Wednesday, March 7, 2018

IWSG Day, March 7, 2018, Celebrating A Milestone

Hello Everyone,

It is the first Wednesday of the month, and IWSG Time. 

IWSG is a writer support group created and led by Alex Cavanaugh. It is a big help to many of us who do not mind sharing our insecurities, our successes or giving encouragement and help to others. 

So, if you are interested and would like to join, the link below will lead you directly to us:

My report:

Submissions –   Glimmer Train - February 24, 2018

 IWSG Day Question: How do you celebrate when you achieve a writing goal / finish a story?

Celebrating A Milestone

I consider reaching a writing goal as a milestone, but I have to admit that I am usually knocked out when it happens. I sink deep into myself, and look back at the difficulties I faced in awe because I stood the test, and I am still standing. Afterward, I break out into tears because there is no greater feeling than knowing I held on and got through what ever it was I was tackling. Sometimes, it takes me two to three days to grasp what I’ve accomplished.

After the tears stop flowing, I open a bottle of Tanqueray. Yes, you read correctly, I open a bottle of Tanqueray and pour out a double jigger for me, turn on my favourite music  and relax as I knit or read or play a good game of solitaire or look at football or soccer. 

On such occasions I might even drink two or three double jiggers of Tanqueray. I don't always count how many.  The number depends on the day my victory takes place and the time needed to mentally work through it.

Wishing all of you a lovely month of March and be safe as you walk through it.

Shalom aleichem,

Pat G


  1. Raising a glass to you Pat! It's still morning where I am, and where you are ... so it's a bit early in the day!

  2. Enjoy a drink or two! I don't think I've ever heard of Tanqueray before.

  3. My weakness would involve chocolate. Going really nuts would be a pint of Chocolate Fudge Brownie ice cream from Ben and Jerry's. Maybe I should just celebrate with an extra long kayak outing instead. It would be healthier!

  4. Was it Mandela who said something like It always seems impossible until it's done? Your post reminded me of that wisdom. Good luck on cracking Glimmer Train.

  5. It's not a proper celebration if you count the number of glasses. Cheers!

  6. "...there is no greater feeling than knowing I held on and got through what ever it was I was tackling." That resonated deeply with me. For me, I crack open a Reed's Extra Strong Jamaican Ginger Ale soda to celebrate my accomplishments. Thanks for the post. Happy writing, and happy March!

  7. Shalom, and understand about opening that bottle of....*whisper* in Miss Mae's house, it's Manischewitz, heh heh. 'Course, she really enjoys the chocolate wine since she's mad about everything chocolate...but hey, not all wines are equal. And not all chocolate either, come to think of it, 'cause the bestest chocolate can only come from Gum Drop Island, yeah. But enjoy your victory and your jiggers!

  8. A drink or two is a good way to celebrate the accomplishment of finishing a book/writing goal.

  9. I raise my rum to your Tanqueray! A great way to celebrate. Congrats on your submission.

  10. I don't know what Tanqueray is, but a glass or two of your favorite liquor sounds like an excellent idea for a celebration.

  11. I love the way you celebrate. Not only the Tanqueray, but also looking back at the struggles and recognizing you got to the other side and accomplished something great.

  12. Good luck with your Glimmer Train submission!
    Your celebration sounds perfect to me. A few drinks and a good game - can't beat it. :)

  13. That settles it! I'm coming to your house. Please pour me a large martini glass of Tanqueray with four big olives. Olives are my favorite part of a martini.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

  14. Ditto what Lynda said. Remembering the struggles makes the victory even better. Lifting my glass to you. Cheers!

  15. It is wonderful to experience success for our efforts. We deserve to celebrate.

  16. And victory it is. I offer you one "Congrats" to keep for next time. :-)


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