The Bald Eagle

The Bald Eagle

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

IWSG Day, September 4, 2019, If I Could Choose One Spot In the World by Pat Garcia

Hello Everyone,

It is the first Wednesday of the month, and IWSG Time. 

IWSG is a writers' support group created and led by Alex Cavanaugh. It is a big help to many of us who do not mind sharing our insecurities, our successes or giving encouragement and help to others. 

So, if you are interested and would like to join, the link below will lead you directly to us:

Submission:  On August 15, 2019, at 11:26 a.m. my manuscript entry for the Romantic Novelists' Association, New Writer’s Scheme, was completed, uploaded, and is now sitting somewhere in the U.K. 

 If I Could Pick One Spot in the World

 If I could pick one spot in the world to sit and write my next story, it would be in my office in the basement of the house I would be living in anywhere in Europe. 

I concluded a few years ago, that I write my best in a basement I can decorate and use as my fictional world. Being there, I shut myself away from the noises, people, objects and any other thing or situation that could distract me.

I am then able to construct and experience the fictional world of my characters. 

It is a type of submergence in the story. It revitalizes. It rejuvenates. It explores. It buries. It opens my inner eyes to grasp the meaning, and it gives me insight to the dots that need to be connected in my plot. 

Wishing all of you a lovely month of September and take care.

Shalom aleichem,

Pat Garcia


  1. Best of luck with your submission.

    I thought about making an office in the basement, but I'm a bit afraid to be down there after dark. It's creepy down there.

  2. I can understand that. I write in my office and the shades are always drawn so I'm secluded in my own little world.

  3. Thanks for stopping by my blog and best wishes with your submission.
    It's a cool idea to write in a basement you can decorate to submerge yourself into whatever story your writing. I lik that.

  4. All the best with the submission. I can see what you mean about a basement - kind of like an isolation chamber for writing.

    Wishing you a wonderful September :)

    Cheers - Ellen

  5. And there you are. There is the added bonus of being near the energy that Stephen King calls "the boys in the basement". I work sometimes in the room I have for that purpose in the basement or up on the dining room table. Retreats are nice but Dorothy said it best - there's no place like home.

  6. Fingers crossed for your submission!

    I totally understand the idea of the basement, of submerging yourself in the story.

  7. Love this idea!! I love the thought of immersion in that world. Good luck with your submission!

  8. Oh, Pat, what a great idea! I've always heard writers talking about going to their writing cave to be isolated and uninterrupted. So your basement is your writing cave. That would be good for you, but not my choice. I hate basements. Of course nowadays, people finish them and make lovely living areas and movie theaters. Mine? No, it's damp and depressing. But Europe? Alright! French pastry, German beer, English tea too. Wishing you a productive and satisfying experience in your writing. Good luck with your submission in the contest.
    JQ Rose

  9. I'm pretty sure I can see the magic. No wonder your writing is well loved. :-)

    Anna from elements of emaginette

  10. Interesting idea. I can see how a basement would provide more sound insulation than, say, my office, with scolding crows right outside the window. Happy writing in September!

  11. I like your vision of the basement writing room. I do like to have a place where distractions are minimized and what there are help me keep the energy for writing (at the moment I can’t find my inspirational posters, so there’s not much there). Although sometimes I enjoy writing in a cafe, on the whole the place that closes out the whole world is better.

  12. I have my fingers crosses your latest submission is rewarded with a win!
    I admire how you have transformed your underground writer's niche into a stimulating comfy fictional world.
    Lynn La Vita @ Writers Supporting Writers

  13. I love those moments when I'm submerged in a story, and I love how you describe that! I seriously need natural light when I write, though, that's my one requirement. The basement would need some kind of small windows.

  14. My writing space is in the basement, and I love it. Well, except for the fact that the TV is in the room directly above me and I can sometimes understand what the actors are saying.

  15. That is an amazing choice, Pat, but maybe I"m seeing 'basement' in an English sense, rather than what is means, perhaps in the US south. So I'll join you in your version and perhaps get some writing done 😊

  16. I like your place of choice. With quiet and without distraction, I'm sure it's perfect.

    Congratulations on your submission. I have my fingers crossed.

  17. I used to be just fine sitting on the couch or kitchen table or library to sit down and write. But with the writing slump I’ve been this past couple of months, I think something more is needed. Something magical. Something JK Rowling and Harry Potter-ish. So of course, as a fan, I’d pick a place or places as King’s Cross Station platform 9 ¾ , Goathland station and village which served as setting for Hogsmeade Station, the hotel room JK Rowling finished writing the seventh and final book The Deathly Hallows and the chair she sat it in to write the entire series.

  18. Ah, I miss the days I could do that. Too much noise in my life but I do miss it. Your place sounds wonderful. Happy IWSG Day! Hugs, Juneta

  19. I also prefer writing in a quiet place with no distractions. Oh, the wonderful breaks you’d have just steps away from fascinating sights and people watching in Europe! Wishing you all the best on your submission!


  20. Now you have me thinking that I should do some decorating in my office to help immerse myself. I do have my globe and dragons sitting around. Need some NASA scenes now.

  21. I need to look out at the world. I don't like being buried, but there are times when writing in the middle of the night work for me. I just need to quit giving up! You are SUCH an inspiration!!

  22. Being able to shut yourself away sounds like it really works for you. A great way to focus.

  23. It's wonderful when you find the perfect spot to write. Location is a state of mind, I think. If there's so much beauty, I'm distracted. Have a great month.

  24. Good luck with your submission! I've been thinking about how to spruce up my spare bedroom office so it's a more pleasant writing space. I daydream about a light-filled writing studio with a lovely view, but instead I have a dark, messy bedroom that would have a lovely view if the blinds worked properly. Ah, well.

  25. This sounds like an excellent idea - a basement done up like your character's world. Ideal. Also, congratulations on your submission.

  26. I wish you luck in finding the best basement for your next story.

  27. It get your basement choice. I write my best in complete silence. Or sometimes I'll listen to the Rainy Mood app. I love rain :)

  28. Hello dear Pat. Ah, a basement. Hmm. Not many of them in Oz. However, like you I like peace and quiet to write in yet I can go gangbusters at a cafe. Must like the smell of coffee and happy voices and being surrounded by cake, LOL.

  29. Oh I love this idea of a basement decorated for your story. So creative and I can imagine it helps you submerge into that world. I may have to try something like this even though I don't have a basement.
    Good luck with your Novelist's Association submission!

  30. Bravo, Pat, for submitting a manuscript entry for the Romantic Novelists' Association, New Writer’s Scheme. All the luck.

    Shutting out distraction is key to concentrating on your writing. Love your basement hideaway! Oh and I act out some of my stories, too.


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