichem,,
      Pat Garcia

  10. You're so right in thinking that way. Going back. Worrying over what can't be changed is useless. I know you'll set your sites on new goals and keep going.

    1. Yes, indeed. Worrying over what was is useless. It has happened and it is done.
      Shalom aleichem,
      Pat Garcia

  11. Sorry to hear you have been experiencing tough times, but I love and admire your positive attitude to moving forward. Good luck with your submissions and may the new year bring good things for you.

    1. Thank you Suzanne. I look forward to 2018 and submitting. There's a breakthrough around the corner for me and I will keep submitting, revising, and submitting until it happens.
      Shalom aleichem,
      Pat Garcia

  12. I think you voiced how we all feel at some point/s and time/s, Pat.
    I trust 2018 is filled with nothing but blessings. (And that your muse is constantly shouting in your ear;)

    1. Thank you and I hope too that your 2018 is filled with nothing but blessings.
      Shalom aleichem,
      Pat Garcia

  13. The tough moments make us stronger. I learned that from an early age. But setbacks still trip me up. You have a wonderful attitude. :)

    1. Thank you, Chrys. Yes, I too, had to learn that at an early age. However, like you I still get tripped up when they come unexpectantly.
      Shalom aleichem,
      Pat Garcia

  14. Tests tell us what we are made of. Nice to know you are bright and shiny. :-)

    Anna from elements of emaginette

    1. Yes, indeed. Tests tell us who we are and what we're made of. I so agree.
      Shalom aleichem,
      Pat Garcia

  15. It's been an odd year but you're right these are the years that prove to us who we are! Still hanging in, finding a new path, and hoping for better in 2018 for all of us!
    Wishing you all the best this holiday season and even better in 2018

    1. Thank you, Yolanda, and I wish you the best for 2018.
      Shalom aleichem,
      Pat Garcia

  16. If we don't rise to the challenge, we'll crumple every time and never achieve anything.

    1. Yes! That's the truth. But the price to rise will test your meddle.
      Shalom aleichem,
      Pat Garcia

  17. Look at your beautiful smile it's hard to believe you are anything but content. Of course that's not always the case. Who is constantly content? It must be 2017's fault. I haven't heard from one person who thought it was an easy year. Are we paying penance? I don't think so. Maybe we'll figure it all out at the end of next year. Blessings to you, Pat.

    1. Thank you, Jolene. I don't think we're paying penance, but I do think we're entering into a new level for writing that demands excellence in what we write in our books.
      Shalom aleichem,
      Pat Garcia

  18. Your inner strength is inspiring. Let's go boldly into 2018. Wishing you all the joys and blessings this time year. j

    1. Thank you. Yes, let us enter 2018 boldly moving forward as we fulfil our purpose in life.
      Shalom aleichem,
      Pat Garcia

  19. Thank you so much for stopping by my blog. I'm glad to know that you've become aware of your vision. I too have struggled to see the blessing in my life, but I know they are there and am grateful for them. As always, I appreciate your words and your honesty and will keep you in my thoughts. I wish you many blessings in the new year.

    1. Thank you, Toi. I always get a joy out of visiting your blog.
      Shalom aleichem,
      Pat Garcia

  20. I firmly believe it's the hard times that make us better people, all depending on our attitude to things not always going as we plan. Your attitude is inspirational, Pat. If there's ever anything I may be able to help you with, please email me. I've been blessed to have you in my life this past year or so and I hope our happy relationship will continue.

    Denise :-)

    1. Thank you, Denise. Your offer means so much to me, and I accept it. Likewise, if I can do anything for you, please let me know.
      Shalom aleichem,
      Pat Garcia

  21. Getting up every time fate brings you down - what a great way to live your life. You're an inspiring lady, Pat. Best wishes in the new year.

    1. Thank you, Olga. Sometimes, this year, I have felt like a basketball but the passion I have for what I am called to do keeps me bouncing.
      Shalom aleichem,
      Pat Garcia

  22. Yes, Patti, the forces that we think are opposing us definitely are showing us our strengths. My thoughts and well wishes are being sent your way. Wishing you strength, lightness of heart and arms of love to surround you.

    1. Thank you so much my dear friend. I truly hope you are enjoying your Christmas. It is good knowing you're out there.
      Shalom aleichem,

  23. For me, God is my higher purpose. He is in control, which gives me great comfort when I see things spinning out of control in my life and the lives of others.

    1. Oh, yes. I truly understand because God is my God also. I am fully aware that I am walking on a journey fulfilling his purpose for my life.
      Shalom aleichem,
      Pat Garcia

  24. That was a very powerful post. I feel inspired to stop whining about things that really aren't that big a deal.

    1. Thank you, Susan. Wishing you a successful crossover into 2018.
      Shalom aleichem,
      Pat Garcia

  25. Hi, Pat! What an inspirational post! Wishing you a happy crossover into 2018 too. I love when a bright shiny new year draws near! So many possibilities for good things!

    1. I love it also when a bright shiny new year draws near. I often wonder what will meet me as I walk through the year.
      Wishing you a successful crossover into 2018.
      Shalom aleichem,
      Pat Garcia

  26. Those hard times do make us stronger (if we allow them) and they can certainly inspire us in our writing--of course, it doesn't mean it makes those times any easier.

    Best wishes for 2018

    1. You're so right. The hard times do make us stronger but it doesn't mean that the times are easier.
      Shalom aleichem,
      Pat Garcia

  27. Humans are resilient! I'm sorry you had to go through so much this year - but you're a wonderful example to us all for weathering the storms this life inevitably tosses at us. I hope your December is filled with blessings that make up for the rest of the year!

    1. Yes, indeed, humans are resilient. I think we sometimes forget that.
      Wishing you a successful crossover into 2018.
      Shalom aleichem,
      Pat Garcia

  28. When life gets tough, the only thing to do is get super stubborn and refuse to let it smack you down.

    1. I have a dear friend that says when life gets tough, the tough gets going. I believe that's true.
      Shalom aleichem,
      Pat Garcia

  29. What doesn't kill us makes us stronger. Many times I didn't believe that. Or "God doesn't give us more than we can handle." Wondered about that, too. I'm sorry you had to go through so much this year. Finding the hidden blessings is wonderful. 2018 had to be better, right? Hugs.

    1. I heard that often as a child and through the years I've learned that whatever happens it makes us stronger, only if we are willing to change and keep moving forward.
      Wishing you a successful crossover into 2018.
      Shalom aleichem,
      Pat Garcia

  30. Inspiring post. What a year you've had. Life's roller coaster has some real highs and some real lows. Appreciate both because you're right, they build character. And, gives us lots of fodder for stories!!
    JQ @ JQ Rose

    1. Thank you, J.Q. I've got your new book and I can't wait to dig into it and relax next week.
      All the best.
      Shalom aleichem,
      Pat Garcia

  31. Thanks for the reminder of blessings in disguise. I hope you keep discovering those blessings and that they bring you hope in the new year.

    1. Thank you, Elizabeth. I will keep discovering those blessings. They strengthen my hope.
      Wishing you a successful crossover into 2018.
      Shalom aleichem,
      Pat Garcia

  32. I, too, wish I'd see the blessings in difficulties, but it always seems to take awhile to do that. Good luck in 2018!


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