Wednesday, March 6, 2019

IWSG DAY, March 6, 2019, The Writing Perspective That Propels My Imagination

Hello Everyone,

It is the first Wednesday of the month, and IWSG Time. 

IWSG is a writer support group created and led by Alex Cavanaugh. It is a big help to many of us who do not mind sharing our insecurities, our successes or giving encouragement and help to others. 

So, if you are interested and would like to join, the link below will lead you directly to us:

My report:

Glimmer Train: Very Short Fiction

The Perspective That Propels My Imagination

Honestly, my answer to this question is short. I am an optimist in every sense of the word.  When people see storms, most of the time, I see the rainbows behind the storms. One of my psychology professors pinned me very well when I was studying for my master’s degree. He said, Pat jumps into the ocean without worrying about the sharks. It is when she sees them coming that she starts thinking about a way to deal with them. 

Which comes to our question of the month for the IWSG.  I always write from my protagonist point of view. Why? Because I see them as world changers beating down the sharks only when they have too. They are so optimistic about changing the world that they don’t consider the sharks unless they have to find a way to get around them.  Vision directed, they jump into the ocean and learn how to swim because they are world changers. 

Wishing all of you a lovely month of March. 

Shalom aleichem,

Pat Garcia


  1. I love your way of thinking. How many hours do we waste worrying about things that never happen? I worry every year about sharks and in the 45 years I've been swimming in the ocean, I've never been bothered by a shark. Maybe I should start waiting to worry when I need to worry.

  2. Happy IWSG Pat. I love what your professor said about you. I love your optimistic view too. I like to write for hope. I think I was more hopeful when I was much younger as the hurt I see as I progress in my current career is so baffling sometimes. Shalom, Pat :)

  3. This is such a great way to look at the task at hand. It shows that not only are you an optimist, but you have strong faith. I believe that because you have such great faith and trust in our Lord that optimism is a byproduct. You are an example and inspiration to many of us. Keep reaching past the stars until you touch the face of God! I love you Pat!

  4. I like your viewpoint. I only write about heroes as well.

  5. I loved what your professor said about you. Besides, in a big ocean there's plenty of shark-free water.

  6. I am an equal opportunity writer for heroes and villains POV alike. :)


  7. I wish I was more like you and your protagonists. I see the storms and the sharks, but don't have a clue what to do. :-)

    Anna from elements of emaginette

  8. I wish I could see the rainbows. I'm usually too busy looking out for the things that go bump in the night . . . . :o

  9. Yes! I get this. Reluctant heroes are wonderful!

  10. How wonderful you're so positive! I write from the hero's POV as well, but sometimes it's fun to think of what's going on in the villain's mind.

  11. Sometimes, ALL I see is the sharks instead of the lovely surf! You definitely ARE an inspiration. Love you bunches!

  12. What a great way to live your life. Worry about the sharks causes so much stress.

  13. It's a great way of thinking. Positivity is uplifting!

  14. I often write through the eye of my antagonists. Often they take up large swathes of my books and are just as developed as the antagonists.

  15. I love the idea of jumping into the ocean and worrying about the sharks only when they swim towards you! fAbulous. I'm like you, I see the good in things, so my perspective is from that of the protagonist however much I appreciate writers who write 'cool' new things. Lovely question of the month, isn't it?

  16. I used to jump first, then deal with the results. Sailing from California to Mexico taught me the importance of planning and recognizing the real potential of danger. I kept my positive attitude, just achieved my goals from a different point of view.

  17. Love your positive attitude, Pat.

  18. You have a beautiful attitude and you are always inspiring and supportive. Love you to pieces. HUGS, Pat.

  19. Great view to have on life Pat! Loved reading this!

  20. I love it - jumping in and worrying about the sharks later!
    I think it's quite interesting to jump into the villains pov every now and then. It certainly helps to flesh them out, and hopefully make the reader agree with me on how slimy they really are. :)

  21. I love your perspective on life and how it carries over into your stories and blog posts! I working on being more optimistic in my life and remembering that God is in control.

  22. This is such a great perspective to have! Thank you for sharing!


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