Wednesday, January 2, 2019

IWSG Day, January 2, 2019, An Unexpected Surprise

Hello Everyone,

Happy New Year!

It is the first Wednesday of the month, and IWSG Time. 

IWSG is a writer support group created and led by Alex Cavanaugh. It is a big help to many of us who do not mind sharing our insecurities, our successes or giving encouragement and help to others. 

So, if you are interested and would like to join, the link below will lead you directly to us:

My report:

No New Submissions this month

An Unexpected Surprise
I usually do not expect people to ask me about my writing. I am not privileged to live in a country where English is the primary language.  Heck, not even a third of the people I know, know that I am a writer, and that is good because my characters challenge readers to change their perceptions and therefore their lives. 

However, the funniest thing happened to me in May of 2018. I joined a small elderly knitting group to learn how to knit. This small group of elderly women has been knitting anywhere from forty to sixty years. They wholeheartedly welcomed me, a newbie, that had zero knowledge. I didn’t even know where to begin. I was really pitiful!  About four weeks into joining the group (they meet on Wednesdays), one of the ladies asked me what did I do for a living. I said I write. 

They were astonished, and the next question was about what? I gave them a small description of my book and these six women said, Oh Pat, is it in German? I told them that at first, it will be in English but who knows. That day, I received a fan club of six little elderly women who can’t wait for my book to be finished so that it can be translated into German. 

Since then, those ladies have been pulling for me, giving me courage, and hoping that the book I write will be successful. 

I have always complained to God that I was the best-hidden writer in the whole world, and nobody even knew I existed over here. Well, I can’t say that anymore. He’s led me into a group that has become my biggest fan club and my best supporters, and they don’t even speak English! 

In closing, I wish all of you an exciting year. Let us root for each other. It doesn’t matter whether we like or even read what the other writes. What matters is the heartfelt sincerity of wanting to see the other prosper. The pie is big enough for us all to have a big slice and there would still be pie left over. 

Have an awesome 2019. I’m pulling for you.

Shalom aleichem,

Pat Garcia


  1. Sounds like a great group of friends :-)

    Happy New Year!

    Ronel visiting on IWSG day 2019 Goals, Resolutions and Questions

  2. Isn't it lovely when you stumble upon a supportive group like that? Hopefully they get that German translation sooner than later. :)

    Happy New Year and Happy writing!

  3. You were meant to join that group. Now you know you need to finish that story for them.

  4. What a great story - and group!

    I love the last paragraph of your post, Pat. It is so true.

  5. A new skill and a new fan club, sounds like a win-win!

  6. Happy IWSG Day, Pat. Thanks bunches for stopping by my blog.
    What a lovely story! I'm so glad you found such a wonderful group of friends and supporters. We are all rooting for you.

  7. That's so awesome! I think you should also fight crime together, because you all sound so amazing! Happy New Year and happy IWSG Day, Pat. :)

  8. What an awesome fan club story! Congratulations! Now you have your own group of supporters, right there! Did you tell the ladies that you are also a singer, I hope? Your NEW YEAR will be fan - tastic!

  9. What a nice thing to have happened. It never hurts to have cheerleaders. :-)

    Anna from elements of emaginette

  10. That is wonderful! I love that story. It made me smile. We just never know where we may earn a fan club. :)

  11. What a great story. I'm a knitter/crocheter myself and find it very relaxing.

  12. What a beautiful story and experience. I am so glad you found your little knitting group. They sound like such fun. When I was a kid a older lady that my did her hair taught me how to crochet doll clothes for my dolls. I loved her so much and still think of her.

    Thank you for touch my heart.

    God Bless Always, Hugs Juneta

  13. Oh! What a lovely story! Thank you for sharing that. You should write a short story about your cheerleaders, they sound wonderful and interesting, like you! Happy new year!

  14. Pat, how wonderful you met such lovely ladies. Such a great feeling that they're rooting for you. I agree with Lisa (above), you should write a story about the ladies. Congrats on learning a new skill.

  15. What a sweet story, Pat. My situation is somewhat similar but for different reasons. I live in Canada, an English speaking country, but I'm an immigrant. Most people I know are immigrants too. English is not their first language, and they certainly don't read the genre I write - speculative fiction - in English. So no relatives of mine ever read my writing. The only readers and supporters I have are all online, people like you. Internet was invented for us, I feel.

  16. That is such a great story. I loved reading it, and I'm so happy you have such a wonderfully supportive group in your life. We never know where that kind of support might come from.

  17. Such a lovely story Patricia! It brought such a smile to me! Not only do they bring joy to you, but you bring joy to them! And of course, you've got a fan club here in SA!

  18. I love that. How could they not open their hearts to you? You are one special lady and despite this being the impersonal internet, all your love comes through, even on here! Knitting what fun, I learned or rather started taking lessons as a girl, but never finished. One of my regrets. I love creating by hand!
    Wishing you the loveliest, happiest of New Years! Much success!

  19. Hey Pat, I'm new to IWSG. My writing experience is a bit different than most folks. (Whose isn't?) What I am enjoying most is seeing some of the way our individual experiences, individual stories, and individual level of success all point to a desire to tell our stories the way we want to tell them. You are a great example of that.

  20. That small group of women are such a find, for they will nurture more than your writing! And, I agree with those who suggest those intrepid ladies could lead you into a new story. Writing is often seen as an isolated, lonely occupation, but the internet creates new communities -- like IWSG -- that bring us together to celebrate, appreciate, and learn from each other. May 2019 be very good to you.

  21. How lovely that the ladies embraced your knitting and your writing, Pat! Your ending comment about supporting each other was equally lovely. Wishing you all the best in 2019, especially fulfillment in writing.

  22. That is an awesome story. I have been blessed with a core group of reader friends who keep me motivated. They're the sweetest, most supportive people and I'd be lost without them.

  23. It's always special when you unexpectedly find a fan group. The group doesn't have to be large. It can even be a single fan. You are blessed with six. How wonderful!

  24. That's awesome you found the knitting group and they're so supportive. (Knitting rocks. I love doing it.)

  25. Pat, best post this month. Thank you!

  26. That sounds like a wonderful group to be a part of! It feels good to have people rooting for you. Thanks for sharing your encouragement with fellow writers! We are all in this together, no matter what stage we're in.

  27. How wonderful! Thank you for sharing your uplifting story. Have a terrific 2019!

  28. This is so wonderful, thanks for sharing!

  29. As much as I love social media, I'm a firm believer in face-to-face contact to spread the word and to garner some encouragement. I loved your story about the knitting club. Did you learn to knit?


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