Wednesday, December 5, 2018

IWSG DAY, December 5, 2018, Perception by Pat Garcia

Hello Everyone,

It is the first Wednesday of the month, and IWSG Time. 

IWSG is a writer support group created and led by Alex Cavanaugh. It is a big help to many of us who do not mind sharing our insecurities, our successes or giving encouragement and help to others. 

So, if you are interested and would like to join, the link below will lead you directly to us:

My report:

No New Submissions this month


Some years back, a person that I know very well gave me a piece of wisdom that I don’t think he was even aware of doing. I had told him that he missed an excellent meeting. He looked me in my eyes and said that he hadn’t missed a thing. If he were supposed to be there, he would have moved heaven and earth just to be a part of it but had been right where he was supposed to be. His answer made me think, and it helped me change my perspective about trying to be everywhere, trying to be a part of every group, and trying to do everything that everyone else did.  

His answer also forced me to look at how often I regretted or looked back on things in the past that I could not change. I began to see the wisdom of learning to live with the past and the successes and failures that it brings. 

 I began taking notes in my journal. Writing down lessons learned, so that I could profit from my successes and failures and move on. Journaling is something that I still do today. Thus, I wouldn’t want to backtrack even if I could. I’d rather keep moving forward. Returning to what was is never as satisfying as moving forward.

The Apostle Paul said it better than I could ever say it: I do not count myself to have apprehended, but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.*

Wishing all of you a lovely month of December. 
Enjoy the end of the year and be safe.  

Shalom aleichem,

Pat Garcia

*Philippians 3:13 -14, The New King James Version, Thomas Nelson, 1982


  1. Our Pastor once told us you can't walk into your future if you have one foot in the past, longing for what was. It's so true. I admire your persistence and diligence, Pat; you keep going, striving for the finish line. I am so proud to know you. You have inspired me many times. May God continue to light your path and reward the works of your hands as you serve Him. May all your days be merry and bright, and may all your Christmas dreams come true, my sister. With love, Deirdre

  2. Those were wise words. God places us where we need to be at just the right moment, whether we think it's the right place or not.

  3. Happy IWSG Day!
    I like the idea of not needing to be everywhere and do everything. Thanks for sharing these words of wisdom. I wish you all the best through the end of this year and into the next.

  4. Living in the Present is critical, but sometimes difficult to do. I truly work hard at moving forward instead of backward. Also, there is only so much my body can handle and becoming a split-personality from attempting too much isn't healthy either. Keep on track, and remember just one step at a time!!

  5. That sounds like a powerful moment. Thanks for sharing, Pat!

  6. I hope your holiday season is full of happiness and joy.

    Whenever I look back, I let myself think of my teenage years. One glance and I'm back living my life. I survived and, like you said, learned some lessons. My here and now is more important. :-)

    Anna from elements of emaginette

  7. That was a very sage statement on your friend's part. And how perceptive of you to incorporate into your personal philosophy.

  8. Powerful words of wisdom. I never thought of life like that. I've thought about changes I'd make in the past, but then I wouldn't have the wonderful life I have. But learning from the past helps the present. Wishing you a great month, Pat.

  9. It's a great statement, philosophically, that we are always where we are supposed to be. Regretting the past rarely serves the future, except maybe, sometimes, as a lesson.

  10. Wise words and ones which make life so much easier. Happy Writing!

  11. Those are wise words. So often we're worrying about missing out on one thing or another that we forget to be truly present. It's like that guy who's always looking over your shoulder at a party, just in case there's someone more interesting to talk to. And who likes that guy?

    Merry Christmas, Pat. Wishing you all the best in the New Year.

  12. I agree. We're meant to be where we are meant to go. We're meant to do what we do and experience what we experience.

  13. Wow. I really like that, I don’t know if I’ve ever heard that phrased that way before. Very nice.


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