Wednesday, October 3, 2018

IWSG Day, October 3, 2018, When Life Gets In The Way By Pat Garcia

Hello Everyone,

It is the first Wednesday of the month, and IWSG Time. 

IWSG is a writer support group created and led by Alex Cavanaugh. It is a big help to many of us who do not mind sharing our insecurities, our successes or giving encouragement and help to others. 

So, if you are interested and would like to join, the link below will lead you directly to us:

My report:

Still Outstanding
Submission to the New Writers Scheme for Emerging Writers – June 29, 2018 
Submission: I was given the opportunity to submit the first five thousand words of my manuscript, A Time to Love, to Simon & Schuster in the U.K. I sent it in June 26thand I am waiting on the results.
Submission: Glimmer Train, Very Short Fiction Story, September 4, 2018

New News:
Submission to The Colorado Gold Writing Contest for Emerging Writers – May 31, 2018
I didn’t place in The Colorado Gold Writing Contest for Emerging Writers, but I received two great critiques that will definitely help me

No New Submissions this month

When Life Gets in the Way

At the beginning of 2016, I entered into streams that have been testing principles and beliefs that keep me moving forward. Saying goodbye to a young woman who was like a little sister to me felt like ice cold water thrown in my face. Little did I know that I would not have time to recover from the loss or to grieve before things got worse. A month later, I found myself in a bottomless keg of mire that seemed to bind my feet. I am now learning to move my feet slowly as I maintain my daily meditation, and juggle a writing schedule, my work as a musician and singer, my reading, my naps, and anything else that I do to handle the present crisis that I find myself in.  

Outside of my morning meditation with God, my writing is my joy lifter. If only for fifteen minutes or one hour, a trip to my office where I enter my imaginary world, lifts me up and out of any kind of depression that is trying to get me down.  I write every day. If I do not work on a manuscript, I am busy typing away in my journals, and if I am not working on either a manuscript or one of my journals, I am busy writing out my homework for the writing classes that I take. 

Does writing help? Yes. It helps me put things into perspective and accept that change has impacted my life.  Everything changes; nothing remains the same, Nina Simone once sang. I will no longer be the same person after I get through this.

Wishing all of you a lovely month of October. Enjoy the Fall months, and find the time to look at the leaves as they change their colors.  

Shalom aleichem,

Pat G


  1. Beautifully said. Writing, next to prayer, is my greatest therapy too. (Though, I do keep a prayer journal, so I guess even in my prayers, I'm writing!)

    Best of luck with the submission. Just having a partial requested is a writing honor.

  2. I was reveling in your lyrical sentences and it took a moment or two for the meaning to sink in... I'm so sorry to hear that you are going through tough times. But it's good that you keep on writing. Happy IWSG day!

    Ronel visiting on Insecure Writer's Support Group day: Course Correction

  3. Writing does put things in perspective. It gives a chance to really think.

  4. Aww I like that you said writing is your joy lifter. Writing is God's gift to us.

  5. Thanks so much for stopping by my blog.
    It's always inspiring to witness your submission consistency.
    I'm glad writing has been there to help you through tough times, as it has been with me.
    As far as the Fall goes, I'm still waiting for it to arrive where I live. Going to be close to 90 today.

  6. I love that--putting things into perspective. Writing is a joy for me right now, I just have to make sure it doesn't consume me with so many other big things going on. Which is hard. =)

  7. I'm always working on something even though it's not my own writing. It keeps me busy and my mind occupied. It's hard to be in a funk when you're busy.

  8. I'm so glad writing helps. If it's not a joy, why are any of us here?

  9. Writing really can be a life-saver. Take of yourself, Pat. Hang in there!

  10. My fingers are crossed on that Simon and Schuster submission. That would be fantastic, Pat!

  11. You're a musician and a singer, too! Wow. An artist all around, then. I love the metaphorical language you used in this post. I've started doing a lot of yoga lately, though not much of the meditation that should go with it. I listen to audiobooks, mostly, but I should try meditation. I'm happy it works for you.

  12. Pat, I'm sending you positive energy right now. I hope you feel it heading your way.

    Anna from elements of emaginette

  13. Writing is such good medicine. I'm glad it's been able to make your life more fulfilling.

  14. So sorry for your health problems, Pat. But you're strong. You'll get through this. And you're right: everything changes. I'm sure positive changes are waiting for you just around the corner.

  15. Writing is such a joy, isn't it? I can't imagine life without my stories!

  16. "I will no longer be the same person after I get through this." I understand that better at this stage in my life then I did when I was younger and went through major change. Now it seems to impact who I even more. I don't know that I like that.

    Prayers and thoughts with you. HUGS Juneta

  17. A submission to Simon & Schuster in the U.K? What a great opportunity! Good luck, Pat. Fingers crossed. xx

  18. Writing through adversity is amazing. You've been through a lot. Take your time and do what works for you. Hugs.

  19. Life does constantly change. I have my ups and downs, and always feel like I will quit writing. But I doubt it will ever happen. Might change, not stop.

    Best wishes in your journey's Pat.

  20. Thanks Pat for your words ... May your Glimmer Train be received to warm and welcoming hands.

  21. Best of luck still with your submission at Simon and Schuster in UK, and great critiques are sometimes better than placing in a contest. :)


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